For choosing and learning to live differently after grief...         

In This Issue
Note From Chris
Living Differently Tip
Feature Article
Chris Recommends
What About Gratitude
Did You Know
Link to Blog
Short Takes
Join Our List
January 2017   Vol. 52

Living Differently is a newsletter of tips, ideas and information about grief, life and living after grief.


Grieving, like living, involves all areas of life; emotional, cognitive, physical, spiritual, social, relational, nature and universal. We delve into all these areas plus offer messages from the other side to help you in your journey.


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With much gratitude,


Note From Chris

                Power, Jelly Donuts and You

Power: What is it? Where does it come from, where do you have it, how do you have it, where do you lose it and how can you gain it?

Boy, let's start the year with a bang. No New Year's resolutions or goals or talking about working up to new ideas! Let's jump in!

Not only is this the beginning of the 2017 New Year but it is - in numerology a "1" year. This means new beginnings but not like every New Year. The 1 is a year of new beginnings, a rebirth and a fresh start in a nine year cycle. Where last year, a "9"year was of endings/completion and karmic energy, we're starting this year with a new blank slate... starting now.
Because universal energy is shifting so much and so fast now (meaning the "veil" is thinning; the energetic make up of earth is changing drastically and rapidly) your new ideas, intentions and actions will be the seeds you will plant for the next 9 years.  

Let's look at the opportunity to go down a different road this year. How do you want to see your world this year and how do you want to take care of you: your body, mind and spirit? 

Perhaps you can look at starting the year differently; think differently, live differently, be differently (this is not bad grammar as the intent is encouraging you to live in the state of being)

Yes, it's all unknown but if you are planting seeds now, that will affect the next nine years...let's start talking about it, maybe begin talking about your power a little differently... (And what about the unknown jelly donuts?)    

Living Differently Tip

 Living Differently Tip:

The following is from my ongoing messages/lessons/guidance shared by and received from the non-physical perspective Guides, aka. Maxx

This message holds a mini-lesson for all of us...
(usually I hear a phrase, a subject or they make a comment and then they explain their lesson...)
       The Power In You

Power is the force, it is the force in the universe, in the individual; in the community, in the rivers (I saw a river.)Yes, that is correct. In bodies of water, in the mountains, in streams, it is all the same. It is the moving of your being in you within you. It is not your ego forcing it to be greater than it thinks. Because it is not the thinking that is the protocol that moves it. It is the being that is the movement. If you are, you will feel. If you feel, you will be. That is how power operates. You have it in you just like any body of water, any mountain, any stream, any wind that rips through any other force. You have the power in you; in your being to be the more greater essence. Hold yours, open yours and you shall see an even greater awareness of YOU and the power that lives in you. It is there just for the opening. You have much, much more than is expected, desired, wanted, relinquished, conquered or believed. It is all there. So big, so complete, so overwhelming but yet gentle if love surrounds it. (I saw a donut, a jelly donut with the jelly in the center.) Yes, that is true, the center IS love. Loving yourself surfaces power. See it, feel it, believe it, it know, live it.


Zac Comment:

(Zac was present after they offered the above message. This is what happened next :)

Zac:  Merry Christmas !

Me: I knew you were around. 

Zac: I certainly was! I wouldn't miss a family photo. 

Me: Thank you. (there was an energy streak above my head in our Christmas family photo.) 

Zac: And I wouldn't have missed just getting to see how everyone still lives. And, you say power; the family power has changed, hasn't it? Dynamics change, powers change, it's how we live, it's how we grow and it's just what happens. 

Me: I certainly experienced the change in atmosphere; how I experienced myself and everyone else. 

Zac: You can expect that. Of course you can. That's what happens in life. That is what life is all about; change and moving through all of those changes and seeing who you are and who you are becoming and who you are growing into. And who you are growing into is not always who you want but it is who you are and it is through that WHO  YOU ARE and accepting that, that the power actually emanates from. It is within that power, it is in that power, it is through that power and that power is you. Open up YOU and you will see all of that regardless of where you are in your life.   


Your spirit helpers are with you all the time, they want to help you and they have a way of letting you know in a way you will understand... Your
 job is to learn to trust them! You can have the comfort of your spirit guides and loved ones to ease the burdens of your physical life. I encourage you to embrace your connections.  

         Do you have questions? Please let me know..
Feature Article

                         Power and You

What is power? Where does it come from, where do you have it, how do you have it, where do you lose it and how can you gain it?

There are so many questions involving one's power and just as many options of activities to learn about and address it.

You can address your lack of personal power by attacking yourself and your emotional reactions, changing your core beliefs and mind chatter, improving your communication with others and by seeking love and happiness in your life.

The You Process

Those techniques can be helpful but not necessarily "successful" in reaching fulfillment without identifying and living through the core of you. It is living through the core of you that slowly exposes itself to you not necessarily through pain or inaction but through the loving understanding of you. This understanding is a process of allowing you to see you in your pain, to feel you in your pain and allow you to be you in your pain. 

As you progress through these phases of you, you will have a wider vision and more clarity of yourself and your progress. This understanding of you will create a foundation upon which you can build your new self. But this "you" needs to be known by you to be created by you. 
The next steps in your process of being will be developed through your choices, your plan and your design. Building a recreated you comes from all these pieces and will be strengthened by the "knowing you" that you established through your understanding of yourself and allowing yourself to be in and feel your pain.

Your progress through the phases of you may be hindered by fears, avoidance, procrastination and lack of acceptance or other blocks that push away opportunities for growth of you.

