Working to insure that all caregivers receive the respite and support they need

February 2017 NYSCRC Newsletter
Welcome to the NYS Caregiving and Respite Coalition Monthly Newsletter.

ARCH Lifespan Respite Sustainability Webinar

Wednesday February 22nd 3:00-4:30

How can we best sustain respite programs and services over time? Lifespan Respite Grantees and their partners consistently rank "providing funding sustainability training and assistance" as a top priority. Without exception, ARCH grantees identified "Funding Sustainability" as the area of highest need for training and technical assistance.
In this presentation we will review and continue round table discussions on sustainability and stakeholder engagement begun at the Lifespan Respite Grantee and Partner Learning Symposium held last September in Denver.
We will share findings from a qualitative study on sustainability conducted with grantees from eight exemplar states that participated in a sustainability project supported by ARCH in collaboration with The Finance Project. Through a series of interviews with grantees, we gathered information on how grantees and coalition leaders conceptualized sustainability; what they considered to be markers of successful sustainability; how coalitions planned for sustainability; and what factors contribute to--or compromise--sustainable programs and service systems.
Lessons learned included:
* the important role of stakeholders in sustainability;
* successful strategies to involve stakeholders that will contribute to sustainability;
* the difference between management and leadership, and the importance of both to sustainability; and
* how to plan leadership succession in changing social and political environments.
Please come prepared to share your own experiences, including challenges and successes, with sustaining your Lifespan Respite grant activities and your state coalitions that support these activities.

Casandra Firman, ARCH Senior Staff
Susan Janko Summers, PhD, ARCH Senior Consultant



In January, we welcomed 7 new REST Trainers in the Schenectady area, hosted by the Autism Society of the Greater Capital Region.  
Renee Mandarano - Eddy Alzheimer's
Janinie Kruiswijk  - Autism Society
Julie Marks - Autism Society
Susan Griffiths - Community Caregivers, Inc.
Linda Miller - Community Caregivers Inc.
Yolanda Cabrera - Woestina Healthcare
Yahnique Holt - Woestina Healthcare
Doris Green and Eve Moses - Master Trainers
Central New York Train the Trainer - Registration ends February 6th!
Only a few spaces available - Register Now at

NYS Caregiving and Respite Coalition is committed to assisting communities in growing a volunteer respite workforce. The Coalition offers "Train the Trainer" Courses for the REST Program. It is our goal to train leaders throughout the state in order to increase respite program opportunities for caregivers. 

Some counties are eligible for support through specific grants.    

Contact Doris Green for more information


Legislative Corner
National Alliance on Caregiving
Webinar opportunity:
  Lobbying and Advocacy 101:Legal Tips for Aging/Disability Nonprofit Advocates
Thursday February 9th 2PM ET

Lobbying is not only legal - it's one of the most effective means for nonprofits to advance their missions! Whether influencing your state's budget, protecting Medicaid and Medicare, or supporting livable communities, there are many reasons that 501(c)(3) public charities choose to lobby to achieve their policy goals. This comprehensive workshop will help explain what lobbying is and why it is so important. Federal law allows 501(c)(3) public charities (including houses of worship and public foundations) to lobby within generous limits. 

Register Here

Community Caregivers
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
What is "Community Caregivers"?
"It is a privilege to be part of your neighbor's life in their time of need."
-A Community Caregivers' volunteer.
Even in our own backyard, many have not heard of the vital community services our local nonprofit provides. We welcome the chance to introduce ourselves to the NYSCRC community.  
Our Experience with Volunteers and Respite
Since many of our volunteers are nervous or unsure about offering respite, they do not check off that option on the volunteer application.  We hope to increase the number of volunteers and the quality of our volunteer respite services by offering better training. Two staff members, Sue Griffiths and Linda Miller, recently completed the REST trainer's sessions offered by Doris Green and Eve Moses. All of our volunteers who currently provide or have offered to provide respite will be offered the REST training, as well as recruiting additional volunteers over the coming months.
Funding Opportunities
Text-Based Caregiver Support
DDPC announces funding to select one grantee in the amount of $600,000 ($200,000 per year for a three-year period) to develop a multimedia messaging service (MMS) campaign that will provide Text-based and other customizable information on topics including health, wellness and resources for family caregivers of children with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities.

The DDPC, in an attempt to address caretaker health concerns, intends to establish a text-based caregiver support network that will disseminate timely and relevant self-care and stress-management support through text messaging and web-based channels.

DDPC will fund one grantee to develop, pilot and implement a statewide family caregiver support initiative modeled after Text4baby.

Deadlines for Letter-of-Intent Submission & Proposal Submission
* RFP Posting Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2017
* Letter of Intent Due Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2017
* Proposal Due Date: Friday, March 3, 2017

Caregiver Support Training
DDPC announces funding to select one grantee in the amount of $600,000 ($200,000 per year for a three-year period) to establish an infrastructure to locally implement the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Positive Adult Development (PAD) trainings for family caregivers of individuals with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities.

The intent of this DDPC initiative is to provide family caregivers with continued opportunities for support training. The proposed project will implement two evidenced-based trainings models, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Positive Adult Development (PAD), to assist caregivers in stress reduction and teach them effective coping mechanisms for both short- and long-term stressful situations. Both models were developed by Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities based on research that uncovered "peer-led interventions targeting parental well-being can significantly reduce stress, depression and anxiety in mothers of children with disabilities". The DDPC seeks to harness these highly effective strategies and employ them for family caregivers throughout New York State.

Deadlines for Letter-of-Intent Submission & Proposal Submission
* RFP Posting Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2017
* Letter of Intent Due Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2017
* Proposal Due Date: Friday, March 3, 2017


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NY Connects is a trusted place that gives you information about available options whether you are paying for services yourself, through insurance, or are eligible for a government program.

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