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From the Message on Sunday

The boat was going down and Jesus was asleep. He was all set to sleep right through the storm.  Whenever I think about that, I wonder what the point of this story really is? Didn't Jesus know there'd be a storm? Why would He ask His disciples to sail into a terrible storm? What did they learn from that experience and what message does God have for us today about the storms of life?

En Agape',
Rev. Michael Weeks

Next Sunday 

This Week's Calendar
Tuesday: Meals on Wheels - Eileen Breen
Wednesday: Youth Group - 5:15 pm
Choir - 7 p.m.
Thursday: Guests in Fellowship Hall - 10:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: Disciples Women - 10:00 a.m.
Sunday: Children's Choir- 9:45 a.m.
Cabinet Meeting - 4:00 p.m.
* Please submit March newsletter articles to the office by Monday, February 20th

Youth Group thanks you...
Thank you all for your support with the spaghetti luncheon on February 12th. It was a huge success! We raised about $2000.00. We are well on our way to reaching our goal.

Week of Compassion Special Offering
Received February 19 & 26
WOC logo 2017

Host a student from France this summer!

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me regarding hosting opportunities with your church. As I mentioned before, my name is Rachel and I am a part-time school teacher in our community. Every summer, I help find great families for our student program where we show students from France just how amazing our country is.
As a church member and school teacher in my community, it is important to me that these students are in a safe, happy, and friendly environment during their 3-week stay. These students provide a great opportunity for families of the church to gain more insight into different cultures while helping a student learn more about our culture. Many of our students and families have long-term relationships and bonds because of our program! 

Here are just a few great things about our program:
·  All of the students are screened and vetted for families safety
·  Students are absolutely free to host! They have their own allowance
·  The student is living with the family for three weeks in the summer
·  Families receive a $75.00 stipend each week for their student
·  You gain a new friend and opportunity to explore a new culture

Although not required, we encourage families to show their student a great time around the city. Families will pick up their student from the airport and it is up to them as to where they will like to take their student. You'd be amazed how many of our students enjoy a trip to Wal-mart because they've never been!
Please feel free to send this message to your fellow members and I will follow back up with you early next week.
  Thank you and many blessings,
If you are interested in hosting a student please call (798-4520) or
email the office.


meals on wheels
The 2017 Meals on Wheels driver sign up sheet
is posted on the Disciples Women bulletin board.

~George McCormick (coworker of Chad Baugher; cancer)
~Kayla (daughter of coworker of Leslie West; MCV PICU)
~Steve Reynolds (father of Paula Pierce)
~Bob and Barbara Henderson (Bob new tests)
~Carolyn Nash (new treatment)
~Dianne Jones (e sophageal dilation Tuesday)
~Dickie Tomlin (brother-in-law of Buddy Fowler; chemo)
~Cori Patton (daughter of Julie Moore; home after surgery)
~Carolyn Putnam (home)
~Norma Jennings (home)
~Betty Pierce (home)
~Scott Huddle (nephew of the Richardsons, home recovering from surgery)
~Michelle Bradley & son, Caleb (friends of the Ostranders; Caleb undergoing cancer treatments in PA) 
~Jo Richardson (home)
~John Haines (recovering at home from knee replacement)
~Jim Mehart (friend of the Ostranders)
~Tyler Stephens (nephew of Torrie Goodman)
~Vaughn Schmitt (family friend of the Weeks') 
~Polly Vaughan, Beverly Vaughan
~Bob Raiford (father of Michelle Weeks)
~Nancy Hooper (sister of Brooken Loving)
~Charlie Hunt (friend of Judy Pierce; leukemia treatments)
~Jakob Hellermann (back issues)
~MaryLee Jones (chronic clotting problem in right leg)
~Brooken Loving (suffering from severe psoriasis)
~ Faisal Saeed (coworker of Cathy Tillman) 
~Shot Mangum (brother of Judy Pierce) 
~Ann Graham (sister of Don Kersey)
~Jack McGuire (uncle of Michelle Weeks)
All military personnel, first responders and their families
Unspoken prayer concerns

~Brenna, Ruthie and Wendy and their team won Reading Olympics Competition at Chickahominy Middle School.
~Buddy and Patsy Fowler's nephew, John Daniel Tomlin was promoted to Lt. Commander in the Coast Guard.
~Brooken and Sandra Loving's grandson, Noah, will wrestle in State Tournament.

We will see you Sunday!
Slash Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
11353 Mt. Hermon Rd. | Ashland, VA  23005 | 804.798.4520 

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