Jan. - Feb. 2017 

CoreBoard Make'N Take
Some students go through their whole school career without ever getting a chance to express themselves. This session will discuss how to develop a communication system for all students to be able to express what they know. Participants will be taken through different types of Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) systems ranging from no tech to high tech devices and how they can be integrated depending on the student, environment and task.


ONLINE Google Add-Ons

Add on's are the best feature of Gsuite. However, these mini programs within our Suite programs can be confusing and daunting to use! In this course, participants will explore add-ons for forms,sheets, and doc's that will impact lessons, activities, and increase productivity. Additionally, each participant will focus on an add-on of their choice that will impact their teaching the most.


ONLINE: Google for Reading & Research

Google has so many great features for finding relevant content for reading and research!  Keep it digital (accessible) with Google trends, alerts, and news.  Students will receive notifications whenever their topic is discussed on the internet, be able to view graphical analysis of trending topics per region, and find scholarly resources.


Proloquo2go Basics & Implementation

Proloque2go is an astounding AAC app that facilitates communication for students with significant and diverse communication needs. However, the application MUST be tailored to fit the needs of the student by considering accessibility, motor planning, vocabulary and phrases, and appropriate grid/layout. In this 3 hour training, participants will explore features and best practice for implementing this communication app with their students.


Kurzweil Basics

This half day training will focus on Kurzweil 3000 + Firefly, which is a comprehensive literacy support tool that can help students to read, comprehend, study, write, and take tests.  Basics will be covered, such as available platforms, signing in, opening files, preparing documents, navigation, reading, study skills, writing, and printing. Please note, this IS a subscription based program; please bring you log-in information, as provided by your district.


ONLINE Easy Behavior Tracking FHF

Data is the cornerstone for creating effective Behavior Intervention Plans. However, finding the time to collect data and manage it can be quite daunting for teachers and parents. Luckily there are several free and free to try iOS apps and websites that can record, analyze, and graph student data. Some programs even facilitate class-wide management plans with daily parental updates.

Register   with Familes Helping Families


ONLINE Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a diverse diagnoses that can impact a studentĀ“s performance in a variety of ways. This can include fine motor writing, composition, reading, communication, spatial skills, and the list goes on... During this 3 week course, participants will learn approaches, strategies, tools, and resources that will increase student independence while utilizing their unique style of learning for academic success.

Kristine Taylor 
AT Facilitator
LATI Central Center

Justin Sims
AT Facilitator
LATI Central Center