Dec. 2, 2016 2 Kislev 5777

Parashat Toldot

Candle Lighting 5:02 p.m.
The Talmud teaches a fundamental lesson about the Jewish People: Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh La'Zeh, All Jews are responsible for each other. This dictum underlies our commitment to ensuring the welfare and safe-keeping of our brothers and sisters all over the world. The word "areivim," translated as "responsible," finds its etymology from two possible roots. The first explains the word to mean guarantee, as in a financial transaction. Each and every Jew serves as the guarantor for the other and as such, each individual holds a responsibility for the whole. The second possibility suggests that the word is derived from the root for mixture. All Jews, in our glorious diversity, mix together to form the entire Jewish People; the collection of individuals that comprise our nation blend to share a single destiny. Either way the word is understood, the premise is clear: as Jews, we are intimately connected to and impacted by the fates of other Jews. At Akiba, we hold this principle as one of our pillars of our school community and the lessons we teach.

Israel recently suffered from a spate of fires-some began naturally, others sparked by hatred and terror.  Families have lost their homes and communities have been decimated by the flames. On December 14, our students will do their part to demonstrate their responsibility and compassion for the victims of the fires. Below you will find information about a day in which our students will raise their voices in song to raise funds for Israel. Every student will be participating at a designated time and parents are invited to join us at Café 18 if possible. I look forward to seeing you there and hope that our children's voices will inspire parents, friends, and community members to participate in this important display of solidarity and concern.
Shabbat Shalom,
Your donation is greatly appreciated! Please CLICK HERE to donate. Please CLICK HERE for the performance schedule.
Here is a LINK to our NEW special events page on the website!
  • OngoingTuesdays, 12:30-1:30 p.m., Board Room: Join Rebbetzin Chana Naparstek, fellow Akiba moms and staff, as we study and gain meaningful insight in to the weekly parasha. You're welcome to bring a kosher lunch, and light refreshment will be available.
  • Ongoing: Thursdays, 8:30 a.m., Board Room: Join Rabbi Rackovsky for "Pathways in the Parasha."
  • Dec 1: Shabbat Dress Day.
  • Dec 5: It's a Girl Thing! For 7th & 8th Grade Girls. 
  • Dec 5-9: Book Fair.
  • Dec 7: No School for Preschool due to Parent/Teacher conferences.
  • Dec 15, 8:15am: Hannukah University. Prepping home and family for Hannukah
  • Dec 13: Keep the Momentum Going. A special event with Lori Palatnik. For more information click HERE.
  • Dec 19: Winter Break Begins
  • Jan 3: Back to School. Winter Break Ends
  • Jan 3: It's a Girl Thing! For 7th & 8th Grade Girls. 
2:45pm Friday dismissal through March 4. Aftercare closing time is 3:30 p.m. on Fridays.

For the full 2016-2017 calendar, click HERE

  • December 5th through 9th
  • Kindergarten through 6th grade
  • One hour divided into two 30 minute sessions
  • Introduction to computer science and coding
  • Students will use iPads apps and websites
  • Look here after the week is complete to find additional resources to try at home


While Rabbi Sabo was in a Tanakh workshop, his grandfather and master teacher, Rabbi Bentzi Rosenberg taught our 5th grade Navi class.  The students were given the opportunity to ask questions about Navi and life in Israel.  He also gave middle school students a Parashah lesson.


All middle school students have been using their skills in metric measurement and precision to create blankets sold in support of the Dolev School for Girls in Israel.  The school is for at risk girls who have no family or support system and it succumbed in the recent fires in Israel. During the first sale date, the blankets brought in $175 and were sold out!!!  More blankets will be available at future bake sales and Cafe' 18.


We loved seeing all of the grandparents and special friends who visited our campus last week.  
Grandparents and Special Friends' Day
Grandparents and Special Friends' Day


Fourth grade taking a break from weaving to pose for grandparents and special friends' day! 
Kindergarten working on their Stars and printing. 

Second graders working on their cityscapes! 

Third graders busy weaving their baskets with yarn, ribbon, and beads. 


Jewish Reading Fair for lower and middle school was a huge success.
Jewish Reading Fair 2016
Jewish Reading Fair 2016


Your child brought home a large envelope this week and it is the easiest fundraiser you will ever have participated in.
All you need to do is shop online or donate a gift card through this website to your child's classroom through this website. And while you are doing this your child can earn prizes.  It is that easy!
Here are the steps:
  •  Register at to do your online shopping at over 400 stores that you would usually shop at. Share this with family and friends as we get a percentage off their shopping too.  The website will walk you through how to shop once you enter in our school ID code.
Akiba's ID is 11131 
  • Visit  to donate a CARING FOR CLASSROOMS gift card for your child's classroom. The gift card will be sent to the school and will identify the teacher and family that donated it.
  Everyone comes out a winner in this fun fundraiser.

