Winter 2017, Week 6
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm & Friday 8am-4:30pm
858-822-3493 | | 
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"You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you."

-Katherine G. Johnson

Save the date for the upcoming events! 

Our Existence as Resistance Through Art
Thurs. February 16, 2017 
12-1:30pm, LGBT Resource Center

Come to the LGBT Resource Center's Open House and check out our new Gallery exhibit: "Our Existence as Resistance Through Art." We have new paintings, prints, zines, and music in the space to experience! Join us in discussion regarding the importance of art as we continue to make our presence known in our current political climate. 

Stay Activist
Thurs. February 16, 2017 
2-4pm, LGBT Resource Center

Join the LGBT Resource Center in a discussion about the different layers of activism, such as the ways to express them, what it means to survive, as well as our own history of activism. 

Gender Identity Awareness
Thurs. February 24, 2017 
2-4pm, LGBT Resource Center

Come learn about gender identity and gender expression. Come on down and learn something new or bring your perspective/experiences to the table. 

Community Announcements and Groups

Grad Coffee Hour
Fri. February 17th
1-2pm, LGBT Resource Center
Come by for free coffee and pastries!

Know Your Rights
The Latest In Immigration News

Thurs. February 23rd
Comunidad Room, Cross-Cultural Center
Do you or someone you know have questions about possible
upcoming changes in immigration law?
Do you or someone you know want to know if you might qualify
for additional immigration benefits?
Are you or someone you know a DACA recipient?
If you said YES to any of the above come to this
informational session to get answers to your questions!

*The presentation will be given by an immigration attorney*
~Light Refreshments Provided~

10th Annual Queer and Asian Conference 
Fri. April 28th - Sun. April 30th
University of California, Berkeley
We are now opening registration for the 10th annual Queer and Asian Conference ! We encourage queer Asians and our allies from everywhere to come attend. This year's theme for QACON17 is Enough. As such, we will be exploring, reflecting, and learning about our community and identities to empower, heal, and fight for ourselves, our community, and other marginalized communities.
QACON  admission is open to any individual who expresses interest in the issues or the community, and the entire conference - registration, volunteer housing, keynote speakers, workshops, and two included meals - is completely free

Links: Registration and housing

9th LGBTQIA+ Health Forum
Sat. February 25th
8:30am-6:30pm, UCSF
This exciting, full day (8:30AM-6:30PM) forum is a major part of UCSF's education on health and social issues affecting sexual minorities. As an attendee, you can expect:
* Interactive breakout sessions that cover topics such as transgender 101, kink health, care for gender non-conforming youth, PrEP, and the criminalization of queer people of color
*  A patient panel representing LGBTQIA+ health care experiences
*  Poster presentations showcasing research on LGBTQIA+ health

Please join us for our spring networking event for LGBTQ graduate students, postdocs and professionals at all career levels. 

This event is 21+ and IDs will be checked. This event typically has around 50-80 attendees.

The Victory Institute invites outstanding LGBT young professionals to apply to the Victory Congressional Fellowship for 2017-2018!
The Victory Congressional Fellowship, a year-long, full-time congressional fellowship beginning July 2017, is accepting applications through March 10.
The Victory Institute will bring an emerging LGBTQ leader to Washington, D.C., for a year-long intensive fellowship. The fellow will support the executive director of the LGBT Congressional Equality Caucus, co-chaired by six of the openly LGB members of Congress.
Applications for the 2017-2018 Fellowship are due Friday, March 10 - find out more and apply now here.
The Fellowship is open to recent graduates of all genders, orientations, abilities, races, political affiliations, academic majors and degrees (including those other than political science). Applicants must have graduated from an accredited undergraduate or graduate program within the last three years (as of May 27, 2014).

LGBT Veterans Group
1400-1500, Cross-Cultural Center 
Tranquility Room
A discussion group lead by a Military Vet for
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans military
veterans, reservist, and active duty service
personnel; and their partners.

The Power of Community!
1:15-3:15pm, Cross Cultural Center 
Conference Room

A space that centers the experiences of queer and trans students, faculty, staff, and alumni of color! All are welcome.

Food is welcomed and small refreshments will be provided.

Queer Student Orgs and Affiliates 
Aces Group: Mondays, 5:00-6:00pm
Queer Sixers United (QSUN): Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00pm
Fluid Attraction: Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm
Men's Group: Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00pm
Black Queer Collective: Odd Week Thursdays, 12:30-1:30pm
Queer Trans People of Color (QTPOC): Thursdays, 7:00-9:00pm
oSTEM: Fridays, 6:00-7:00pm

LGBTQIA+ Leaders for 2016-2017

We're creating a community roster of LGBTQIA+ student leaders on campus to keep the community better updated of resources and opportunities. You have the option for your information to remain internal - for the LGBT Resource Center Professional Staff to be able to contact you regarding opportunities OR for it to be public- to be listed on our website for peers and community to know who our student leaders are.

