A Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Join us for worship and religious education!  Services and activities for children take place on Sunday morning at 10:00am during the summer.
August 18, 2017
Sunday, August 20
Worship Service  -  10:00am
"What the Animals Teach
Our Annual Pet Blessing Service"
It's bring your pet to church day! They will worship with us, sing (or bark) along, and be celebrated as the important parts of our lives they represent. At the end of the service we will bless our furred and feathered friends. Rev. Bret Lortie leading.

Childcare for infants, toddlers and preschoolers will be available from 9:30-11:30am. 

Hospitality Training - 4:30pm
Whatever team you are on, whether you've greeted, handed out hymnals, brought bagels or haven't participated in our hospitality program yet, you are welcome and encouraged to join in a fun gathering to get to know other team members, share some light refreshments and snacks and learn about how we can create an even more inclusive community. Bring your questions, your open hearts and your best practices for welcoming. Please let Rev. Eileen Wiviott know if you plan to attend - [email protected].
Join us to stand in support of Black Lives Matter
You are invited to stand on Ridge Avenue between 11:10am and 11:30am to support the Black Lives Matter movement.  Signs and buttons are available for purchase at the back of the sanctuary. Signs and song lyrics will be provided for use.  Sponsored by the REAL team.

The Chris Isely Cancer Support Group -  9:00am
The group is open to anyone facing cancer, either personally or through a family member or friend. This lay-led group is a safe place for sharing and hope. Interested participants are encouraged to drop in any time. Questions? Contact Renee Hoff
Join us on the UCE lawn for a shared viewing of the solar eclipse! We'll begin with a circle casting at 11:50am; the eclipse should begin to be visible at just after Noon, peaking at 1:20pm. Bring your sunscreen and a picnic or bag lunch; we'll have NASA-approved, eclipse-grade sunglasses and pinhole projectors to share - and you can meet Mary Shelden, our new DRE! In case of rain, we'll move into the sanctuary to share the darkening and return of the light - but let's hope for clear skies and a great day of eclipse viewing! Rev. Bret will also preside over the festivities.
The board of trustees got together on August 4-5 for our annual retreat (to Room 3!) to get to know new members Jane Bannor and Jim Clark, and get ourselves geared up for our new year.  Our new board president, Janelle Brittain, assembled an agenda that included collaborative communication, whys and hows of Policy Governance (the set of UU governance practices that we as a church having been using), selecting our board goals for the year, reviewing key aspects of our financial statements, and two guest speakers. Click here to read more.
Please sign up to help with the soup kitchen Monday, August 28. We will prepare and distribute sack lunches at Second Baptist Church (1717 Benson Street - next to the Evanston Athletic Club). We need people to donate supplies as well as to make sandwiches. Here is the link to the sign up sheet. 

If you have any questions, please contact Winnie Stevenson
The Moral Arc: What Say You?
October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Facilitated by John Tobin

Great American Freethinkers: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Frederick Douglass
November 7, 14
Facilitated by Rev. Jerome Stone

The New Testament for UU's
November 28; December 5, 12, 19
Facilitated by Amy Pooley

Click here for detailed descriptions and to sign up for any of these classes.
Here are some news and events to know about.   For more information, please contact Dale Griffin or other participants.  
CRS (Community Renewal Society) - We are looking into local efforts supporting affordable housing with other north suburban CRS congregations.  
The UU Prison Ministry of Illinois will hold part two of "Radical Hospitality" at UCE, September 9 from 9am to 1pm, on welcoming returning citizens at church and partnering with them to transition into life outside of prison. 
UUANI (UU Advocacy Network of Illinois) continues to advocate   the areas of race, income inequality, and climate change. 
The Green Team and Organizing Team invite you to a presentation Sunday, October 22 at 12:30pm on legislation to preserve beautiful red rock wilderness in Utah, championed by our own Sen. Durbin. Please RSVP to Heather Brown or Dale Griffin.

On Thursday, August 31, from 7:15-8:45pm, Vickie will be leading a rehearsal/discussion covering the basics of choral singing.  This is for people who wish to become more familiar with basic music terminology, basic music reading, and how to navigate your way through looking at a choral piece.

You are welcome to attend this whether or not you sing in the UCE choir.  If you are attending, please contact Vickie Hellyer so we can have enough materials for the class.

Expanded Choir for Ingathering 
All are welcome!

Have you wanted to sing in the choir but don't have the time to make the commitment? You are invited to join us in singing the choir pieces for our 11am Ingathering service on Sunday, September 10.

