AEA Wired by Aircraft Electronics Association
Aug. 23, 2017
Keeping the general aviation industry connected
The Current 
News from the general aviation industry

Sept. 18 is Last Day to Reserve FAA's $500 ADS-B Rebate
The last day for eligible aircraft owners to reserve one of the Federal Aviation Administration's $500 rebates for ADS-B Out compliance is Monday, Sept. 18, 2017. The FAA is offering a $500 rebate to help owners of single-engine, piston aircraft equip now with the required avionics. Although the last day to make a reservation is Sept. 18, eligible aircraft owners who make a reservation by the deadline will still have time to complete the remaining steps in the process to receive the rebate check.
Starting Jan. 1, 2020, aircraft must be equipped with ADS-B Out to fly in most controlled airspace. Federal Regulations 14 CFR 91.225 and 14 CFR 91.227 contain the details. The rebate program runs through Sept. 18 or until all 20,000 rebates have been claimed, whichever comes first. Eligible aircraft are defined as U.S.-registered, fixed-wing, single-engine piston aircraft whose operation requires an onboard pilot, first registered before Jan 1, 2016.   More...

The Capacity Question: OK, This is a Rant!
Ric Peri, AEA vice president of government and industry affairs, doesn't mince any words in his Avionics News column this month when addressing the industry's "capacity" to equip the GA fleet with ADS-B Out by the Dec. 31, 2019, deadline. Here's a snippet, but the column is well worth the full read.

"Try walking into your favorite restaurant in Oshkosh during AirVenture without a reservation," Peri wrote. "How long would the queue be? How about during the NBAA Convention or Heli Expo? When demand is up, there is a queue. It is a measure of demand, not capacity. There is plenty of capacity during normal business activities -- throughput and demand are in sync. Because someone doesn't make a reservation isn't a failure of capacity, it's a result of their own procrastination, despite knowing there is an expected demand."   More...

All-Star Training Lineup Set for AEA Connect Conference, Sept. 6-7, in Reno
With only two weeks remaining before the AEA West Connect Conference takes place Sept. 6-7 at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nevada, the agenda has been finalized and includes regulatory updates and training sessions that avionics repair stations can't afford to miss. To see the complete schedule, click here

Register one attendee for the AEA West Connect Conference at full price and every full registrant from the same company after that is HALF PRICE! The deadline for advance registration is Aug. 30. More... 

Regulatory Update
All the latest from the international aviation authorities

Industry Offers Commercial Parts Solution to FAA
On Aug. 8, 2017, the AEA and 12 other associations and businesses sent a draft notice to the FAA dealing with commercial and commercial-off-the-shelf parts in the context of change 6 to the U.S.-EU Maintenance Annex Guidance. The draft was developed in follow up to the industry coalition's letters to the FAA dated Feb. 3, 2017, and April 18, 2017, as well as subsequent discussions with agency personnel. The draft notice allows U.S. repair stations to perform a Part 43 inspection and issue Form 8130-3 with a right-side signature for new commercial parts and COTS parts received without an Authorized Release Document . More...  

AEA to Host its Next Quarterly Risk-based Certification Update for Manufacturers Dec. 19
On Tuesday, Aug. 15, the Aircraft Electronics Association played host to another Quarterly Risk-based Certification Update for Manufacturers of general aviation avionics at its international headquarters in Lee's Summit, Missouri.  As an output of the February 2017 regulatory forum on NORSEE and commercial parts, the FAA agreed to conduct a quarterly update on its risk-based initiatives in design, certification and production approvals. In order to assist the aviation industry in understanding these new risk-based tools available for the design, certification and production of aviation products (not limited to avionics), the AEA, in cooperation with the FAA, sponsors this recurrent, quarterly forum to allow for an open discussion on the application of this invaluable, cost-effective process. The next forum is slated for Tuesday, Dec. 19, at AEA headquarters. 

The AEA began playing host to these quarterly forums shortly after the new product announcements took place at Sun 'n Fun 2016. The shock-and-awe message delivered from the Experimental Aircraft Association about its "revolutionary" attitude indicator supplemental type certificate dominated the headlines during that spring event, and it was the topic of conversation throughout 2016. As industry saw in July 2017, the introduction of new products at this year's AirVenture was a springboard to a renaissance in new general aviation products. It is certainly exciting, but there are four extremely important items that must be part of any discussion about this new paradigm, according to Ric Peri, AEA vice president of government and industry affairs. More... 

On the Radar
Upcoming AEA and industry events

Register Now Button AEA U.S. West Connect Conference: 
Reno, Nevada
Sept. 6-7, 2017
The Grand Sierra Resort plays host to this two-day event. Attendees must register in advance by Aug. 30. The AEA Connect Conferences offer a forum to see, hear and learn about all the new technology on the market, network with industry peers and discover best practices for the aviation repair station industry. More...

