U.S. Department of Education announces new grant program
Dear Friends:

The U.S. Department of Education has announced the first round of the Teacher and School Leader Incentive Program (TSL). Applications are due on March 24th. Building on the learnings from its predecessor, the Teacher Incentive Fund, TSL is a competitive grant program that supports school districts, charter networks, and states to:
  • Improve student academic growth;
  • Strengthen the practice of teachers and school leaders through customized professional development;
  • Improve human capital management systems; and
  • Recognize and reward educators with performance-based compensation.
TSL awards funds to provide educator professional development and supports that address the immediate learning needs of their current students. The approach is designed to help all teachers and school leaders be successful.
The Community Training and Assistance Center (CTAC) is a national non-profit organization with extensive experience in school improvement, performance-based compensation, and human capital management systems. Working collaboratively with our partners, CTAC provides technical assistance, fiscal management, and grant evaluation support to help districts develop and implement initiatives that improve instruction and student academic growth. Since 2007, CTAC has successfully partnered with districts and states to secure numerous Teacher Incentive Fund grants.
CTAC has developed six cornerstones of success for performance-based compensation from our 20 years of work nationally on educator compensation reform. Successful compensation reform is systemic; done with teachers, not to teachers; organizationally sustainable; financially sustainable; supported broadly in the district and community; and focused on students. Read more about how to build on these cornerstones for a successful initiative.

If you are interested in discussing a TSL application in partnership with CTAC, please contact us at (617) 423-1444 or [email protected].
Best Regards,
William J. Slotnik
Founder and Executive Director
Community Training and Assistance Center (CTAC)