But, the power is there in you, like a river of you. Rather than asking the where and how questions about power, seek the who question. The answers are to be found in you through growing you, knowing you and living you. Repeated learning, repeated practice, repeated knowing builds, creates, opens, solidifies and strengthens your beingness. Looking for you is not practice---being you is practice.

Finding your power is not a system of seeking but of doing and being. It is not a "finding something to become" but a discovering of what lies inside. Open your heart and mind to see within as that is where you will find your power. It's that core inside that speaks to you from your soul. This is your journey to rediscovering you, a new way of beingness. 
Although some may not be able to see this as a positive journey, those of you who do will perceive deeper into yourself, envision yourself into the flow of your power and will expand your view from a broken heart to a transformed you.      
Chris Recommends

 Loving Yourself Exercise Surfaces Your Power                 

As Maxx stated, your power is in you and it's not your ego forcing it. Your power is in you and loving yourself surfaces that power.  

Because learning to love yourself is a journey, you could adopt practices that would assist you toward that goal such as appreciating who you are and accepting yourself, eliminating self-criticism, learning to trust yourself and forgiving yourself. 

But one very simple exercise can help you get in touch with your heart:
1. Focus on your nose. You may want to close your eyes, move it and touch it then stop moving and touching it but maintain your attention on your nose until you become more aware of your nose  
than any other part of your body. 

2. Now, direct your focus on your heart by placing your right hand over your heart. Close your eyes, feel your breath and feel your heart beating and notice the quality of the feeling as you do so. You may notice that this quality of feeling you experience is not the same as when you focused on your nose. This quality of feeling is pure feeling in and around your heart. 

3. Remove your hand from your heart but continue to be aware of he feeling in your heart. Breathe, relax and notice any feelings that arise. This act of feeling your heart is said to be the deepest, most profound and simplest spiritual practice of love. 
After you complete this, sit quietly without interruption and focus on one part of your body. This is to calm and center you. Then, listen to the beating of your heart. You will be able to hear your heart beating. Know this exercise will help you attune to your universe around you. 
What About Gratitude

   Gratitude Opens The Door To Your Power?
Yeah, gratitude is awesome...but does it really affect your brain at the biological level? Yup!
Do you know what the antidepressant Wellbutrin does? It boosts the neurotransmitter dopamine. So does gratitude.
The benefits of gratitude start with the dopamine system, because feeling grateful activates the brain stem region that produces dopamine. Additionally, gratitude toward others increases activity in your social dopamine circuits, which makes social interactions more enjoyable...
Do you know what Prozac does? It boosts the neurotransmitter serotonin. So does gratitude.
Doesn't it make sense to give gratitude a try?
Did You Know

              You Can Power Up Your Sleep
Although Mom's remedy of warm milk is still a good option for nighttime sleep difficulties, The Department of Medicine at Columbia University has found three more options that research has found to be effective.

1.  Kiwi Fruit: Eating two, one hour before bedtime was reported to help adults fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

2. Malted barley/dairy /wheat flour powder: Found in powered form online, two other studies found that, for older adults especially, 1 to 1 ½ cups of warm malted milk 30 minutes before bedtime provides  less restless sleep.

3. Tart cherry juice: Two smaller studies have found that drinking 1 cup of tart cherry juice in the morning and at night quelled insomnia and reduced nighttime awakenings.

Quick summary: cherries and kiwis have antioxidants that protect against cell damage and inflammation. Both are characteristics of people with sleep disorders. Melatonin in cherries and serotonin in kiwis may improve sleep. Kiwis are rich in folate (synthesizes brain chemicals involved in sleep) and deficiencies in folate have been linked to insomnia and restless leg syndrome. The milk drink contains vitamins B and D which have been linked to sleep disruptions. 


          You are powerful. You are love. I hope you see it, feel it, believe it, know it and live it...


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(all of the Twelve Gifts of Christmas blog posts can be seen on the Facebook page)

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  www.Peaceaftergrief .com   almost  done 


and this month's a final thought...

        Power Failure: Know how to use your power to your advantage...  

If you have questions, comments or subjects you'd like addressed in this newsletter, please let us know...

Link to Blog

Please visit my blog here.   I'd love to hear your comments or questions or have you share your experiences of your continued relationship with your loved one.  

For a whole lot of years now we have been sharing information about signs, celebrating your child's birthday, dreams, pet loss, parental loss, ADCs, continuing relationships, conversations with the other side, holiday grief, bereaved parents' grief and a whole lot more!  

Short Takes


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Chris Mulligan is an intuitive grief guide, teacher and author of Afterlife Agreements: A Gift From Beyond who is passionate about inspiring and guiding others to choose to live differently after grief, to change their pain to hope and their suffering to living on.  Her passion is fueled by her own transformation when her youngest son, Zac died in 2000 and she found herself enduring a shattered world she did not expect to inhabit. Receiving guidance through signs and communication from her son and other spirits, her life path shifted from living in grief to living on. She discovered her truth when she chose to open her heart and live life differently. From that place, she fearlessly created an abundant life full of gifts, gratitude and grace. A MS in Clinical Child, Youth, and Family Work, 25 years of Adoption Social Work, hospice volunteering, facilitating grief support groups and being her parents' end of life and transitional caregiver have taught her about pain and peace. She frequently speaks on panels and workshops for the bereaved and those working with the bereaved. She loves spending time with her husband and family of two dogs, Nina and Sam, four children and four grandchildren. She has been receiving images and messages from those on the other side for over 15 years and is currently writing a book incorporating their teachings.  Go to to learn more. 


With much gratitude,
