
As I meet with new people, they always ask how I stay so organized and productive. How I stay on top of my to-do list? How I remain positive in stressful situations? How I run such efficient meetings? How I tackle big projects effortlessly? The questions seemed endless.

That’s why I took some of my favorite tips from my book series as well as my life’s learnings and formatted them into 21 daily emails. I decided to address my most popular questions in my latest product Get Unstuck: 21 days to better productivity. It delivers a new email from me, every day for 3 weeks, answering common productivity issues. Each email is filled with ideas and suggestions for you to use immediately.

By making small tweaks in your life, you’ll be amazed at how much you can get accomplished. The impact on your productivity can be dramatic. Start establishing smart productivity habits now. With my tips, you’ll be the most productive person you know.

Sign up now to receive my Get Unstuck: 21 days to better productivity emails. It's regularly $4.95, but for my newsletter subscribers, it's only $2.95 until Feb 28, use the promo code: Unstuck.
Live Actively, Purposefully, and Courageously.
Your performance in the world is simply a result of the things you believe. If you really don't think you're the kind of person who produces epic results or becomes uber-fit or creates financial fortune or elevates entire communities, then you're just not going to do what it takes to make the visions real....…change your private story about your potential and your behavior changes by itself. Begin within. Always.  Robin Sharma
How to Generate New Ideas with Your Team
A brief getaway from familiar surroundings can help your team re-energize and break out of creative ruts. An off-site planning retreat with your staff can help you fine-tune your plan and build consensus as you head into 2017.

Learn more about planning the perfect meeting retreat in my Investment Executive interview >>
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