@natickpreschool | 508-647-6583| Visit our website
Greetings Preschool Families,
This will be our last eblast until after the start of the new year...2018! Can you believe it?  We will be posting all next week on Twitter @NatickPreschool to share with you the holiday concert, Peacemakers performance, gingerbread decorating and more!
Have a wonderful winter vacation and enjoy all of the holiday festivities.
The Spirit of Giving:
This month we are collecting new, child-sized hats and mittens to donate.  Feel welcome to bring a hat or mittens to our lobby and have your child help to hang them on our collection clothesline!
Preschool was recognized by the Natick Service Council for our Food Pantry donation in November.  
Thank you to all of our community partners who donate their time and resources to us, whether it be through service learning, packing snacks for the food pantry, organizing a food drive, or donating coats for our clients! We could not meet the growing needs of the Natick community without your help!
  • Memorial Community Service Club (shown left)
  • Temple Israel Service Learning
  • FCC Coat Drive
  • FCC Thanksgiving Food Drive
  • Wilson Middle School
  • New England Food Foundation
  • Natick Police Department
  • Natick Preschool

Brighten the holidays by making health and safety a priority. Here are tips from the CDC and the Natick Nurses to help keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy.
  1. Wash hands often to help prevent the spread of germs. It's flu season. Wash your hands with soap and clean running water for at least 20 seconds.
  2. Bundle up to stay dry and warm. Wear appropriate outdoor clothing: light, warm layers, gloves, hats, scarves, and waterproof boots. These clothing items are necessary for children to have for outdoor recess.
  3. Manage stress. Give yourself a break if you feel stressed out or overwhelmed. Some of the best ways to manage stress are to find support, connect socially, and get plenty of sleep.
  4. Practice safe driving. Fasten seat belts while driving or riding in a motor vehicle. Always buckle your children in the car using a child safety seat, booster seat, or seat belt according to their height, weight, and age. Buckle up every time, no matter how short the trip and encourage passengers to do the same.
  5. Get your Flu vaccination.  Everyone 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine each year.
  6. Monitor children. Keep potentially dangerous toys, food, drinks, household items, medications, and other objects out of children's reach.
  7. Practice fire safety. Most residential fires occur during the winter months, so don't leave fireplaces, space heaters, food cooking on stoves, or candles unattended. Have an emergency plan and practice it regularly. Make sure all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are working properly.
  8. Prepare food safely. Remember these simple steps: Wash hands and surfaces often, avoid cross-contamination, cook foods to proper temperatures and refrigerate foods promptly.
  9. Eat healthy, stay active. Eat fruits and vegetables which pack nutrients and help lower the risk for certain diseases. Limit your portion sizes and foods high in fat, salt, and  sugar. Also, be active for at least 2½ hours a week and help kids and teens be active for at least 1 hour a day.
  10. Take time to relax and enjoy your time with friends and family!!

Please remember to send sneakers to school with your child on the days your child wears boots to school.  
Join Natick Preschool on Twitter
This is a great way to catch glimpses into preschoolers' day

We have 89 followers and climbing... 
Join us!
Calendar 2017 - 2018
December 22 - full day of school! 
December 25 - January 1 Vacation
January 2 - School reopens!
January 10 - Early Release, professional development
January 15 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, no school
February 7 - Early Release, professional development
February 19 - 23 Vacation
March 14 - Early Release, professional development
March 30 - Good Friday, no school
April 4 - Early Release, parent conferences
April 11 - Early Release, parent conferences
April 16 - 20 Vacation
May 31 - Early Release, professional development
May 28 - Memorial Day, no school
June 13 - Early Release, last day of school (no snow days included)
A Great Resource!!

SpectrumSitter was established to help families requiring specialized care to connect with those who have the skills to provide it.  To learn more about SpectrumSitter, visit www.spectrumsitter.com

Family Resources of Natick

Family Resources of Natick is an excellent resource for
Natick families with young children.  
It's almost officially winter! On the cold days, Natick families will find the FRN playroom and the Cole Center gym to be a great place to meet friends and play...and there's a playground for a brisk sunny interlude in the fresh air.
MUSICAL FUN drop-in is cancelled for Wednesday, December 6 due to a conflict

You may view the latest post here

Family Resources of Natick http://www.natickfamilies.org

even if you also notify the teacher. (Notice of planned absences can be given in advance.) 
Natick Public Schools is employing a new safety procedure PreK-12 that will notify parents if a child is absent and the school has not been previously notified by the parent.