Insights for healthy, great-looking skin

COME LEARN ABOUT COOLADVANTAGE PETITE, the newest CoolSculpting applicator designed to target and eliminate fat under the arms -- voted by 14 million people as the 3rd most troubling area on their body!  

Thursday, July 27| 11 am - 6 pm
Demonstrations, Q & A, Great Info
By appointment only: 303-604-1444

CoolSculpting is the only non-invasive fat removal technology cleared by the FDA to treat upper arms. Come to the event and learn more, or schedule a no-cost consultation with one of our Aestheticians, Julie and Carey.
Before and After Obagi Blue Peel (3 treatments)

Our patients are loving this facial combination, which leaves skin looking and feeling fantastic. 
All this month, combine Dermaplane , an advanced exfoliation treatment, with Obagi Blue Peel , a chemical peel that uses Obagi's outstanding products to reveal younger, healthier-looking skin.  PLUS, when you try this combo you'll enjoy 20% off all Obagi products .
Before and After Obagi Nu-Derm (24 weeks)

YOU BET. Many of our patients use the Obagi Nu- Derm prescription system (with trentinoin and hydroquionone) to correct hyperpigmentation and achieve younger looking skin. This effective system requires a commitment to daily use, as well as fairly strict sun avoidance. But that doesn't mean you should stop using these products during the sunniest months. 

"Stopping your Nu Derm products increases the chance of additional photo damage -  the very thing we are trying to correct and avoid," says Dr. Jeanie Leddon. "During summer, we advise patients to continue using their Nu Derm products and double down on sun protection."

That means sun avoidance during the peak hours of 10 am to 4 pm, wearing a hat when outdoors, and reapplying sunscreen after sweating, swimming, or every 2 hours while outdoors. With the proper protection, you can experience the benefits of great skin care, all year long.

IT'S HIGH AND DRY AROUND HERE. Boulder County communities are around 5,000 feet above sea level. Our climate is drier and the sun is more powerful. "Your skin needs intentional care to be healthy and retain its glow," says Dr. Casey Gallagher, who reminds patients to follow this daily routine:

Apply Sunscreen. In Boulder County, your Ultraviolet (UV) exposure is 15-20 percent higher than it is at the beach. Wear 30 SPF sunscreen daily, and reapply often. We trust EltaMD®, an excellent line of sun care products, available in all of our offices.  

Moisturize. Dry skin is a fact of life at altitude. Use a good all-over moisturizer daily (consider a made-in-Colorado brand that includes coconut oil). Layer facial products for optimum effect: sunscreen, moisturizers, cosmetics. Serums with hylauronic acid and lipids provide a strong base and we offer several good options. Schedule a no-cost consultation with one of our aestheticians to learn more.

Hydrate. The "drink more water" maxim can get old, but its wisdom endures. Hydration is critical to your skin's health.  

5420 Arapahoe Ave
Unit A
Boulder, CO 80303
1610 Prairie Ctr Pkwy
Suite 2230
Brighton, CO 80601
1140 W S Boulder Rd
Suite 202
Lafayette, CO 80026