Register Now Button AEA U.S. East Connect Conference:
Jacksonville, Florida
Sept. 18-19, 2017
Attendees must register in advance by Sept. 11, and hotel reservations should be made at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverside no later than Aug. 26. More...

Register Now Button AEA Canada Connect Conference:
Toronto, Ontario
Sept. 28-29, 2017
Attendees must register in advance by Sept. 21, and hotel reservations should be made at the Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel & Suites no later than Aug. 28. More...

Register Now Button AEA U.S. Central Connect Conference:
Kansas City, Missouri
Oct. 26-27, 2017
Attendees must register in advance by Oct. 19, and hotel reservations should be made at the Hilton Kansas City Airport no later than Oct. 5. More...  

Register Now Button AEA South Pacific Connect Conference:
Cairns, Australia
Nov. 8-9, 2017
Attendees must register in advance by Oct. 30, and hotel reservations should be made at the Shangri-La Hotel, The Marina, Cairns.  More...

Garmin Ad for Wired The Connection
Meet the leaders in the general aviation industry

SAIT Specializes in Hands-on Training
At Southern Alberta Institute of Technology in Calgary, Alberta , students pour over avionics manuals, bench test line replaceable units, troubleshoot pitot-static systems and interpret wiring diagrams. They're taking part in the school's Transport Canada-accredited aviation program that prepares students for a career in avionics. 

The Southern Alberta Institute of Technology began 101 years ago under a different name training wounded World War I veterans in motor mechanics. In time, the school added studies in aeronautics, aircraft maintenance and avionics, among many other subjects.  Today, SAIT students can choose from three hands-on programs in aviation -- aircraft maintenance engineering technology, avionics technology and aircraft structures technician. Students learn from knowledgeable instructors with all 15 faculty members holding a valid aircraft maintenance engineer's license, according to Lynda Holden, academic chair of Aviation Programs, School of Transportation . More...  

In the Classroom 
Professional development opportunities

Register Now Button Basic Aircraft Electrical Training Course:
Oct. 16-17, 2017
Presented by Pahan Ranasingha of Avionics Installations, this course is designed for the avionics technician, aircraft maintenance technician or homebuilder who wants to improve their understanding of aircraft electrical systems and electricity. It will provide an overview of the fundamentals of electricity and their practical application in aircraft. From currents and calculations to schematics and systems troubleshooting, this two-day course is the perfect primer for an entry-level technician or the skilled homebuilder ready to tackle avionics installation. More...

Register Now Button Avionics Installation for Experimental Aircraft:
Oct. 18-20, 2017
This course is designed for the aircraft technician or homebuilder who is looking for guidance in completing an installation on an experimental aircraft with the popular Garmin G3X Touch large format flight display system. From the do-it-yourselfer to the avionics shop looking to carve a niche in this ever-expanding market, this class has something for everyone.  The class will start with an overview of wiring basics but will quickly advance through the common practices involved in wiring. Students will spend a significant portion of this course learning, hands-on, how to wire the G3X system. Attendees will also learn how to plan, install, interface and configure the G3X Touch screen system, which includes a single display, air data, attitude and heading reference system, magnetometer, outside air temperature probe, engine indication system interface and autopilot integration. More...

Avionics Careers
Job postings, career resources and scholarships

Looking for a Job in the Avionics Industry? 
For individuals interested in pursuing professional opportunities in the avionics industry, the career listings page on the AEA website is your one-stop resource. The AEA careers page provides informational links on how to get AET certified, an avionics technician job summary and wage review, along with scholarship opportunities within the industry. Search the AEA's career listings and see what's on your horizon. Are you up to the challenge? More...

Need to Post a Job? The AEA Works for You!
Is your business hiring? Looking for a new avionics technician or A&P mechanic? Want to buy or sell a business in the general aviation industry? Post these professional opportunities to a target-rich environment: the AEA's career listings website.  For $200 a month, you can place a listing online AND receive a print advertisement in Avionics News for FREE! For more information, contact Lauren McFarland, AEA director of advertising, at
The Static
News from AEA member companies

HONEYWELL   introduced a new series of proximity sensors to help operators save on maintenance costs and improve the overall performance of aircraft systems.  The Integral Health Monitoring series can self-diagnose and detect when a sensor has been damaged.  Honeywell also introduced the Linear Variable Differential Transformers, which are used in engine mechanisms, pilot controls, and nose-wheel steering applications and provide aircraft with continuous position monitoring, especially in harsh environments. 

UNIVERSAL AVIONICS SYSTEMS CORP. announced FAA Technical Standard Order authorization for the company's InSight Display System, offering operators a new modern, integrated flight deck solution for both new aircraft platforms and retrofit upgrades. 

FLIGHTSAFETY INTERNATIONAL promoted MARK GRIS to assistant manager of the Learning Center in Toronto, Ontario. It also promoted TOM MONTGOMERY to assistant manager of the Learning Center in Savannah, Georgia. The company also introduced a new Integrated Growth and Achievement Preparation Program for students entering the FlightSafety Academy in Vero Beach, Florida. 

