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Divorce Matters: A Proven Approach to Family Law
Divorce Matters: A Proven Approach to Family Law
Rocky Mountain Children's Law Center

Good works. Supporting non-profit organizations is one way that the employees of Divorce Matters fulfill their wish to do good for the community. At the beginning of 2016 our employees nominated their favorite charities and 12 were selected. In the month of December Divorce Matters will donate to the Rocky Mountain Children's Law Center. Their mission is to transform the lives of abused, neglected and at-risk children through compassionate legal advocacy, education and public policy reform. They promise to listen to the children they serve, be dependable, and pursue every option for a future of safety, stability and success. They seek to address the educational, physical and mental health needs of their child clients, while also pursuing the extended family relationships and typical childhood experiences that every child deserves.
Divorce Matters Welcomes Andrew J. Price
Attorney  Andrew J. Price represents his clients in all matters related to family law with Divorce Matters, including, but not limited to, divorce, child support, allocation of parental responsibilities, modifications of parenting time and decision-making, protection orders, and mediation.

When Andrew isn't advocating for his clients, he enjoys our beautiful state by spending time outdoors with his wife and two dogs. He also loves movies and music. His volunteerism extends to his down time, where he enjoys using his formidable family law expertise to help those who cannot afford legal representation.
Cures for the Holiday Blues
The holidays might not feel like most wonderful time of the year when you are coping with a divorce in your family. While these next few weeks have often served warm and happy memories to you in the past, they can feel much more complicated when you're dealing with the fallout from a divorce. It might not be possible to completely eliminate the nostalgia and sadness that can arise during the holidays, but there are definitely things you can do to alleviate these feelings.
Create new family traditions - There are sure to be old traditions that you used to observe with your spouse when you were still together. Instead of trying to recreate these without your spouse, try creating new ones that don't bring along the emotional baggage.
Plan ahead - Try to plan ahead with your spouse so that you are both clear on who gets which nights and which portions of the holidays with your children. Try to work together amicably for your children's sake and your own. It doesn't do anything but hurt yourself if you dig your heels in. Flexibility will go a long way, and often children get excited at the prospect of two Christmases. They won't mind if second Christmas comes a week early or late.
Self Care - Be sure that you aren't letting the holidays get to you by missing sleep, eating overly unhealthy or partying too much. These are detrimental to your health and overall stress levels and well being. Try to take some time for yourself to relax by reading a book or taking a bath. These little things will go a long way in preserving your health and making this time of year more enjoyable.
Give Yourself a Break - Trying to create the perfect holiday season for the sake of your children or yourself is only setting yourself up for failure. There is not such thing as the "perfect holiday" and you will drive yourself crazy trying to attain it. Just allow yourself to be in the moment with your loved ones and don't let the little stuff get to you. Realistic expectations give you the mental and emotional space you need to actually enjoy the holidays.
Reclaim the Name Bill
Divorce Matters attorney William E. Smith recently testified before the Colorado Senate Judiciary Committee in support of House Bill 16-1085, a bill that sought to create an easier path for divorced parties who wish to revert back to their prior name. Previously, it was an arduous undertaking which required fingerprinting and FBI background checks.
Mr. Smith believed the creation of C.R.S. §14-10-120.2 would "provide a clear path for the restoration of a prior name without onerous requirements, and [would] provide domestic relations practitioners and parties a streamlined method to return to their prior name, saving parties, clients, and the taxpayers money as well as time."
The amendment passed and is now in full effect, allowing parties to submit a simple form to the courts for restoration of their prior name. 
It is Divorce Matters mission to be the premier divorce law firm in the Denver metro area by providing an exceptional client experience. Our team provides the strategic and focused leadership to navigate our clients through the legal process. We apply energetic and creative solutions to elevate the family law practice to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients.