HF1 |
House State Government Committee |
Establishes an ongoing system of review and ongoing repeal dates for Executive Branch programs and projects.
HF100 |
House Natural Resources Committee |
Nullifies the regulations of the US Environmental Protection Agency in Iowa.
HF106 |
House Natural Resources Committee |
Reallocates REAP funding.
HF107 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Creates the Iowa Zoo Fund and a $1 income tax return checkoff for the fund.
HF186 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Permits a land use district to impose the local hotel and motel tax upon the renting of any lodging within the district.
HF227 |
House Natural Resources Committee |
Regulates closing time for and use of alcoholic beverages in Lake Macbride State Park.
HF245 |
House Appropriations Committee |
Allocates $6,135,000 from the taxpayer trust fund to the Iowa cultural trust fund for FY2016-2017.
HF246 |
House State Government Committee |
Eliminates current requirements that state building designers work with the department of cultural affairs to integrate fine arts elements into building construction.
HF26 |
House Education Committee |
Allows a school board to exercise any power, not inconsistent with the laws of the general assembly, related to the operation, control, and supervision of the public schools located within its district boundaries.
HF283 |
House Natural Resources Committee |
Allows Iowa residents age 70 or older to be issued a special senior statewide antlered or any sex deer crossbow hunting license.
HF284 |
House Natural Resources Committee |
Requires hunting and fishing outfitters and guides to be registered.
HF288 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Exempts from the state sales tax the sales price from the sale or furnishing by a water utility of a water service in the state to consumers or users.
HF291 |
Signed |
Makes changes to several employment matters involving public employees, including collective bargaining, educator employment matters, personnel records and settlement agreements, and city civil service requirements.
HF295 |
House Floor |
Prohibits a county or city from providing for any terms or conditions of employment that exceed or conflict with the requirements of federal or state law relating to a minimum or living wage rate, any form of employment leave, hiring practices, employment benefits, scheduling practices, or other terms or conditions of employment.
HF316 |
House Agriculture Committee |
Creates a regional water authority and regional water authority board to assume the transfer of powers, duties, assets, and liabilities of a water utility.
HF328 |
House Agriculture Committee |
Exempts certain soil and water conservation practices from being considered as the practice of engineering.
HF335 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Provides a tax credit and other benefits for private land owners who make land and water areas available for public recreational purposes.
HF69 |
House Floor |
Modifies penalties for trespassing.
HF76 |
House Natural Resources Committee |
Allows an increase in the maximum local option sales tax rate to fund local natural resources and outdoor recreation projects.
HF83 |
House Transportation Committee |
Prohibits motor vehicles that are passing bicyclists on a highway from bringing the vehicle within five feet of the bicycle.
HF90 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Modifies the sales and use tax rebate to the owner or operator of a raceway facility.
HF91 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Extends the length of a room rental to qualify for the state and local hotel/motel taxes from 31 consecutive days to 90 or more consecutive days.
HJR3 |
House Education Committee |
Amends the State Constitution to provide home rule powers and authority for school districts.
HJR4 |
Right to Hunt, Fish, Trap, Harvest Wildlife Constitutional Amendment |
Summary | Details |
House Natural Resources Committee |
Proposes a state constitutional amendment establishing the right to hunt, fish, trap, and harvest wildlife.
HSB102 |
House Commerce Committee |
Authorizes a native wine manufacturer to sell native wine at retail for consumption on the premises of the manufacturer or in a retail establishment operated by the manufacturer.
HSB108 |
House State Government Committee |
Makes several changes concerning alcoholic beverage control and matters administered by the Alcoholic Beverages Division of the Department of Commerce.
HSB43 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Makes changes to the process for approving and imposing a the local option sales and services tax.
HSB74 |
House Commerce Committee |
Allows a person holding a class "C" native wine permit and a class "A" native wine permit to purchase alcoholic liquor from a class "E" liquor control licensee for sale at retail.
HSB9 |
House Transportation Committee |
Allows the state transportation commission to periodically allocate funds from the Primary Road Fund (PRF) to the secondary and municipal road systems in exchange for retaining all or a portion of federal aid road funds that would otherwise be allocated to counties and cities.
SF110 |
Senate Agriculture Committee |
Requires commodity organizations to establish a separate state assessment for water quality and soil conservation, if approved by a majority of its members at a referendum.
SF130 |
Signed |
Makes appropriations reductions and reallocations for FY2016-17.
SF133 |
Senate Commerce Committee |
Renames the Iowa Wine and Beer Promotion Board and appropriates funds for the promotion of Iowa wine, beer, and spirits.
SF14 |
Senate Ways & Means Committee |
Increases state sales tax rate from 6 percent to 6.375 percent and provides for the transfer of sales tax revenues to the natural resources and outdoor recreation trust fund.
SF161 |
Senate Natural Resources & Environment Committee |
Allows catfish to be taken by hand fishing.
SF167 |
Senate Ways & Means Committee |
Increases the state sales and use tax to 6.375%, and provides for the transfer of sales tax revenues to the natural resources and outdoor recreation trust fund. Amends the transfer of use tax revenues to the SAVE fund to 15.6863%.
SF176 |
Senate Floor |
Makes technical corrections to IEDA programs and projects.
SF20 |
Senate State Government Committee |
Increases fees for certain fishing licenses by 50 percent.
SF210 |
Senate Agriculture Committee |
Provides that a county or district fair is not liable for damages caused by a pathogen transmitted from a location at a fair event where an animal is kept for more than three hours.
SF217 |
Senate Appropriations Committee |
Makes contingent appropriations of $25 million to the Enhance Iowa Fund.
SF257 |
Senate Floor |
Establishes requirements for bass fishing tournaments on public waters and requires a permit to conduct such tournaments.
SF258 |
Senate Floor |
Prohibits the natural resource commission from restricting hunting on specific private property or for the hunting of a particular wild animal, so long as the hunter is otherwise qualified to hunt in this state, purchases the appropriate fees/licenses, and adheres to regulations.
SF259 |
Senate Floor |
Allow the operation of motorboats with power units exceeding 10 horsepower at any time on Lake Macbride so long as the motorboats are operated at no-wake speed.
SF38 |
Senate Ways & Means Committee |
Repeals the individual income tax and increases the state sales and use tax rates.
SF46 |
Senate State Government Committee |
Establishes a moratorium preventing the Racing and Gaming Commission from issuing a new license to conduct gambling games on an excursion gambling boat, gambling structure, or at a pari-mutuel racetrack.
SF48 |
Senate State Government Committee |
Creates a lottery game to benefit individuals with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
SJR1 |
Senate Appropriations Committee |
Proposes an amendment to the Iowa Constitution that limits state spending to 99% of revenue estimates, or 104% of the revenue estimates for the current fiscal year (whichever is greater).
SJR4 |
Right to Hunt, Fish, Trap, Harvest Wildlife Constitutional Amendment |
Summary | Details |
Senate Natural Resources & Environment Committee |
Proposes a state constitutional amendment establishing the right to hunt, fish, trap, and harvest wildlife.
SSB1034 |
Senate Natural Resources & Environment Committee |
Modifies existing wastewater treatment program, establishes new water quality programs, and creates a water service excise tax and sales tax exemption.
SSB1097 |
Senate Commerce Committee |
Makes several changes concerning alcoholic beverage control and matters administered by the Alcoholic Beverages Division of the Department of Commerce.