
Discounted Price Per Quantity
Item Code  - ER
Women love to accessorize with these beautiful earrings and they make a wonderful gift.
All our pieces are made by hand and designs vary. Many stores report that $20 is a very active fair retail price. They also find that offering a discount on two pairs or more creates many multiple sales.

Start with a collection of 66 and receive the revolving earring display, gift cards and silk voile bags for free. When you have sold half of your collection, we will pick up the remaining earrings and give you credit toward your next order. 
Guess what?... Now your profits will not be tied up in the unsold half of your display. 
You will  not have to work with any unsold designs! 
You will  never need to put them on sale and sacrifice your pricing. You would be well advised to allow us to create a collection for you, whereby every piece is carefully selected as to its size, color, style, and motif. 
Stores selling sets of  earrings  and  bracelets  report greater sales of both.

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Costello International is a certified  member of the  Fair Trade Federation, a trade association providing support to North American businesses identified as being fully committed to the principles of Fair Trade.

Costello Internationa l is a member of Green America, whose mission is to harness economic power, the strength of consumers, investors, businesses, and the marketplace, to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society.