By Judy Hissong, CLM
President, Nesso Strategies

Have you been in a meeting where the outcome was to schedule the next meeting? Or, my personal favorite, when the meeting goes off on a tangent and doesn't return? Does your firm allocate a budget line item for meetings? What if you did? When you consider the collective investment of the hourly rates in the room, meetings may be the biggest budget buster of all!

Follow these 6 steps for more effective meetings...


By Judy Hissong, CLM
President, Nesso Strategies

This is the crazy part of the year when every piece of equipment in the gym is taken. If you are a regular gym rat, you know it will last about a month, then those who have resolved to be there in 2017 will fade away and return to their lives pre-New Year's resolution. It's a maddening time for...


2017 is bound to be an interesting year for business and leadership, growth and succession, strategy and communication. How are you prepared for change? This year we'll be exploring these topics and more. And, we want to hear from you. What do you want to hear more about in 2017? What topics will help you expand your people, process, and performance to make this YOUR year?