Announcements and Updates for January 4,  2017
 For your calendar...

On Friday, January 6th, the Feast Day of Epiphany, the choirs and people of LMLC, Broadview UCC, and St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church will offer a Festival Evensong for Epiphany at the Chapel in the Highlands.  This 7:00pm service will feature the LMLC choir as well as combined choirs and Pastor Julie will deliver the homily.   Please note:  We will carpool from LMLC parking lot at 6:30pm.  Additional lighting and attendants have ben procured for the parking lot at the Chapel in the Highlands.  We hope to see you there!

The LMLC Annual Meeting is Sunday, January 29th, immediately following worship.  In addition to electing Council members and agency representatives, we will eat lunch together and hear updates about the ministries at Luther Memorial!  Mark your calendars and watch your bulletin and this Mid Week Update for details!

Serving in worship this week -  January 8, 2017

Assisting Minister:
Kelsey Larson
Lector: Donna Smith
Acolyte: Joshua Lingappaiah
Communion Care/Altar Prep: Diane MacKechnie
Ushers/Greeters: Steve Olson and Lynne Greenup
Song Leader: Kris Johansson
Musician: Lennon Aldort
Children's Time: Pastor Julie
Tellers: Donna Smith and tbd
Closer: Donna Smith

This week at LMLC - - January 8-14, 2017
Sunday, January 8  The Baptism of Jesus
9:00am:  Sunday School 
9:15 am: 
10 am:  Worship
11:15: Fellowship

Monday,  January 9
Pastor Julie's Sabbath Day
10:00am:  Yoga
6:30pm:  Girl Scouts
7:00pm: Broadview Block Watch

Tuesday, January 10
9:30am: Yoga

Wednesday, January 11
9:30am: Seekers Bible Study (Luther Room)
10:00am: Yoga
2:00pm: Chair Yoga
5:30pm:  Nar Anon Gratitude Event (Fellowship Hall)
6:00 pm: Nar-Anon Book Club (Luther Room)
6:30pm: Cub Scouts (Fireside Room)
7:00 pm: Nar-Anon (Fireside Room)

Thursday, January 12
9:30am: Yoga
1:00 pm: Nar-Anon Day Group (Luther Room)
6:30pm: Cub Scouts Wolf Den (Fellowship Hall)
7:00pm: Garden Club (Fireside Room)
7:15pm:  Writer's Group (Luther Room)

Friday, January 13 
10:00am: Yoga

Saturday, January 14
7:30 am: FARA (Fireside Room)
9:30am: Yoga

LMLC's live online calendar can be found at
From Pastor Julie -
Beloved Community,

This Friday, January 6th, is the Feast Day of The Epiphany.  In the early church this was THE primary festival, second only to Easter Day and the Feast of the Resurrection.  In the community, and among families, this was the day when gifts were exchanged.  Christmas was a small, quiet observance.  In the aftermath of Christmas, I have gone on a frenzy of organization, cleaning, and planning.  It's partially how I'm wired, but it also reminds me that even with the joys of our celebrations, our spirits long for Ordinary Time.  It is coming soon...on the 9th of this month, to be exact, after we observe the Baptism of Jesus this coming Sunday.  

Epiphany is one of my favorite days in the year and I'm so pleased that we will gather with our neighbors from Broadview UCC and St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church for a service of Evensong.  This service, as noted above, will feature the LMLC choir and combined choirs and I will offer the homily.  It's at 7pm at the Florence Henry Memorial Chapel in the Highlands.  We'll carpool from LMLC at 6:30 if you so desire.  
For this Epiphany Day, I share with you this poem from the Community of the Sisters of the Church.  May it bless all of your epiphanies.  

I am the song of the Morning Star
adorning the darkness of night
with the unrestrainable joy of the Eternal.

I am here, blazing across the Heavens
kindling a fire that will burn deep 
--deep and restless
in your heart.

I am here to awaken, encourage
and disturb you,

I am here to guide you to the Holy One
who awaits you.

I am the pounding heartbeats
of the three who followed the song of the star,
the heartbeats of trembling anticipation,
the heartbeats of eager lovers
searching for their beloved
The heartbeats of these
who question their own sanity
yet fling reason aside
and follow the song of the star.

I am the silence,
the silence of adoration,
as knees bend
as heads bow
as shy offerings are put aside
--and hands hang useless and empty.

I am the silence
where longing embraces longing
and love, startled by love
is consumed
is freed
is silent

and only the song of the star remains.

See you in church,
Pastor Julie+

Sunday's Scripture Readings: 
First Reading
Isaiah 42:1-9
God's servant Israel is endowed with the Spirit in order to bring justice to the nations. The servant will not exercise authority boisterously or with violence, nor will weariness ever keep it from fulfilling its task. God's old promises have been fulfilled; the new assignment of the servant is to bring light to the nations.

Second Reading
Acts 10:34-43
Peter crosses the sharp religious boundary separating Jews from Gentiles and proclaims the good news of God's inclusive forgiveness in Jesus' name to Cornelius, a Roman centurion. As a result of Peter's preaching, Cornelius and his family become the first Gentiles to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.

Gospe l
 Matthew 3:13-17
Before Jesus begins his ministry, he is baptized by John, touched by the Spirit, and identified publicly as God's child.