CrimeStoppers continues 
a big bite out of local crime

This was a banner year for CrimeStoppers, from a number of perspectives, and 2017 promises to be just as good.

The most important way to measure success for our organization, of course, lies in how information we receive helps solve felony cases. In that respect, 2016 set positive records. We showed these important increases over the year before, which itself was a good year:

* The number of arrests thanks to citizen tips is up more than 20%.

* The number of successful tips received (leading to an arrest or resolution of a case) is up 16%.

We also can measure CrimeStoppers success in other ways. After 10 years, the Trust Pays program in schools has now removed more than 170 guns, as well as dozens of other weapons like knives, razors and Tasers.

Our five websites and our Facebook page are checked out by scores of people every day. Our advertising efforts have helped increase calls to 528-CASH, our tips line. And late this year, the Millington CrimeStoppers program came under our umbrella, adding a major city in Shelby County to our efforts.

In one very public way, as our supporters surely know, the city's crime rates took a bad turn: the city has set a record high for the number of homicide incidents in a 12-month period. As the year comes to a close, law enforcement has posted 223 deaths (as we go to press) due to guns and other forms of violence. In unincorporated Shelby County, 21 homicides have occurred, also a record.

Fortunately, those high numbers were offset by the fact that 70% of those cases have been successfully solved. Additionally, 21 homicide cases were cleared this year thanks to anonymous tips to CrimeStoppers (cases were not necessarily all from 2016).

As the community focuses more attention on the killings, and the root causes of the violence, we join in looking for a better new year when violence is not always the first response to differences or disputes.

CopperStoppers was created by CrimeStoppers in collaboration with businesses to fight the theft of and illegal sales, purchases and transportation out of town of copper and other scrap metals.

Copper stripped from wiring, appliances, plumbing or electrical boxes may bring hundreds of dollars when sold, but often results in thousands of dollars in damages to homes, apartments, churches and other facilities.

Special awards up to $1,000 are available for information leading to arrests. 
Help stop the criminals - the "copperheads" - doing economic harm to our community.

Visit for information on how to help.      
Help spread the word

If you like - we hope you do! - you can help the cause against the metal thieves by liking our new CopperStoppers Facebook page. And tell your friends, co-workers and acquaintances.

While you're at it, let them know about the main CrimeStoppers Facebook page too.

Sponsors needed for golf tournament

The i naugural invitational
golf  tournament benefitting CrimeStoppers  will be held at TPC Southwind on Monday, August 7, 2017.  

The tournament's slogan will be "Play where the pros play and help fight crime."  TPC Southwind is  the home of the PGA Tour's FedEx St. Jude Classic.

We are now seeking 
playing teams  and corporate sponsors.  For more information, or to r eceive a sponsorship brochure, please email

Websites building new awareness

CrimeStoppers and its many programs are explained - and the public is engaged - in various places on the internet.
Our main website explains the organization's purpose, and keeps count on major cases in which police need help from citizens - 
A companion site helps students keep their schools safer -
Senior citizens who are afraid or otherwise need help can find information they can use at another site -
Spanish-speaking citizens can learn about CrimeStoppers on a fourth site -
Now, because the theft of copper and other metals has become a major problem in the metro area we have launched a website for our newest program, CopperStoppers: