December 8, 2017
We are saddened by the recent passing of Classics Emeritus Professor Bill King. Bill was a founding faculty member of Wright State in 1965, and he and his wife, Cynthia, established the Department of Classics and grew it into a vital part of the campus community. Bill was a kind and generous colleague who was known for his love of learning and great enthusiasm for Classical languages and literatures. Bill's memorial service will be held Sunday, December 17, at 1:00 p.m. at Mighty Fortress Lutheran Church at 2841 E. Dorothy Lane in Kettering.
The Wright State Men's Chorale performed for many people around campus on Wednesday, including President Schrader, with surprise pop-up performances of the Twelve Days of Christmas. What a great way to help ring in the holidays! Hear them perform again tonight at 8:00 p.m. at the Festival of Carols at Lutheran Church of Our Savior in Oakwood.
I hope you saw the recent Newsroom article on Vicky Lindsey, a Communication Studies major who will graduate this December. Vicky's story of triumph in the face of adversity is impressive. She spent her whole life in and out of different foster homes and ultimately began living on her own at the young age of 16. Despite these and other challenges, she persevered and graduated high school second in her class of 100. Vicky chose to come to Wright State because of our Independent Scholars Network (ISN), a program that provides resources and support to emancipated foster students.
ISN offers a wide range of services, including help with living arrangements and employment opportunities. If you know of other former foster care students who would benefit from ISN, please refer them to the program.
Congratulations to Brittany Erwin whose recent book review for NACADA (National Association of Academic Advisors) was accepted and published on their website
Today is the last day of Fall Semester, and the temperature outside continues to drop. Stay warm and good luck during Finals Week!
Linda Caron Dean
Collegiate Chorale, Sunday, December 10, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m., Schuster Hall
163 Millett Hall - 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy - Dayton, OH 45435 - 937-775-2225 - fax: 937-775-2181