Blue Hills Sports & Spine's Monthly Newsletter. Our regular assortment of handy and informative tips, tricks and trends to help answer your questions about rehabilitation and fitness.

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Blue Hills Sports & Spine's Monthly Newsletter
February 2017                                                                                      Issue # 72
Blue Hills Adds BPPV Treatment

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the most common of vestibular disorders and the most easily treated. In many patients, it can be cured with a simple physical therapy maneuver. BPPV can affect people of all ages, although it is most common in folks over the age of 60. You most likely know someone that has been affected by BPPV...or maybe you have been affected yourself. Basically it  occurs when small calcium crystals called become dislodged from their normal location on in the inner ear, gather in the semicircular canal. It is the movement of these stones that causes an unwanted flow of fluid in the semicircular canal even after the head has stopped moving which leads to a false sense that the head and body are spinning around or that the world around you is spinning around. The good news is that in many cases physical therapy can help immediately. Learn more by clicking here. If you need help or know someone else who does, we have staff trained in our Boston, Braintree and Plymouth locations.

Are You Strong & Flexible?

At Blue Hills Sports & Spine, many of the patient we treat have some kind of muscular imbalance. Maybe they are strong but tight, flexible but weak, or possibly weak and tight. No matter what your combination might be, it's our job to evaluate you, find what might be the issue and then work with you to correct it. If you are not sure what category you may fit in (hopefully Strong & Flexible) there are some at home tests you can do to find out. Click here for a flexibility test, click here for a fitness test. Best of luck in finding out which you may be! If your results aren't as good as hoped they would be, maybe it's time to come visit the experts at Blue Hills Sports & Spine to help get you going in the right direction.

The Stomach Flu That Isn't The Flu!

With the cold weather upon us and people gathered inside more often, this is when we start to see more and more cases of the norovirus. It's often referred to as a "stomach flu", but it's not the flu as there is no vaccine and your only defense is to stay away from the virus. The CDC has put together some helpful tips (click here), but the best defense is still regular hand washing with soap and water! Just using the alcohol-based hand sanitizers just don't work. Remember that if you have the norovirus, don't prepare food for other people as it takes a very small amount of the virus to infect others and it can survive in temperatures up to 140 degrees. At Blue Hills we take our cleanliness seriously and it's why we make sure that all our tables and equipment are regularly wiped down with the proper sanitizing and cleaning products. Make sure you do the same at home!

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