Gross motor skills are the abilities needed to control the large muscles of the body.  And K'Ton Ton students were able to work on these skills in Hanna's room by:  Jumping on the trampoline,  running,  jumping with two feet off the ground,  bouncing,  climbing the rock wall,  crawling army style,  walking up and down stairs with or without holding on, and more.


Morah Bonnie and Morah Jenny's K'Ton Ton Scientists did some interesting work with the droppers using their "tzedaka fingers." These toddlers maintained focus for almost 30 minutes, while using their droppers to drop colored vinegar onto Baking Soda, which produced foaming explosive bubbles. The children were excited about the tiny explosions they created, but what they didn't realize was how they were challenging their fine motor skills and their ability to focus in the process.

Our kids know so much . . . Morah Malka and Morah Vickie's class started learning about Chanukah this week. During their initial conversation about Chanukah, Morah Malka asked the children, "What do you know or remember about Chanukah and the story?" These are some of the children's responses:
Haysha: "The Maccabees were fighting the king's guards."
Maddie: "We light the Chanukiyah."
Clegg: "There are eight days of Chanukah."
Jonah: "The chocolate is called gelt."
Samara: We have Hebrew letters on the dreidels."
Koby: "My mom's birthday is on Chanukah."
Eliza: "Some of the dreidels have gimel on it."
Lavi: "Some dreidels are different colors.
Jacob: "Some dreidels are made out of wood."

To prepare for the upcoming Chanukah holiday, Morah Naomi and Morah Shoshi's class challenged their recall skills by reviewing some of the Jewish Holidays we've already experienced together.  They integrated Math, Science, and Social Studies by creating a chart of holiday foods and holiday traditions associated with each holiday. The children remembered the Rosh Hashana food and that it was the Birthday of the World. The Sukkot tradition of sitting in the sukkah and being able to see the stars was a fond memory of theirs though eating harvest vegetables was not a favorite for all. About Chanukah 2015 they remembered receiving presents and playing dreidels.

Thank you to our snack helpers for the week: 
Michelle Raphael and Abby Hirsch. 
We are still in need of more people to sign up.  CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP TO HELP.

Support Akiba in a unique and meaningful way. When you donate your airline miles and hotel points to Akiba, you give so much more than the awards travel. Reward miles and hotel points will give our faculty and staff the support they need to take advantage of professional development conference opportunities that will raise the level of learning and leadership at our school. For details contact Lisa Kramer Morgan.  


Yearbook ads are now available for purchase.   PURCHASE HERE
Dear Akiba parents,
As we enter the time of year when seasonal illnesses become more frequent; please remind your family members of a few important habits:
  • Frequent and thorough hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent getting sick.
  • Cover a cough or sneeze with your sleeve, inside of elbow.
  • Avoid touching your face, especially the T zone: eyes, nose, mouth.
  • Get at least 8-10 hours of sleep each night.
  • Drink plenty of healthy fluids and food.
  • Get some exercise every day.
  • Do not share any food, drinks.
  • Remember to wear clothing appropriate to the weather: hats, mittens, warm coat.
  • Get a flu shot.
  • Make sure your children are current on their immunizations. All children need a yearly well child exam.
Parents, plan now who would pick up a child from school should they become ill and have a backup plan.
Please remember, the school clinic does NOT stock over the counter medications for student use, with the exception of that brought in by parents to keep in the clinic.
Should your child require over the counter medication at school for a sudden headache, orthodontic pain, etc. you will need to bring and administer it to them at school.
Please contact the nurse if you need to leave medication at school for your child to take on a regular basis. All medication given must be in the original, unexpired container and permission forms completed.
Be well!
Susan Donnenfield, RN,BSN,BA


A super special THANK YOU to all of the people who poured themselves into Grandparents and Special Friends' Day, especially: Facilities and Maintenance staff.

There are several hot lunch slots open for the rest of the semester. Please consider signing up once or for a recurring slot. Grandparents welcome, too! Sign up here .

Akiba PTO Winter Wonderland Book Fair coming December 5th-9th! To volunteer as a Snowflake Helper at the Book Fair, sign up at: SNOWFLAKE HELPER.

Kindergarten Breakfast RSVP: CLICK HERE


Visit the PTO webpage to keep up with events and get involved: CLICK HERE.


  • What:  "How Success Thinks": Jewish Secrets For Leading a Productive Life a new Six-week course on how to get more of what you want and less of what you don't.
  • When:  Begins Wednesday, November 16, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm, for six consecutive weeks
  • Where:  Chabad of Dallas, 6710 Levelland Road, Dallas, TX
  • How:   To register go to
  •  For questions, email Â or call 972.818.0770