As you enjoy the final weeks of summer, your United Way is preparing to launch one of its busiest seasons yet - the 2016-17 workplace campaigns.
In the last weeks of summer, many of you might be getting ready for a transition - a new school year, new workplace opportunities, or new business relationships.

At your United Way, we have the tools you need to help make any transition easier. Whether it's in improving the reading of your little one, helping to provide quality pre-school, or by offering a network of like-minded entrepreneurs through our Small Business Partnership, we are here to help show you how your engagement with the local community can change not only the lives of others, but yours, too.

In this issue, learn how to become a ReadingPals volunteer or how to connect with a thriving local business leader who shares your passion of helping others.

It's all up to you. Get involved with your United Way. Your heart and mind will thank you for it.

Deborah V. Bowie, CCE, IOM
President & Chief Executive Officer
United Way
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