eShabbos weekly
Parshas Vayechi
   January 13-14, 2017
    16 Teves, 5777
Shabbos Timetable

Erev Shabbos Kodesh, Parshas Vayechi

Candle Lighting   
4:33 pm
Mincha/Kabbalos Shabbos
4:45 pm

Shabbos Kodesh, Parshas Vayechi

9:00 am
Mishna Berura Shiur
4:20 pm
Mincha/ Daf Yomi - mesechta Baba Metziah
4:30 pm
Maariv/Shabbos ends 
5:45 pm
Shalom  and hello everyone! I hope you are doing well.
Friends, it all comes down to this shabbos. 

Blood, sweat and tears. Years of arduous preparation and tedious training (but I will win - so this is a mere formality.) 

We salute our 2017 Cholent Contest Contestants: Matt Bobman, Steve Schwell, Caroline Eiseman, Yours Truly, and a surprise guest - a professional kosher chef!


Thank you all for participating in one of the most anticipated events of the year. This
CHOLENT COOK OFF shabbos at Ohav Sholom will make the  Golden Globes look like a giant overcooked piece of schnitzel.  

Tickets  will be distributed as you exit the shul which allows you to vote on the multiple cholent offerings. Only those davening with us will be given tickets. 

Volunteer  servers will dole out the liquid gold and you can place your ticket in the specially prepared containers in front of each unnamed cholent pot. 

The winner will receive a  $100 grand prize credit to spend in Skyview Liquors. May the best man or woman win! 

Mazel Tov!

Ohav Sholom wishes a hearty mazel tov to members Stephen & Tzipora Kalish upon the birth of a baby girl!

Join Stephen as he names his daughter this Shabbos morning!  A celebratory kiddush will be sponsored iy"h when mother and baby are safely home.


We thank  Henry and Pari Schwartz for sponsoring this week's s uper duper amazing gala hot washing kiddush in honor of Henry's father's yahrtzeit, Max Schwartz, Mendel ben Shaya, z"l. May his neshama enjoy an aliyah in gan eden! Amen. 

In addition, Mr. Schwartz is a great American patriot and lover of Israel who anticipates a great future for our country and am yisrael - for our soon to be elected (next Friday, January 20th) 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump. 

As a shevach v'hodah to HKBH ( hakadosh baruch hu) and a bakasha to Him to guide our new President and his Cabinet to lead with wisdom and compassion for all Americans and to provide peace and security for Israel and the entire world, Mr. Schwartz humbly offers this kiddush as a gesture of peace and tefilah - that our country come together with pride to celebrate our great democracy and this blessed country! Amen. 


In parshas vayechi we observe Yaakov avinu blessing his grandchildren - Menashe and Ephraim, and upgrading their status to be counted as part of the shevatim. 

Soon after, Yaakov blesses (and admonishes) his own children - and attempts futilely to reveal the "end of days" to them. 

In honor of this intimate and moving parsha, I took my son Charlie to visit the elder statesmen of Ohav Sholom for their beautiful and powerful brachos, Danny Lieberman and Sol Rosenkranz

When we returned home, the Rebbetzin asked Charlie what he just did - he replied, "I went and got brachos from these two old guys!" 

It is interesting to note that prior to blessing Menashe and Ephraim, the Torah records, "Now Israel's eyes were heavy with age, he could not see, so he brought them near him and he kissed them and hugged them." (46:10)

We may suggest the Torah is instructing us that "hugging and kissing" is an essential component of the bracha itself! These acts aren't simply the intimate gestures of a kindly grandfather or a psychological trick to disarm your subject. 

Rather, they mentally prepare the recipient to accept the blessing of the Almighty through the conduit of a mortal man. Fostering warm feelings towards the one who administers the bracha allows the free flow of G-d's blessing... 

We bless people all the time. When saying Good Morning! Good Shabbos! Yasher Koach! etc., we are essentially blessing that individual. Why not smile, make eye contact and firmly shake his hand? 

By doing so, we will serve as worthy vessels to both give and receive the full and endless bounty of bircas Hashem

Intuitively, Danny and Sol knew exactly what to do. Hugging and kissing Charlie, they showered him with the sweetest blessings! May the brachos given to Charlie, Ohav Sholom and Klal Yisroel be fulfilled quickly in our days! Amen

Have a wonderful shabbos!

See you in shul, 

Rabbi Aaron D. Mehlman
Erev shabbos kodesh vayechi 5777

Youth Groups

Shabbos youth groups for Ohav Sholom children are from 10-11:30.

Please pick your children up from groups at 11:30 at the end of davening.  
For safety and decorum concerns, no children are to be unattended in the synagogue. 
Upcoming Events & Community Interest
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