Help protect Nebraska's nonpartisan legislature!  

Next week, the Nebraska Legislature's Rules Committee will meet to discuss a change that could jeopardize Nebraska's proud tradition of nonpartisan legislature.

What can you do? 
  1. Join the Nonpartisan Nebraska Rally on Tuesday, January 17th at the state capitol building at 12:15 p.m. We will meet in front on the Lincoln Statue. Please come and help us send a clear message: we will fight to preserve the integrity of our Unicameral and our time honored Nebraska traditions.
  2. Contact your representative and say: we must work together to protect the best interests of all Nebraskans. Use the sample message below, write your own message, or call your representative and ask him/her to vote against the rule changes.
Why is this important?
  • Changing the Legislature's rules will weaken Nebraska's non-partisan legislature.
  • Our unique nonpartisan legislation was created to ensure that our representative are acting in the best interest of Nebraskans, not in the best interest of any one political party.
  • Non-partisanship allows lawmakers to base their actions on conviction and the needs of their districts, rather than on divisive partisan politics.
  • We have to protect the integrity of our legislature, which has worked efficiently and effectively for 80 years.
  • Vote to retain the current rules and defend the legacy of George Norris. Protect our Nebraska traditions!

Copy/Paste the following email message to your state senator, or, write your own using the talking points above:

Dear Senator,

I'm writing to you today to ask you to vote against the rule changes that would weaken the proud non-partisan tradition of the Legislature for the last 80 years. This included lowering the cloture vote threshold and ending secret ballot leadership elections.

The Nebraska Legislature has a proud tradition of working together because we share one important thing in common: we're all Nebraskans. We don't just work across the aisle, we share the aisle. We respect each other, even when we disagree.

Changing the Legislature's rules to end secret ballot elections and lowering the cloture vote threshold will weaken the non-partisan tradition of Nebraska. This is in direct opposition to the reason the nonpartisan unicameral legislature was created: to have senators come together regardless of ideology and work together for the common good of Nebraska.

Please vote to retain the current rules. Please vote to retain the Nebraska legislature's integrity and proud non-partisan tradition.




Anne Hindery, CEO 
Nonprofit Association of the Midlands
Email: [email protected] 

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