Highlights: Storm Impacts, Rent Advisory Task Force, Beach Cleanup Day
Connect With Pacifica This Week

During my time with the City of Pacifica, I have come to realize that here, “winter storms” have an entirely different meaning than in many other places!  The storms that have battered us since last Friday created some special challenges and I want to highlight a few of them.

Highway 1 Landslide
Late Sunday night, a landslide on Highway 1 at Shelldance forced closure of the northbound lanes.  The Police Department rerouted all traffic onto the southbound lanes in alternate groups of cars.  By 7:30 a.m. Monday morning Caltrans equipment was on-site, removing the material and cleaning up.  Caltrans’ geotechnical staff reviewed the site later that morning.  By early evening, all lanes were open and traffic was moving freely. Tuesday’s morning commute flowed normally.

From the City’s perspective, the response from Caltrans was a marked improvement compared to the last major traffic tie-up in 2015.  This time they were very responsive to our calls and emails requesting information and very sensitive to the impact you, our residents, experienced Monday morning as you tried to start your morning commute.  I appreciate their changed attitude.  

I’m also thankful that the slide did not injure anyone!

Drainage System Failure Behind Manor Fire Station
A second challenge has been the growing sink hole behind the Fire Station in Manor; the recent storms have expanded the hole significantly and created safety concerns for traffic on this stretch of Edgemar Avenue.  The hole was caused by an underground drainage pipe becoming misaligned with age, and with last year’s rainfall, the system began to fail and produced the initial problem.

Last October we were notified that we were successful in obtaining funding from the State of California in response to last year’s submission of twelve repair projects, including this one, for grant funding consideration. Repair work for this project must be timed seasonally so that water flow is not interrupted; however, the process of selecting a contractor was not completed before the start of the rainy season. Unfortunately, the rainfall this winter has been amazingly high and made the problem worse. Public Works brought in the contractor and an outside consultant to advise on immediate actions we can take now. In the meantime, the section of Edgemar Avenue immediately adjacent to the site has been closed.

Downed Trees Posed a Serious Problem
Over the weekend we received 33 calls for service, 26 of them were for downed trees.  We experienced flooding in the Linda Mar area but, fortunately, no private property was affected.  Staff attributes the positive flooding results to the proactive actions taken last week to get ready for storm conditions.

Not included in this tally is the tree that fell and crushed a house, trapping a resident inside until PG&E arrived and de-energized the power lines that had fallen with the tree.  City staff also responded and helped rescue the resident and clear the roadway.  There were other emergencies as well that kept us busy.

I wish us all a safe weekend, free from landslides, sink holes and falling trees!

Please let me know if you have comments or questions, and thank you
for wanting to Connect with Pacifica!

City Manager
City News
  • Rent Advisory Task Force to Meet Jan. 19 at 8:15 am at the Community Center - The purpose of the Rent Advisory Task Force (RATF) is to develop a rent advisory measure for adoption by City Council that identifies a set of principles to engender mutual respect and productive communication among and between property owners and renters, and that result in stability and predictability for both. The newly-installed task force held its initial meeting on December 15, 2016. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 19, 2017 from 8:15 am – 9:45 am in the Card Room at the Pacifica Community Center, 540 Crespi Drive. Meetings are open to the public. See the Rent Advisory Task Force webpage on the City’s website for more information.

  • Volunteer at the MLK Day of Service Beach Cleanup & Planting Day on Jan. 21 - The Pacifica Beach Coalition is organizing a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service Beach Cleanup & Planting event on Saturday, January 21, 2017 beginning at 9:00 AM at Linda Mar State Beach. Volunteers can join any of several projects that help the beach. See the event flyer for more information.

  • Help With the San Mateo County 2017 Homeless Count on Jan. 26 - On Thursday, January 26, 2017 from approximately 6 am to 10 am, San Mateo County will conduct its biennial One Day Homeless Count. The One Day Homeless Count is a census and survey of unsheltered homeless people throughout the entire County conducted in collaboration with community partners. The results will help County understanding of the number of homeless individuals and families and their needs, and is a vital component of the County’s goal to reach functional zero of homelessness by 2020. Volunteers are needed. Click here for more information and volunteer opportunities.

  • Explore the Lookmobile at City Council Chambers parking lot from Jan. 31 - Feb. 2 - You may have heard of or visited the Bookmobile, but here’s a chance to take your exploration one step further with the Lookmobile! The San Mateo County Libraries Lookmobile, created in collaboration with San Francisco’s Exploratorium, is an interactive mobile library designed to activate outdoor spaces and increase hands-on learning opportunities. Come check it out when the Lookmobile visits Pacifica! The Lookmobile will be at City Council Chambers parking lot (2212 Beach Blvd.) from Jan. 31 - Feb. 2, and will be at Pacifica-Sanchez Library at 1111 Terra Nova Blvd. from Feb. 3 - 4. Visit the Lookmobile webpage for more information and a schedule of other locations.

  • Small Business Tax Credits Available - Funding is available for small businesses from the California Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz). California Competes Tax Credit is a 5-year income tax credit available to businesses of all sizes who want to grow, or stay in California. Deadline to apply is January 23See more details here or visit the City of Pacifica's Economic Development webpage for more information about supporting our local businesses and economic development.
Don't Miss These Fun Events Coming Up for Kids
Click on the images above for a link to the flyer for each event, or visit the PB&R Special Events webpage

Princess Dance / Under the Sea Ball on January 21, 2017
For boys and girls ages 5 - 10
Bring your favorite child to a Ball! This whimsical event is sure to delight all and create lasting memories. $35 per couple

Pacifica’s Youth Spelling Bee on January 28, 2017 
for Kindergarten - 4th Graders
$10 Registration Fee
Press Releases

Link to Additional Press Releases

Save The Date
  • Jan. 13 - Public Comment period closes for Wet Weather Equalization Basin (EQ Basin) Project Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration / Initial Study. Comments should be submitted to Bonny O'Connor, Planning Department, 1800 Francisco Blvd., Pacifica, CA 94044 or by email to: o'
  • Jan. 16 - City Offices Closed in Observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

  • Jan. 17 - Earthquake Preparation Class at Pacifica Police Department - Click here for details and registration.

  • Jan. 19 San Mateo County Coastal Resilience Workshop - Learn about the risks facing coastal communities and tools and resources to support risk reduction for flooding and sea level rise. The workshop will be held January 19 from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm at the Half Moon Bay Yacht Club. Click here for more information or to register by January 13, 2017.

  • Jan. 19 Rent Advisory Task Force Meeting - The next meeting of the Rent Advisory Task Force will be held Jan. 19 at 8:15 am in the Card Room at Pacifica Community Center, 540 Crespi Dr.
  • Feb. 3 - 4 - City Council Goal Setting Meetings - The public is welcome during the City Council goal setting process scheduled for February 3 - 4 at the Pacifica Police Department, EOC Room. More details will follow. 

  •  Upcoming City Meetings – For information about upcoming City meetings, visit the City of Pacifica website at and check the Calendar for City Council Meetings and Other City Meetings at the bottom of the page. 

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