GREETINGS                           January 12th, 2017
I am offering the present series of weekday "Round Table Talks" on behalf of your Transition Team so that members of the congregation can have some input and say in the formulation of Marshall Memorial's Core Values and Motivating Vision. These are important foundational building-blocks that will enable us to better sense where God is calling this congregation to go in the near and somewhat more distant future, and what kind of ministerial leadership will be sought in order to help Marshall move in those directions. These conversations offer you the opportunity to participate in and help give shape to discerning and acknowledging those foundations. Your reflections and perceptions are needed so that no one feels that "others decided things for us".  
The focus for January is on Core Values. Having listened to what people have said they value over the years this congregation has been in existence, and gathering together responses from several exercises in seeking to name those values in worship and in small group settings, here is the draft outline of what they sound like at present. People at Marshall value Faith Affirmed, Faith Fed and Formed, Faith Followed Through, Faith Set Free, and Faith Finding Feet.
FAITH AFFIRMED is about having a shared trust in God, about sensing God's presence, etc.
FAITH FED AND FORMED lifts up what people experience through worship, music, prayer, etc.
FAITH FOLLOWED THROUGH is the valuing of people's various gifts, the felt sense of community and giving and receiving of care one to another, etc.
FAITH SET FREE seeks to capture the friendly, welcoming atmosphere of Marshall and to note that we are good at being hospitable with one another, etc.
FAITH FINDING FEET expresses this congregation's commitment to Outreach and to engaging the wider community, etc.
What do you think? Does this sound like Marshall Memorial to you? Come share your experience of how you have sensed these values. In what ways do you think Marshall needs to expand her ministry or undertake new initiatives based on such values?
Come, gather round the table. If you are not able to do that, feel free to share your thoughts and reflections with any member of our Transition Team, in person or on-line; or send me a note, meet me elsewhere over coffee or whatever.   I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.
Tuesdays for Tea in the Parlour 4:00 to 5:30 pm
Wednesdays over Wine in the Church Hall 5:00 - 6:30 pm   OR
Coffee Time Thursdays in the Parlour 10am to 11:30
The Sympathies and Prayers of Marshall Memorial United are extended to Erin, Chase and Parker Moore on the occasion of the recent and unexpected death of a beloved husband and father, Kris Moore.   A Funeral Service for Kris was held at Glad Tidings Assembly in Burlington on Thursday, January 12.  
Also in our thoughts are Judy van Duzer, Connie Kuntz, Geoffrey Parkinson (nephew of Patricia Bradshaw) and Alyssa Hobbins (Patricia's great-grandchild).



Time out with Jesus
Join in the parlour during the winter at noon on Tuesdays.   Bring a lunch, sit and chat; then, have a half hour of quiet meditative time as God speaks through the Spirit. 
Helpers Needed
Sunday School Volunteers are needed for 2 - 4 year olds.  Please sign up on the sheet across from the minister's office.

Annual Report
The annual report submissions are due by Tuesday, January 17th. Please forward to using single space, arial 10 font and no indentations.  If you are unable to meet this deadline notify the church office.