Principal's Letter

Dear All Saints Families, 

A few years ago I read a beautiful publication written by Pope Francis. Pope Francis carries an aura of joy in everything he says and does. In this publication he shares ten secrets to happiness that he lives by and he feels are time-tested and true. I thought his insightfulness are some very wise words of wisdom to complete the Advent Season, rejoice in the birth of Christ, and ring in the New Year. Pope Francis states:

1. Live and let live. Too many of us jeopardize our happiness by trying to control the lives of others. We become fixated on what other people are doing and lose sight of what God is asking us to do. Jesus said it a little more bluntly when he asked the question: "Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?" (Mt 7:3). 

2. Be giving of yourself to others. Being open and generous with others, especially those in need, brings us into an intimate encounter with Christ, who is the source of all joy. Whenever we share material goods, offer emotional support, extend a helping hand, or provide spiritual sustenance, we not only ease someone's burden, we also discover that the experience enriches our lives too. 

3. Proceed calmly. Happiness is jeopardized when our lives become hectic and out of control. The Pope uses the image of a quiet pool of water and urges us "to move with kindness and humility, a calmness in life." It is important for us to understand that life is not governed so much by what happens to us as it is by how we react to disruptive influences. 

4. Develop a healthy sense of leisure. We live in a secular world that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Many of us deal with stressful job demands and other commitments. Pope Francis notes the real pleasures of life (art, literature, playing with children, and spending time with family members) are being lost in the busyness of daily life. 

5. Make Sunday a holy day. Pope Francis suggests that a finite way to find happiness is to reclaim Sunday as a holy day. He also suggests that Sunday should be a family day 

6. Create jobs for young people. We find purpose in our lives through meaningful work; we are encouraged to take that one step further and ensure that young people have what Pope Francis calls "dignified jobs." We can start the process early in our own families by assigning to our children household chores that teach them the importance of making a contribution to the family. 

7. Respect and take care of nature. We are the stewards of God's creation and we have a responsibility to preserve and protect it, not just for ourselves, but for future generations. We can start in our own homes, schools, and workplaces. 

8. Stop being negative. Constant complaining, biting criticism, back-stabbing, and gossip are the poisons that kill happiness. The first step is awareness that being negative or positive is a choice. The second step is making a concerted effort to stop ourselves from negative thoughts and words as soon as possible. 

9. Respect others' beliefs. We all have family members, friends, and acquaintances who do not share our Catholic beliefs. "We can inspire others through witness, so that one grows together in communicating," Pope Francis explains. When we live as authentic witnesses to Christ, other people are attracted by the inner peach and joy that emanate from us. 

10. Work for peace. We are called to stand up for peace. Peace sometimes gives the impression of being quiet, but it is never quiet: peace is always proactive. When we take a stand against violence in any form, we become peacemakers. Jesus call peacemakers "blessed" and gives them the distinction of being "children of God" (Mt 5:9). 

"Our Sunday Visitor 2014"

These are truly words to live by.  I wish every one of our families a blessed and joyous Christmas.  May the wondrous birth of Christ give rise to hope and love in our hearts!

Merry Christmas,
Jill Broz                     
Volunteer Opportunities

We need to organize a committee that would help set up (food/decorations) and run special events or meetings at the school.  This would allow the talent and creativity in our parents to shine during events.  Further, it would be so nice to have the presence of parents at the events to represent families in our community.  Examples of such events would be Open House, Grandparents Reception, Teacher Appreciation Luncheon, HSA General Meetings and Pastors' Meetings.  Please contact Patty Rabideau if you are interested in joining this committee or have any questions,  561-385-1659

Helping Hands:
This program runs throughout the school year and is held on Wednesday mornings after drop off in the cafeteria.  This program assists the teachers by doing prep work for upcoming classroom projects or assignments.  There is also an opportunity to take work home.  This is a great way for full time working parents to receive volunteer hours.  Contact Rita Berley at  301-509-0729  or  if you would like to help or have any questions.


Upcoming Events

Middle School Exams
Monday, December 19th and Tuesday, December 20th (Make-ups due to illness are Wednesday, December 21st)
Thursday, December 22nd
9:00 AM
St. Peter Church

Early Dismissal
Thursday, December 22nd
Walk in and pick up your child from his/her classroom.

Weekly Sports Schedule for ASCS

Marathon Kids
3:00- 3:45 PM

Boys JV Basketball Tryouts:
3:15-5:00 PM
Boys Varsity Basketball
3:15-5:00 PM
Girls' Soccer: 
3:15 to 4:30PM  
3:15 -4:30 PM
Marathon Kids
3:00 -3:45 PM

Boys JV Basketball Tryouts:
3:15-5:00 PM
Boys Varsity Basketball
3:15-5:00 PM
Girls' Soccer: 
3:15 to 4:30PM  
3:15 -4:30 PM
Marathon Kids
3:00 -3:45 PM

No School


With Jesus and the Saints as our models, All Saints Catholic School is dedicated to providing all students with a nurturing, learning environment reflecting Gospel values and the teachings and traditions of our Faith. The school is committed to developing responsible citizens by promoting academic success and preparing students for high school and eternity.  All Saints encourages students to open their hearts to the Lord, their minds to learning, and their talents toward service to others.

Contact Information
All Saints Catholic School
1759 Indian Creek Parkway
Jupiter, FL 33458
(561) 748-8994
Fax: (561) 748-8979