Do you trim your bushes like this?
To the Ends of the Earth
Chile Mission News from Jim and Liisa Tino
January 2017 
Jim usually puts together our newsletters, but this month Liisa decided to lend a hand and give her perspective on things!

It's summertime south of the equator! And, it's a new year! What a perfect combo...

Especially if 2016 left you feeling weary and beaten down.   Especially for our dear friends who lost loved ones last year- even during the Christmas holidays.   Maybe for you, with whom we haven't had the opportunity to have a good heart-to-heart for  a while.  Definitely for  members of our family who endured unbelievable trials during the last 12 months.  You made it!  You've been pruned.  Get ready to grow!

At this time of year in Chile, it doesn't get dark until after 9:30 pm.  It's perfect for evening walks and bike rides.  These are pictures from the neighborhood of "La Florida" where we live.  Looks like everyone hires the same gardener, eh?  

As you can see, some of the topiary are needing a little shaping up.  Isn't that just like you and I?  We get a little raggedy at the edges.  Or maybe we start sprouting off in the wrong directions.  The Gardener needs to clip here and there and reshape us.

December was a crazy month for us. I think we have stray branches sticking out all over! Jim was involved in two different workshops, one on Self Esteem, and another on Adjusting to a New Culture as an Immigrant. Then there were the zillions of rehearsals with children and musicians for our Christmas program. We also had a couple live with us for 3 weeks while  they were moving here from Venezuela. Then, Nika and Ben came to celebrate Christmas with us!

That included lots of traveling and introducing them to the people and ministry in Chile.  And, of course, they joined in with baking, handing out flyers, setting up and taking down church stuff, ringing bells and playing trumpet (for Ben)!

What does God have in store for 2017?  Recently He has put on our hearts the desire to work with the many immigrants - especially Venezuelans - that are arriving to Santiago.  At Christmas we had two events focused on immigrants.  Because of the positive response, Jim has made a facebook page where we offer information and encouragement for people starting a "new life in Chile".  Pray that God guides us in our next steps in this area of ministry.  If He does NOT want us to focus on immigrants, may He prune us accordingly.
Prayers and Praise

  • Pray for the growing Lutheran church of Chile as we experience an even greater  shortage of pastors! Currently, two  of the 6 pastors here are moving on to different challenges.   
  • Praise God for Marcelo, a Chilean seminary student who is helping out in the mission plant in Constitucion.  
  • Praise God for Obed, a Venezuelan vicar who is working as chaplain of the two Lutheran schools in the Valparaiso area.  
  • Pray that an Argentine vicar is assigned to Chile in 2017. If one is assigned, Jim will be his supervisor.
  • Praise God that opportunities abound! We know that after this "pruning", growth will come. The Lutheran Community Center/Church on the burned hillside of Valparaiso has been fixed up and is usable.  
  • Praise God that  construction on the Bethesda Center for severely handicapped in Santiago is nearing completion.  
  • Pray for more missionaries. Pray that God raises up  Chilean pastors .  
  • Pray that  God leads us to where we can best serve.
  • Pray that the Heavenly Gardener will trim, clip and graft us firmly into the Branch so we can reach more souls for His kingdom!
Support Corner

Praise God! Our financial "bucket" got re-filled during December! THANK YOU for your ongoing love, prayers, and financial support. We could not be here without YOU, our mission partners!

To see our latest photos, prayer requests, and information, visit our web page:
To support our ministry financially:
Online by credit card, debit card, or bank transfer:  Click Here
Automated contributions are available.

By Mail: Make out a check to Global Lutheran Outreach
Send to:
Global Lutheran Outreach
6709 Ficus Dr.
Miramar, FL  33023
(put "Tino" on the memo line of the check, please!)

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