Submit your info  here.  F or questions, contact Maribel Gomez at
Campus Community Centers

The Black Dollar Series Pt. 1
Monday, February 17, 2017 
Black Resource Center  

Come learn about cooperative economics and how to support Black owned business. You'll get a chance to hear from Black entrepreneurs, who are the owners of Le Red Balloon, KingKream, and Sapphire Green Earth.


Body Positivity
Thursday February 16, 2017
Cross-Cultural Center

Ever felt uncomfortable in your own skin? Join us as we challenge constructs of ideal beauty and talk about the importance of creating body positive spaces for community.

Raza Writing Collective
 12-2pm, Raza Resource Centro

Join us in commmunity to foster academic and grant writing. All students, staff, and faculty are welcome. Refreshments will be provided.


Hidden Figures Film Screening 
Thursday I  March 9 I  6pm I Price Center Theater 

Hidden Figures tells the untold story of Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, black female mathematicians who made crucial contributions to America's space program.

Rainbow Newsletter submissions: 

If you would like to submit relevant events to be featured in the newsletter, please email
This week at the RC:

LGBT Resource Center Affiliate Program

Is your organization or group interested in partnering with the UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center? Are you looking to start your own LGBTQIA+ org? Need a meeting space? Looking for leadership opportunities? Check out our Affiliate Program! The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center Affiliate Program has a variety of perks and opportunities for your organization. Check out our website for the application and more details. For questions contact
For more Program info click here
Click here to access an Application

Do you have library recommendations?

Is there anything you'd like to see added to our library at the LGBT Resource Center? Well you're in luck, our library intern is currently looking for recommendations!

If there is a book, magazine, comic, CD, etc. that you think would be a great addition, feel free to let us know by filling out this survey!

Carmilla Movie Giveaway
We're getting the Carmilla movie for the library when it comes out in 2017! This means that we'll have one movie bundle to gift as well, so we'll be raffling the movie off in a few weeks! 
If you don't know what Carmilla is, it's a web series with a bunch of queer characters that you can watch on Youtube for free! Just search for Carmilla on KindaTV on Youtube. The order is season 1, Carmilla Christmas special, season 2, season 0 (the prequel), and season 3.
To sign up for the raffle, talk to the intern at the front desk at the LGBT Resource Center or email with your name, email, and phone number.

Community Classifieds

Bottoming Under the Orange Regime 
Tues. Feb 21st   
5-7pm, Warren College Room 
The talk examines the ways that anal erotics and bottom positioning refract the meanings of race, gender, sexuality, and nationality in Asian/American visual culture.
We will be serving hard refreshments, hope to see you there!

Moonlight Film Screening
Wed. Feb 22nd
Doors: 7:00 PM,  Show: 7:30 PM
Location: Price Center Theatre
FREE for UCSD students w/ valid ID! 
In honor of Black History Month, join University Centers for a free screening of Moonlight, nominated for six Golden Globe Awards and eight Academy Awards. 

A timeless story of human self-discovery and connection, Moonlight chronicles the life of a young black man from childhood to adulthood as he struggles to find his place in the world while growing up in a rough neighborhood of Miami.


Interested in promoting health and well-being on campus? If so, join our team!
The Student Health Advocates are trained, volunteer peer health educators who educate other students on topics such as sexual health, alcohol, drugs, stress, nutrition, and more!
Attend an Application Info Session during Week 5 or 6 to learn how you can apply.
Visit for dates and times of sessions.
Questions? Contact SHA Program Director, Erica Okamura, at

Fund for Legal Name/Gender Changes

A member of our community is coming forward and offering to pay for the costs of legal name/gender marker changes before inauguration day for Trans/Gender Queer/Gender Non Conforming folks who want to get this done ASAP! If you are interested, s imply send an email directly to:

For those who want to contribute or find more information, click here!

The ARE San Diego Scholarship is available online!   
Tell your family and friends to visit: 

Only 1 in 10 people from low-income families are able to have a bachelor's degree, while the share of jobs that require one has doubled. 

We are the Educational Advancement Program (EAP) of UCSD, and we are here to address the issue at its root cause, high school. Join us by filling out this simple application here

You will be contacted shortly regarding your role based on your interests and the partner high school's needs. Any questions can be directed to