While The World Celebrates...
We Listen For A Trumpet!
Can The King's Coming Be Far Off?
Now, More Than Ever, the Mission Must Continue!
During this, our most important week of fundraising each year, we are simply trusting the Lord to meet every need to propel us ahead
into 2017.
We are praying you will join us or increase your commitment to both pray and support Take A Stand! Ministries.
Together with our friends and partners, we are continuing to stand for truth and give people reasons for faith. I cannot describe the urgency I sense that prophetic, end-time events are about to speed up dramatically. To carefully make the most of every opportunity and every moment available to us has become our daily goal here.
This is exactly why we have dedicated so much time and capital in
2016 to planning, preparing, and now executing the vision for
Take A Stand TV. Along with the Take A Stand Seminar series, our website, producing various faith building and challenging materials, and our partnership on radio with Jan Markell and Olive Tree Ministries we are using every means available to communicate biblical truth in these troubling times.
The Occult has now captivating millions of homes and hearts. The New Age Movement has expanded its grip on the culture. Secular humanism has released a vitriolic and foul spirit upon our land. Islam and the Pope's
Romanism are now accepted as spiritually equal in many of America's pulpits. And all of this while "tolerant" Political Correctness now fuels protests aimed at silencing opposition voices who dare exercise free speech on our university campus' or in our city streets. This is not to even mention the theological disarray found coast to coast and around the globe in once-sound churches and institutions. Can the King's coming be far off? Yet no trumpet sounds and we wait.