The Ohio River Channel
A Periodic Update from the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission
November 2016

Algae Monitoring in the Ohio River
ORSANCO recently finished monitoring the Ohio River for algal blooms during the 2016 field season. Using field  observations and data from partners to look for algal blooms, there were no confirmed harmful algal blooms (HABs) on the Ohio River. ORSANCO will continue reviewing data (dissolved oxygen, turbidity, temperature, pH, etc.) from two continuous monitoring stations on the main stem of the Ohio River to help better predict and understand possible HAB events  on the river in the future.

ORSANCO's Organics Detection System Renovation

ORSANCO's Organics Detection System (ODS) renovation project with USEPA was completed in September 2016. The project included monitoring equipment upgrades to analyze samples around the clock and over long periods of time. The upgrades allow ORSANCO to more readily detect unreported spills and discharges on the Ohio River. Via the internet, detected spills can be uploaded to a specially designed website to display ODS site status, in near real time, along the entire river. Last month, nearly 1600 river water samples were analyzed for volatile organic chemicals by ODS operators along the Ohio River. Of the 16 stations that analyze river water samples, there were no significant detections reported. Check out the ODS program on ORSANCO's website or the ODS video at ORSANCOchannel on YouTube for more information.


Check Out ORSANCO's Cool New Website!
ORSANCO released a new updated website this month. The new site will showcase Ohio River water quality data that is available to the public as well as highlight information about ORSANCO and current projects and activities within the Ohio River Basin. The updates will improve the ability to download water quality data on various aspects of the river such as bacteria and nutrients. You can check out ORSANCO's new and improved website online at 

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