
Friday, March 24, 2017 at 12:15 PM EDT
Sunday, March 26, 2017 at 12:00 PM EDT

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Sharptop Cove 
76 Camp Hope
Jasper, GA 30143

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Buz Mayo 
Four Streams Partners, Inc. 

The RESTORATION ADVANCE Weekend - Spring, 2017 

“The question is not at present, however, of removing mountains, a thing that will one day be simple to us, but of waking and rising from the dead now.” 
George MacDonaldConsuming Fire: The Inexorable Power of God's Love: A Devotional Version of Unspoken Sermons

There are Milestone markers in every man's life. This weekend is ONE of those transcendent times that will reshape your Internal Life & change the entire Trajectory of the Rest of your Life. We are not 'retreating'. We're Advancing to explore new Territory & take new ground. Your world needs the very best version of YOU. Take a Step into MORE Life!

One Mentor told me (Buz), "Find out where God is working and go hang out THERE!"

That was 19 years ago. I discovered that He loved Men.  All kinds of Men. Men who are trying really hard to BE good men and have been doing everything the current church culture tells them.  And they are famished, exhausted and losing heart in this great battle.

Another 'mentor' (author & pastor from 19th century Scotland, George MacDonald) speaks passionately about God's INEXORABLE Love. I had to look that one up.  

Inexorable: to be relentless, not given to compromise

To quote from one of MacDonald's sermons, 

“Where loveliness is incomplete, and love cannot love its fill of loving, it spends itself to make more lovely, that it may love more; it strives for perfection, even that itself may be perfected- not in itself, but in the object.”

If you decide to 'show up', rest assured that God will meet you. Most men, I believe, long to know that God is willing to transform them - yet many believe they are unworthy. But that is a false belief. To the man who would say "Yes" to Him, God's inexorable love will perform the kind of change that is possible only to Him. God does not love us because we are good; rather He will make us good (a transformed Man) because He loves us.

This will be a fabulous time w/ a bunch of like-minded men. Buckle your seatbelts...