We hope you enjoy receiving  our weekly email  designed to keep  you informed on current and upcoming events scheduled here at Roland Park Presbyterian Church.   
In This Week's Email:
Holy Humor
by Pastor Mark Hanna
Humor might be one of the most precious gifts in life. Sometimes it is just fun to be silly, but humor also can serve a much higher purpose. While it is true a misplaced joke can make light of a serious subject, a well-timed joke can serve to diffuse tension and free us to look at a difficult situation in a new and helpful light. English actor Peter Ustinov once said, "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious."

I believe Jesus employed humor often in his ministry. I have no hard and fast proof for this, but there are several things that point me in that direction. For one, people were attracted to him. Even though his mission put him in the midst of conflict and danger, he had disciples who were eager to follow him. I just have a hard time imagining them getting along without being able to laugh together often.

I also think that many of Jesus' parables were intended to be funny or ironic. We often miss the joke though, because humor doesn't translate well across languages and cultures. Yet, many of his stories have the elements of jokes, such as surprises, twists and plays on words. For example, in our reading for this coming Sunday from Luke 5 Jesus riffs off Simon Peter's job as a fisherman and invites him to follow him so that he could "fish for people."

For many of us, this (or its alternate, "fisher of men") is a very familiar saying. It doesn't particularly tickle our funny bone. We think Jesus is being serious and in a way he is. But as one of my colleagues pointed out in Bible Study this week, it is actually a really bad metaphor for discipleship if we take it too literally, since the fisherman's job is to catch and kill the fish.  Clearly that is not what Jesus is inviting the disciples to do to people. He is calling them to help him set people free. The Greek verb that is actually used by Jesus, according to Luke, means to "catch them alive." Still, we might not laugh out loud reading this story, but perhaps we can imagine Simon Peter and the others chuckling at Jesus' playful use of language.

Laughter has many commonalities with the love of God, which we are all called to share. It brightens our spirits and frees our minds. It turns us from pain to joy. It makes us feel safe and gives us courage. It unites us with others, breaking down barriers that separate us from one another. It encourages and prods us to new insights, new ways of being in the world.

One of the things I love most about our congregation is that we are not afraid to laugh together. To me, this is a sign of the holy in our midst. It is one of the ways that God breaks into our lives. Just as we are called to pay attention to what brings tears to our eyes, maybe we should also pay attention to what makes us laugh. Might it be God's way of trying to catch us alive with some new insight, some new calling?

I invite you to join us Sunday for worship as we continue to explore this story and its implications for our life of faith. And don't forget about Deacons' Bingo this Friday at 6:30pm.

Until then may your week be filled with the gift of laughter!

In faith, hope and love,

Deacons' Bingo 
1/20, 6:30-8:30pm

Are you ready for our annual Deacons' Bingo Night? There will be  lots of fun in the assembly hall this friday, January 20th at 6:30pm. 

There will be pizza, snacks, and desserts available for purchase. The deacons would love for everyone to bring treats for the bake sale.  Please bring along any prize donations! Thank you.

Russell Family Assistance

The Russell family has been experiencing extremely difficult times lately as their daughter, Sage, is struggling with mental health issues. Meghan Friedman is organizing a special collection to help the family. If you are able to donate, please make out your check to RPPC with "Russell Family Help" in the memo section. For more information, please feel free to contact Meghan at 410-440-2065.

If you would like to reach out in support to Heather or Danny directly, you may click on their names for an email link.

Faith and Fiction Book Club
New Selection!  

All are welcome to join our Faith and Fiction Book Club in reading and then discussing our new selection:  Here I Am by Jonathan Safran Foer. We will meet in the church library on March 22nd at 7:30pm.

Deacons' Brunch   
Mark your calendars! Our annual Deacons' Brunch will be held after worship on Sunday, February 26th in the assembly hall. If you would like to assist with the brunch or donate a casserole or baked good, please contact Ryan Poag. Thanks!

Exploring Membership membership
Are you interested in learning more about our congregation and exploring membership at RPPC, please contact Pastor Mark at 410-889-2990 or 
[email protected]

Liturgists and Greeters Needed
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in our worship services. One way to do that is to sign up to be a liturgist or greeter. We always need liturgists and greeters!

Are you interested in other ways to participate in worship or do you have new ideas to share? Please contact Pastor Mark: [email protected] or  410-889-2990.

Inclement Weather Notice
In the case of inclement weather the church will send out an email communication if there is to be a change to service time. You can also check our website. Of course, please use your own best judgement in determining if it is safe to travel.

Join us this Sunday
January 22, 2017
Education for All Ages
Worship 10:30am

Scripture:   Luke 5:1-11
Message: From Fear to Faith
Annual Congregational Meeting  -- 2/5

The annual congregational meeting is called for Sunday, February 5th immediately following the service. The purpose of the meeting is to review annual reports, receive the 2017 budget and vote on the pastor's 2017 terms of call. Copies of the annual report will be made available prior to the meeting. There will also be a WOW campaign update and a presentation from Murphy & Dittenhafer on the progress of renovation plans.
Sisters Circle Mentor Recruitment   

Sisters Circle, a stand-out mentoring program for girls in Baltimore, is currently accepting volunteer applications for its next round of mentor matches in June 2017. We help girls weather more than a single transition or life challenge; we support them for over a decade so they have all the tools and resources they need to become confident, self-sufficient young women. For more information, visit www.sisterscircle.org , complete our online application or contact Stephanie Radday, Director of Middle School Programs, at [email protected] or 410-227-4836.

Newtown Film Screening
1/25 @7pm

Special Showing, 7 pm: Newtown
Grace United Methodist Church
5407 N. Charles St.

GUMC  will be offering child care that evening, but any parents will need to register for the childcare in advance. You can do that by calling the Grace Church office at 410-433-6650. GUMC will have a panel of guest speakers - including the President of Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence, Jen Pauliukonis, the Commander of Baltimore City Northern District Police, Maj. Richard Gibson, and a yet to be named speaker who works with families and victims of homicide.  

Pastor Mark's 
Out of Office Hour
Wednesdays, 8-9am
Pastor Mark's Out of Office hour is Wednesdays, 8-9am, at Evergreen Coffee house on Coldspring Lane. You may call or text Pastor Mark at 410-914-7772 if you would like to let him know you'll be stopping by.

Roland Park Presbyterian Church
4801 Roland Avenue
Baltimore, MD  21210

 Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9:00am -- 2:30pm

410/889-2990- Pastor's direct line