February 2017

Professionally SPEAKING

Volume 59, Issue 2 

February 1 st
(Freedom From Slavery)
February 2 nd
February 3 rd
(First Friday in February)
February 4 th
February 7 th
February 11 th
February 13 th
February 14 th
February 17 th
February 20 th
( Third Monday in February)


"Nurse on Board"

Phyllis J. Scheiderer, BSN, RN has been appointed to the
Marysville Journal-Tribune Advisory Board. The six members (four women, two men) of the Board critique the articles printed and make suggestions for articles as well as the placement of the front page articles for this local Marysville and Union County newspaper.

Congratulations, Phyllis!


Congratulations to 
Kay Ball,PhD, RN, CNOR, FAAN, recipient of the 2016 March of Dimes "Nurse of the Year" Award.


Active MODNA members

In Memoriam  

Margaret "Peg" O'Rourke Burns, BSN passed away on January 22, 2017

Susan Wertz Szturm, former MODNA secretary passsed away on November 20, 2012

President's Message 

What is Celebrated in the Month of February?

National Children's Dental Health Month - This event started in 1941 as a one day event. It is now celebrated all month long. To learn how to keep your teeth healthy, visit http://www.ada.org/en .
February 1st - Supreme Court 's First Session - On February 1st, 1790, the Supreme Court had its' first meeting. The meeting was in New York, which at the time, was the Nation's capital.
February 3rd - The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is Ratified - On February 3rd - 1879 the Fifteenth Amendment was ratified. It stated no citizen can be denied the right to vote because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Of course, back in 1879 the amendment was only for men.
February 3rd - The Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is Ratified - On February 3rd - 1913 the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment gave Congress the right to collect and lay taxes on a persons' income.
February 11th - Thomas Alva Edison 's Birthday - He was born on February 11th, 1847. He was a great inventor with over one-thousand patents. In his honor and by the Presidential Proclamation, February 11th has been celebrated in Thomas' honor
February 12th - Charles Darwin 's Birthday - Charles Darwin is a well know name in the science community. He was a naturalist and wrote the famous book "Origin of Species." He was born on February 12th, 1809.
February 14th - St. Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day has a history that dates back to ancient Rome. However, the important information is about the candy, Valentine cards, and the flowers.
February 21st - The Day George Washington's Birthday is Observed - George Washington was the first President of the United States . George Washington's real birthday is February 22nd. It also coincides with President's Day which is on the third Monday of February.
February 26th - The Grand Canyon becomes a National Park - The Grand Canyon became one of the United States' first national parks on February 26th, 1919.
February 27th - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 's Birthday - Henry was born on February 27th, 1807. He was the poet who wrote "Paul Revere's Ride."
February 28th - The Salem Witch Trials - On February 28th, 1692 the Salem Witch Trials began in Salem Town and Salem Village, MA. This event led to the death of 20 people.

The Nursing Transitions Initiative hosted their first event for senior nursing students on February 2nd at the Champps Restaurant in the Lennox Town Center. 40 students representing Mt. Carmel CON, Capital University CON, and Chamberlain CON attended the 2-hour session. Facilitator Pam Dickerson led the attendees through several interactive discussions related to their self health, rights as new nurse precepts as well as their responsibilities as a newly licensed professional nurse. Table discussions provided opportunities for each table to apply some critical thinking and develop a plan for managing various patient care scenarios. NTI committee members Kaitlyn Kemmner, Teresa Christopher, Megan Seybold, and Genevieve Blank each shared with attendees an 'unexpected' experience they had as a new nurse and what they did to resolve the issue.

Nominations Committee

Seeks Convention Delegates & Board Members 

MODNA's Nominations' Committee requests that you consider serving your professional nursing organization in the role of Board Member or as a Convention Delegate. The Bi-annual Convention is October 6 - 8, 2017.

Do you want to be part of determining the future of OUR organization? Are you a member looking to become more active?  Are you a committee member who seeks more of a leadership role? If so,complete the Consent to Serve form located here and send it to the MODNA Office. We value you and your service to MODNA.