Simply attend the evening rehearsal on Thursday, September 7 at 7:15pm and the 9:30am rehearsal on Sunday, September 10, and then stay for the service and sing the Introit and the Anthem with the choir!

Got questions?  Contact UCE's Music Director, Vickie Hellyer.
You have heard about this small-group experience working on opening one's heart to the issues of race and white privilege.  Now this opportunity to do so in a covenant group format with a structured curriculum can be yours!  We are starting two groups at UCE with a kick-off retreat on Friday, September 22 6pm-9pm and Saturday, September 23rd from 9:00am to 4pm.  Following this opener led by Mark Hicks himself, there will be 8 more sessions that are two hours each.   Interested?  Contact Martha Holman.
If you are in a care-giving role of any sort, we invite you to drop in at the next Caregiver Support Group. Upcoming meetings are August 22, September 12, and September 26 at 7:30pm in Room 12.  If you have questions, please contact Joyce Lofstrom or Renee Hoff.
After our always wonderful potluck, we will each be offering information about "Some of our Favorite Things" that we have been involved with this year: movies, theater, books, recreation, travel, athletics, television, etc. In our retirements, we now have time to participate in "stuff" just because we want and like to do it! But, with so much available, we need suggestions from other people.  This will be a great counterpoint to what is happening in the world around us! For more information, feel free to contact Margie Rogasner.
We're down to three rooms plus two share rooms.  We have to make the final room count and give the list of attendees to the conference center by the third week in August.  So if you want to join us for this wonderful weekend, please let Peggy Boccard know as soon as possible.

$100 deposit required when you sign up. If you've already registered, please note the balance of your registration needs to be paid no later than August 20 (firm). The charge for the whole weekend for a double room will be $320 per person and for a single room will be $405 per person, less your deposit.

Join us for a wonderful weekend with your friends in a beautiful location.  Sign up by emailing Peggy Boccard, or watch for a display in the back of the Sanctuary on Sundays.
Open Communities will provide training to volunteer testers for their Fair Housing program at UCE on Saturday, August 26, 10am to 1pm, to include lunch and materials.  Other trainings will be available in the future.   "Testing" involves periodically (when asked and as possible for you) arranging to visit a housing unit for sale or rent and noting down everything that happens. Your experience will then be compared to that of a paired tester - who is the same as you except for race, ethnicity or disability status.  It is not glamorous, time consuming or difficult, but it can be really important in determining whether there is discrimination in housing opportunities.  Plus you get paid a stipend and travel expenses. To apply or learn more contact Maria Starck by August 23.  If you are interested but not available on the 26th, let Maria know so she'll keep you informed.
If you consider yourself a Baby Boomer, come join us at 8700 Major, Morton Grove  to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Woodstock. We'll provide turkey burgers and veggie burgers (let Amy know if you need gluten free) - you bring a side dish to share and BYOB!  We'll have music from the 50's, 60's, 70's around the backyard fire pit!  (If weather doesn't cooperate we'll be indoors.)  Please RSVP to  Amy Grabowski .
Come to a special potluck arranged to celebrate the end of summer, and join the Sing Thing group in singing along.  The potluck will be followed by an open sing in which anyone can participate.  Bring a dish to share!  Following the 6:00 dinner in Room 3, we will continue the evening in song, until about 8:30, or later, depending on the level of enthusiasm for more singing.
Sing Thing is a long-standing activity at UCE, offering music makers an evening of folk and pop songs.  Anyone is welcome, and we encourage you to bring any acoustic instrument you may happen to play, or just your voice! Though we usually meet the last Wednesday of every month, our potluck event is coming a week earlier.
The next GenX Gathering will be at the home of Jenny Walsh and Glen Blicharz - 16 Martha Lane in Evanston on Saturday, August 26, 4-6pm. If you are in your 30's - 50's, with kids or without, join us for a casual gathering, with light refreshments (bring a healthy snack to share if you can) and meaningful conversation. We will have childcare on site to engage the children while the adults talk. Click here to RSVP.
Are you looking for ways to take action or learn more about a social justice issue you care about? Are you trying to figure out how to join the social action and justice activities of the congregation? Come to the next Journeys to Justice session. This is a time for our social justice teams to showcase their work and let you know how you can get involved. All are welcome!
Upcoming UCE Events

Sunday, August 20, 4:30pm
Hospitality Training

Monday, August 21, 11:50am
Solar Eclipse Viewing

Tuesday, August 22, 5:00pm
Recently Retired (but never retiring!) Women

Wednesday, August 23, 6:00pm
Sing Thing Potluck

Sunday, September 24, 12:30pm
Journeys to Justice

Sept. 22 - Sept. 24
Lake Geneva Fall Retreat

Tuesdays, October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 7:00pm
The Moral Arc: What Say You?

