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Advertising Best Practices Article: Bus Wraps and In-Kind Advertising

Advertising can be a way to generate additional revenue for your agency and/or to help get the word out about your transit services. Bus wraps are one option to leverage free space on your vehicles for revenue, though there are important issues to consider first.  In-kind advertising with local organizations and businesses is another option. 

This new Best Practices Spotlight article on the National RTAP website covers examples of best practices as well as tips and lessons learned regarding bus wraps and in-kind advertising from five rural transit agencies across the country.
National RTAP Transit Asset Management 101 Webinar

During this webinar, Kelly Shawn of RLS & Associates, Inc. will provide information on recent Transit Asset Management (TAM) requirements issued by FTA in July 2016 and the impact on small transit providers. Topics will include  background on FTA's State of Good Repair, information needed to develop a TAM Plan, State-sponsored plans, and best practices for  determining asset replacement and cost analysis. 

Whether you are a State DOT sponsoring a statewide plan or a Tier II provider, this webinar will provide insight into managing the safety, maintenance, and procurement data needed for a compliant TAM program. 
Register now  for t his webinar to be held next Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 2:30pm ET.

Questions about the TAM rule in the meantime? Visit FTA's website for the Final Rule; recordings and presentations from the webinar series; the  Asset Management Guide for Small Providers and related TAM Plan Template; and other resources.
Call for Presentations for the 2017 National RTAP Conference: Transportation at the Center

The National RTAP Conference Committee is soliciting presentation proposals for the 2017 Technical Assistance Conference in Omaha, Nebraska, October 29-November 1.

This is the third biennial conference focused on innovation, best practices, and compliance. The target audience includes rural, tribal and human service transit providers; planners; state transportation and human service agency staff; intercity bus operators; consultants; and others with an interest in rural transportation.

The Committee seeks proposals on topics and tools relevant to rural public, tribal, veterans' and intercity bus transportation. We are especially interested in those who have implemented or developed successful approaches to issues related to Administration & Planning, Operations, Compliance, Coordination, and Technology

Read the full Call for Presentations or visit the 2017 Conference Website. Presentation abstracts should be submitted via our Online Form no later than January 30, 2017.
FTA and US DOT Updates
Federal FY2017 Annual List of Certifications and Assurances for FTA Grants and Cooperative Agreements are now available. Learn more via the DOT Website  or check out the Federal Register.  

Secretary Foxx reached out to answer questions via an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit. Read the questions from the public and the Secretary's answers.

FMCSA issued guidance to organizations and businesses that transport passengers across state lines to clarify existing federal regulations. Read the  Announcement or consider reading the Passenger Carrier Guidance.

FTA answers questions and seeks input about emerging shared mobility services via a  Shared Mobility Online Dialogue .  Read FTA's blog about the dialogue, which is open until January 27, 2017.
Resources and News


The FHWA has published the December version of its Transportation Performance Management Digest. The digest covers asset management, performance measures, and other topics relevant for both operators and state stakeholders.

TCRP's Guide to Value Capture Financing for Public Transportation Projects is now available. The report identifies the requirements necessary for successful value creation through public transportation infrastructure investment. It includes six case studies as practical, successful examples. 


The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) announced a soft roll-out of updates to the Tribal Transportation Program. Read their Letter or view the Final Rule


NADTC is offering a free self-paced online Human Services Transportation Course on Understanding and Developing Transportation Programs for Older Adults and People With Disabilities from January 16 to March 1. Registration ends January 23.

To follow up on TCRP Report 185:   Bus Operator Workstation Design for Improving Occupational Health and Safety, the National Transit Institute (NTI) will be holding webinars on January 26 and February 16  for transit agency staff.
January 12, 2017
2017 National RTAP Technical Assistance Conference: Call for Presentations
Deadline - January 30

Understanding and Developing Transportation Programming for Older Adults and People with Disabilities
January 16-March 1

National RTAP
Transit Asset Management 101
January 19

Bus Operator Workstation Design Part I, Organization Guidance Tools
January 26

National Center for Rural Road Safety
Results of Research Project: Assessing the Operational and Cultural Environment 
January 31

Southwest Transit Association
Annual Conference
Baton Rouge, LA
February 13-15

National RTAP
Peer Call: Engaging Local Stakeholders 
February 15

Bus Operator Workstation Design Part II, Design Guidance Tools
February 16 

NM Transit Roadeo, Conference, Expo
Bernalillo, NM
March 25-28

Illinois RTAC 
Spring Conference
Springfield, IL
April 5-6

Arizona Transit Conference 
Phoenix, AZ
April 9-11
Transit Maintenance Leadership Workshop
Long Beach, CA
April 10-14, 2017

12th Annual Drug and Alcohol Program National Conference
April 18-20, 2017
New Orleans, LA

Virginia Transit Association
Conference and Expo
May 23-24, 2017
Arlington, VA

National RTAP 
2017 Technical Assistance Conference
Oct 29-Nov 1,  2017
Omaha, NE

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our  Calendar . If you'd like to submit an event, please email

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
Want to learn about upcoming transportation events 24/7? Check out our  Events Calendar! While you are there, watch our previous Webinars and Peer Calls, or ask a question with  
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main:  5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:  50 F Street NW, Suite 7020, Washington, DC 20001