August 23, 2017

Editors' Pick   

Directed by Emer Reynolds    

This top-drawer documentary about NASA's Voyager mission premieres on PBS today. Since its launch in 1977, Voyager 1 has traveled more than 12 billion miles and counting, moving at more than 320 million miles per year. How Voyager came to be and what discoveries it made possible will likely leave you, in the words of Diane Ackerman, "knee deep in the cosmic overwhelm."
Also New on the Website: 

Film: Logan Lucky 
Upcoming E-Course: Living La Vida Yoga 
Upcoming E-Course: A Journey of Discernment 
Process Musings Blog: Such a Team of Teachers
Wishing you a week of wonder, 
Your Spirituality & Practice Team 
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat 
Patricia Campbell Carlson 
Darren Polito