The Ohio River Channel
A Periodic Update from the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission
August 2016

Monitoring the Ohio River for Algal Blooms
ORSANCO is monitoring the Ohio River for algal blooms during the 2016 field season. S taff will use field observations and data from partners to look for algal blooms. If an algal bloom is identified, ORSANCO will communicate with the appropriate state agencies, federal agencies, and water utilities to help coordinate communication and to facilitate the appropriate response. Monitoring and working together will be key to keeping people informed about potential hazards of harmful algal blooms and keep citizens in the Ohio River Watershed informed and safe. 

Evaluating Ohio River Pools

Every year, ORSANCO Biologists evaluate the water quality of three Ohio River pools. An Ohio River pool is the body of water between two dams, and that area is named for the dam that is upstream of the designated pool. In 2016, biologists will evaluate Greenup, Williow Island, and Cannelton pools. When pools are studied, water samples and fish samples are collected and the data are reviewed and communicated to ORSANCO's member states. Past  pool reports are posted on ORSANCO's website.


Welcome Chairman Lovan!
ORSANCO has elected C. Ronald (Ron) Lovan of Union, Kentucky, as the 64th Chairman of ORSANCO. He assumed office on July 1. Ron Lovan is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Northern Kentucky Water District. Lovan has management and administrative responsibility for the largest water district in Kentucky which serves approximately 300,000 people and operates three water treatment plants. Appointed to ORSANCO in 2012 as a Kentucky Commissioner, Lovan has served as Vice-Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer. He was reappointed for a second four-year term by Governor Bevin in June of this year. To learn more about our new Chairman, click here.

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