Tuesdays, November 7, 14, 7:00pm
Great American Freethinkers: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Frederick Douglass

Tuesdays, November 28, December 5, 12, 19, 7:00pm
The New Testament for UU's

Thursday Nights, 7pm
UCE Addictions and Recovery Group

Sunday Mornings, 9:00am & Wednesday Mornings, 9:30am

Community Involvement
Click each event for more information.

YWCA Let's Talk at Lunch
Third Thursday of the Month
Upcoming Membership Classes

Intro to Unitarian Universalism 
Sunday, August 20, 11:30 - 1pm
An overview of our faith, led by Rev. Bret Lortie 

Orientation Toward Membership 
Saturday, September 9, 
9am - noon
Led by Assistant Minister, Rev. Eileen Wiviott. An interactive class exploring what it means to be a member of this congregation.

Sign up at the guest table in the lobby or email Rev. Eileen Wiviott at  [email protected]. Childcare available upon request for both of these classes.

*Our next New Member joining Sunday will be Sunday, September 10. If you have taken or will be taking the classes and would like to join the church on the 10th, please contact Rev. Eileen.
Non Fiction Book Group 
Book Nomination

Sunday, August 27, 11:30am

You are invited to nominate books for next year's UCE non-fiction book group's monthly discussions. They start in September and run through June 2018.
Send your ideas to  Jackie Seaman or come in person to help us to select a well rounded reading list. We try to coordinate our titles with events, programs, passions present in the congregation. 
We need your ideas and your knowledge about what is relevant to you and the work you are doing or want to do and the topics you find compelling now. We read the whole range from biographies to philosophy to history to current events.  Bring the book you are nominating with you if possible.
Things to Know About our Community

Interested in knowing more about UCE? How to submit something to Joys and Sorrows? How to get a nametag, or a rainbow or pronoun sticker for your nametag? Interested in bringing flowers and lighting the chalice on a Sunday? Click here for more information about our community!
Yoga at UCE

Join us every Sunday at 9:00am and every Wednesday at 9:30am.

Yoga at UCE is designed to reduce stress, bring relaxation, increase range of motion, and find balance - restorative yoga. If you never have done yoga before, this is your opportunity. Drop in, wear comfortable clothing for stretching, and try it. Yoga is learned by doing. Community yoga mats provided if needed.

Add Your Photo to the Photo Member Directory

Remember that there is a directory of members that includes photos on our website. This is a password protected document. Contact the office if you don't know the password. If you would like to add your photo to the directory, or update your photo, please send  a photo to  Carli Magel , or let her know you'd like your picture taken on Sunday morning. 
Make Connections Across Communities

The REAL team invites you to the annual E-Fam (short for Evanston Families) picnic August 19 in the Mount Trashmore area of James Park (Oakton and Dodge).  This is a traditionally well-attended, primarily African-American picnic with games, food, and entertainment.  The focus is on providing alternatives to youth and gun violence.   They are interested in expanding their outreach and building bridges across Evanston communities.  The hours are 11am to 8pm. Bring some food, lawn chairs etc. or just mosey around and chat.  REAL will have a table with signs, buttons and flyers. 
UCE Facebook Groups
Did you know that, in addition to the UCE Facebook Page, there are two UCE groups that members can join - the UCE Member to Member Group and the UCE Social Action Group?  

These are closed groups that allow members to post directly to each other. If you have an event you want members to know about, or have a cause you hope to bring attention to, in addition to the newsletter and order of service, you can post to the Facebook Group. Click the links above or search for the groups by name when you are on Facebook and ask to join.
 for Spiritual Practice

UCE Board of Trustees meeting is held the third Wednesday of each month in Room 3. All members are welcome.
Ministers' Schedules

Rev. Bret Lortie  is available on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and by appointment. Monday is sabbath and Friday devoted to writing. To send a message or read Rev. Bret's blog, visit

Rev. Eileen Wiviott has office hours most Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, and  Thursdays, and often evening meetings on those days. Mondays are sabbatical days and Fridays she works from home. Please contact her via email at [email protected] , or via phone at (847) 864-1330 x111 (office), or (224) 565-3952 (cell).
| 847-864-1330 | [email protected] | http://www.ucevanston.org
1330 Ridge Ave.
Evanston, IL 60201