Nobody likes to talk about problems. It's not the stuff of cocktail parties and dinner tables, that's for sure. And we certainly don't go looking for them, do we? But we know they don't just go away.
Problems need hand raisers. The stop-talking-start-doing-like-right-now-this-minute task masters. Game changers. The Live Uniters.
People Like ...You.
United, this community came together in 1957 to raise $87,000 to help support local causes. And, every year since, this community came together to fight for one another. To give a dollar. A voice. A hand.
Hope isn't a one-man band. There simply isn't such thing as self taught, self made or self existing.
We are all in this together.
This year, we celebrate our Diamond Anniversary - 60 years of service, standing up for working families, single mothers, abused women, homeless veterans, isolated seniors, struggling teens, hungry children, hardworking fathers, everyday people in extraordinary circumstances.
And you know what?
We will keep doing it because we never met a problem we can't solve without you.
Deborah V. Bowie, CCE, IOM
President & Chief Executive Officer