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National Fall Prevention Awareness Day
T his year marks the 10th Annual Fall Prevention Awareness Day, celebrated each year on the first official day of fall - September 22, 2017.  As part of this National Awareness Day, Live 2 B Healthy ® has created a comprehensive Fall Prevention Event that we can bring to your community.  Participants in this special Live 2 B Healthy® event will learn how to reduce their odds of falling, contributing factors to falls, and specific exercises and strategies to help improve balance and reduce the risk of falling.
The probability of falling increases with age and physical fitness decline.   According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2002d), one out of every 3 adults, 65 years or older, falls every year. Falls can be costly and debilitating, but they are NOT a natural part of aging, and can be avoided.
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Choosing a lifestyle that includes regular cardiovascular, flexibility and strength training will help maintain not only overall general health, but balance health as well. Strong muscles improve the ability to respond to external disturbances in a positive manner, and improve posture.  Flexible and strong joints allow further movement through a range of motion so that we are able to correct a loss of balance more easily.  And regular cardiovascular training ensures a strong heart that can endure regular activities of daily living.
The Live 2 B Healthy® program is proven to help seniors improve both balance and overall strength.  Live 2 B Healthy® Trainers are all Certified Personal Trainers, experienced in working with the senior market.  They are familiar with the special challenges that come with age, and they know how to customize specially-designed exercises to fit the specific needs of each community and each resident.  If you are interested in scheduling a special Live 2 B Healthy ® Fall Prevention Event in your community, please contact me!