Debbie Freece, Chair 
Nominations Committee 
The Mid-Ohio District Nurses Association Board of Directors
is pleased to announce the


Take time to nominate yourself, a colleague, or a friend who truly makes a difference!
  1. Registered Nurse
  2. Member of the American, Ohio or Mid-Ohio District Nurses Association and/or specialty nursing organization
  3. Must live, work or volunteer within MODNA boundaries (Delaware, Fairfield, Fayette, Franklin, Logan, Madison, Pickaway, and Union Counties)
  4. Must be currently engaged in direct nursing care as an employee or volunteer
Deadline is April 1, 2017

Click here for additional details. 
MODNA Scholarships Available

The deadline for scholarship application submission is Friday, February 17th. Here are the links for additional details regarding the scholarships and the application.   
The Impaired Nurse

Sharon Parker, MS, RN
Pam Dickerson, PhD, RN-BC, FAAN
Andrea Young, RN


Wednesday, February 22, 2017
6:00 pm, light meal will be served


Lane Road Library
1945 Lane Road, Columbus  43220


Nurses and Nursing Students

Free to members and students!
$15 for nonmembers


Contact the Mid-Ohio District Nurses Association at modna@modna.org or 614-326-1630


Contact Shirley Funt at smfunt@modna.org or 614-326-1630
Phyllis Scheiderer and Family

The Inauguration of a President

MODNA member, Phyllis Scheiderer and her family (3 generations) attended the Inauguration on January 20, 2017. Each age group had a different perspective of the experience. 

For the seniors in the group, the whole experience was fantastic. The ride to Washington, the ride on the Metro, and the security check point where they emptied all items out of your purse and even took a picture with your camera and phone. Self-directed signage was very good. I particularly enjoyed the Armed Forces Band, The Washington Symphony, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. President Trump's speech was directed to the people, telling all of us what he wanted to accomplish for America and what his era would be.

I wish all of you could have been there in person as it really make you feel like you are living history, not just watching or reading it. You are among Presidents, Houses of Congress, the Judicial Department and thousands of citizens of the United States. Let's pray that God directs President Trump to make our country Greater than it Already is.

~Phyllis Scheiderer

Click here to read Phyllis' grandsons and son's perspective on the experience.


Hi! My name is Brooke Dixon and I am a senior at Chamberlain College of Nursing. I am currently finishing up my preceptorship at MODNA as a part of my Leadership clinicals. When I started thinking of what I wanted to share in this piece for the newsletter, I began to think about the definition of the word perspective. A perspective is a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something. As a senior in nursing school, my perspective has greatly changed over the last two years. I no longer think about graduation as the end of tunnel where the light isn't quite visible yet. My perspective is no longer one of longing and desire because in less than four months I will hopefully have sat and successfully passed my boards.

My perspective of MODNA and ONA has also been positively affected over the last couple of months. I see the benefits of both organizations. I see all the potential outreach opportunities MODNA can provide to nursing students like me, who are just about to begin their exciting career. One of the main things that I have taken away from not only my experience at MODNA but also my nursing school career is that perspectives not only have the ability to change but everyone's isn't quite the same and that is the great thing about nursing. There are so many different sides to being a nurse and the opportunities are truly endless. I appreciate every perspective that I have come across in my time as a student and can only hope to be as big of an influence on future nurses as the many nurses I have come across. So today, I end this little piece, so very thankful for the many perspectives and all the nurses who have laid the ground work before me! I couldn't be more honored to have chosen such an amazing career!
Save the Dates!

March 30th at The Bing
5:30 pm (Registration begins @ 5:00)

Three Sessions:
The Neuro Science of Addiction
Opioids Effect on Public Health
Law Enforcement's Perspective of the Opioid Crisis

Annual Dinner 2017 
May 10th
Villa Milano Banquet and Conference Center 

Planning Calendar                                                  
Feb 14 th
Continuing Education Committee, 5:00 pm; MODNA Office
Feb 17th    MODNA Scholarship Application Deadline 
Feb 22nd 
CNE Program, The Impaired Nurse, 6:00 pm; Lane Road Library, 1945 Lane Rd, Columbus  43220
Mar 8 th
 Legislative Committee, 5:30 pm; MODNA Office 
Mar 22 nd
 Nurses Day at the Statehouse ; more information: http://www.ohnurses.org/ndash/  
Mar 30th
 5 th Annual "Spring at the Bing"
Apr 1st  Expert in Nursing Care Nomination Deadline
 May 10 th
Annual Dinner Meeting @ Villa Milano Banquet & Conference Center