ALTO AVIATION announced that the new ALTO Cadence Switch System was installed in two Challenger 850 aircraft by Flying Colours Corp.'s St. Louis facility, for a U.S. East Coast-based corporate fleet operator. The retrofit featured a completed cabin reconfiguration to accommodate 19 passengers in business class seats in a shuttle configuration. 

DUNCAN AVIATION is now able to provide aircraft owners and operators in the Salt Lake City, Utah, area with mobile Non-Destructive Testing services. In addition, Duncan's satellite avionics shop in Atlanta, Georgia, upgraded the Rockwell Collins TDR-94Ds on a Gulfstream 200, bringing the aircraft into compliance with the FAA's mandate for ADS-B Out. Although not a first for Duncan Aviation, this was the first time the company's Atlanta shop had completed the work.  

AVIDYNE  announced the winner in its IFD550 giveaway contest that ran from April 4 to July 31, 2017.  The winner was KEVIN WIENKERS of Green Bay, Wisconsin, who won an all-new IFD550 FMS/GPS/NAV/COM for his Cirrus SR22. 

PS ENGINEERING received a TSOA letter on Aug. 4 from the FAA indicating it has accepted and now allows authorization to manufacture the new PAC45 audio control system, and 20 days later, the first full-up system was installed by Complete Avionics. The PAC45 is the only FAA-approved audio controller designed specifically for business jets as well as for special-mission aircraft to employ true dimensional sound. 

CMD FLIGHT SOLUTIONS received Transport Canada familiarization on all the Learjet models. A complete list of the Learjets that CMD covers can be found at the company's website.  

FLYING COLOURS CORP. named TREVOR KNOX director of maintenance. 

GOGO BUSINESS AVIATION received FAA STC approval on its dual directional antennas for the Gogo AVANCE L5 system, which connects to the Gogo Biz 4G network, and will begin shipping this week. 

ROCKWELL COLLINS was selected by TCS World Travel to provide onboard broadband connectivity. 

ELLIOTT AVIATION named MINDY ZUMDOME vice president of talent and culture. 

HONDA AIRCRAFT CO. announced that the HondaJet received its type certificate from the Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency on Aug. 8, 2017. 

ROBOTIC SKIES raised a round of venture capital financing led by Kickstart Seed Fund of Salt Lake City, Utah, and included participation by Sun Mountain Capital of Santa Fe, New Mexico. The capital will accelerate the expansion of the Robotic Skies maintenance network for high-end commercial unmanned aircraft systems. 

SOUTHEAST AEROSPACE recently completed a multifaceted Cessna 421B Garmin avionics package installation, which included the installation of a GTN 750 and GNC 255A for radio communication. 

GARMIN announced an expanded feature set, an enhanced user interface and additional wireless connectivity solutions for its GTN 650/750 touchscreen navigators. New GTN enhancements include pinch-to-zoom and Flight Stream 510 integration, which supports wireless Database Concierge between the GTN and the Garmin Pilot app on a mobile device. Flight plan transfer, as well as traffic, weather, GPS information and more also display on select mobile devices when paired with Flight Stream 510. 

ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP.'s MCP03 for the Twin Otter 100/200/300 is now available and was awarded STC SA17-78 by Transport Canada. 

GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORP. announced the creation of its Connectivity Service program, a comprehensive, bundled suite of in-flight internet, voice and entertainment offerings customized to meet the needs of each Gulfstream operator. In addition, Gulfstream and its sister company, Jet Aviation, announced that Gulfstream will assume responsibility for Jet Aviation's maintenance operations at St. Louis Downtown Airport in Cahokia, Illinois. Jet Aviation will continue to fulfill its obligation to current MRO and completions customers through the transition, which will start later this year and finish in 2018. 
Sponsored by AVWeb GA Caucus

Industry advocates on Capitol Hill


In 2009, General Aviation Caucuses were formed in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate to inform congressional members and staff about the importance of general aviation to the nation's economy and transportation system. Today, the House GA Caucus has grown to become one of the largest caucuses in the House of Representatives. A listing of current House and Senate GA Caucus members is available on the AEA website. More... 

Aircraft Electronics Association About the AEA
Founded in 1957, the Aircraft Electronics Association represents nearly 1,300 member companies in more than 40 countries, including government-certified international repair stations specializing in maintenance, repair and installation of avionics and electronic systems in general aviation aircraft. The AEA membership also includes manufacturers of avionics equipment, instrument repair facilities, instrument manufacturers, airframe manufacturers, test equipment manufacturers, major distributors, engineers and educational institutions. 

Aircraft Electronics Association
3570 NE Ralph Powell Road
Lee's Summit, MO 64064
Phone: 816-347-8400
Fax: 816-347-8405
Lauren McFarland, director of advertising
Phone: 816-347-8400

The "AEA Wired" e-newsletter is published twice a month by the AEA.