$500 Environmental Science Grants
Available  in Alameda County

Environmental Science
Resource  Grant Program

Any public school teacher, grades K-12, in Alameda County school districts is eligible to apply.

Please note there is a limit of two grants per school and one grant per teacher.

Grants of up to $500 to enhance classroom environmental science curriculum through projects, supplies, field trips, and professional development.

  • Field trip related to the study of wetland and creek restoration and water conservation
  • In-classroom presentations about endangered species by local wildlife experts
  • Gardening supplies for students to build a wildlife habitat
  • Adopt-a-Beehive program for a project-based learning activity about bees
  • Materials for a school-wide climate stewardship project to mitigate the effects of climate change
  • For more lesson ideas, see NOAA Climate Stewards Education Project and ClimateChangeLIVE
We've made it easy! Simply submit a description of your idea on school letterhead, including the following information:
  • Date and notation on top that request is for an Environmental Science Grant
  • School and district name, address, telephone and fax numbers
  • Your name, grade level, email address
  • Description of your classroom and funding need
  • Total amount requested
  • Item-by-item listing of how the money will be spent
  • Applications must be signed by both the submitting teacher and principal
Fax your application to (510) 645-1892, or scan and email it to [email protected].

Send your request in as soon as it is ready. If approved, funds will immediately be disbursed. Checks are made payable to the school.

Please contact Anita Kao, Program Associate:
This program is made possible with funding by
The Lampert Byrd Foundation.
"The ease of the program is so appealing - one page to apply, a check in two days, 
one-time follow-up report. The materials not only enrich the students' education, 
they give teachers needed inspiration to be creative and motivated."

- Felisa Hoogendyk, teacher
About PVF
PVF created and pioneered the concept of immediate response teacher resource grant programs, getting funding to public school teachers in a 48-hour turnaround time through a streamlined application process.