Church of the Epiphany eNews
Our Mission:"We welcome all for Christian worship, fellowship, and service, trusting God to transform our lives and the world."

in this issue

This Sunday

Stewardship Corner

Prayer of the Week

Hiking & Holy Eucharist

Silent Ministries

Upcoming events

Summer Services

Next Sunday


Becoming a People and following a God of---Creativity, Compassion & Connection.

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Dear Epiphany,
"Silence equals complicity. Resisting Hate Requires Action."

I have been returning to this quotation over and over again this week and have shared it with a few of you. A former colleague in western NY printed it this week in those old, moveable letters at the bottom of his Episcopal Church's roadside sign and posted a picture of it on facebook. It is a beacon and a message on the main street of his more isolated, rural and very white town that his Christian community will speak out against the kind of hateful speech and actions we have seen in the last week. To remain silent in the face of hate and evil is a luxury of the privileged and powerful. We are those people and God would not have us be silent, especially when such things are so often being done under a Christian name. Hate and white supremacy and anti-Semitism and violence are not Christian. These are not easy topics to talk about and reckon with and I am with you in the struggle, but the Gospel doesn't let us avoid them either. This Sunday's Gospel portion is no exception. For even Jesus has to be shaken from his relative privilege by the persistence of a lowly Canaanite woman demanding her rightful worth as an equal child of God. Please join us on Sunday with an open heart to learn more and wrestle with these issues together - it is one of the gifts of a community of faith gathered in Christ's love. So may God forbid we remain silent during such a time as this. And may God help us speak truthful words of lament, repentance, resistance and love with all humility at the right times and in the right places.

Yours in Christ,
Rev'd Jen

A message from our Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Michael Curry.

A message from our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Nicholas Knisely

  • This Sunday
  • The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost:
    Sunday, August 20, 2017

    9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist

    Sermon: The Reverend Jennifer Zogg

    Scripture readings:
    1 Kings 19:9-18
    Psalm 85:8-13
    Romans 10:5-15
    Matthew 14:22-33

    Read these lessons

    Liturgical Ministers for this Sunday:

    9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
    Altar Server-Michelle Callahan, Will Haggerty & Bridget Dee
    Lector-Carol Marsland
    Ushers-Carl Mayse & Denise Messier
    Greeter-Gretchen Gammons
    Healing Prayer Team-Shirley Baker & Denise Messier
    Nursery-Jaime Davin & Alicia Castellianos
    Coffee Hour-Charlie Bodell, Kerry Lonergan & Virginia Rocha
    Altar Guild-Shirley Baker
    Communion Bread-Susan Kelley
    Counters-Kevin Kelley & Dawn Campbell
    Lawn Mowers-Phil Campbell & Evan McCarthy

  • Stewardship Corner
  • As you know, the 2017 Stewardship Campaign is entitled "Where your heart is, there will your treasure be also." With this in mind, several weeks ago we asked for your feedback as to what keeps your heart at Church of the Epiphany. Over the coming weeks and months we'll be sharing those thoughts with you. We thank you for your feedback and for the presence of your heart in this parish.---

    • "Being accepted as I am. Not being told how or what I believe, but being able to use my brain to think and question."
    • "The spiritual insight of our minister."

  • Prayer of the Week
  • Our Book of Common Prayer is full of wonderful prayers for every need! Each week, I hope to share a different prayer with you and encourage you to go looking for others among its pages for a range of occasions. ~ Rev'd Jen

    A Prayer for the Human Family (#3 on pg. 815)
    O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  • Hiking & Holy Eucharist
  • Join us next Saturday, August 26 at Colt State Park, 3 p.m. Please sign up on the clipboard on the table in the entrance of the church or by contacting the office: [email protected] or 401-434-5012. Meet at chapel parking lot in the interior of the park where restrooms are located. We'll explore the oceanside trails for about an hour or so. Part way through, we'll find a picnic table or a spot on the lawn for a brief, informal reflection on the weekend's Gospel reading, prayers and a simple celebration of Holy Communion by the water. Come share in fellowship with God's creation and one another while experiencing "church" in a different setting. Bring water and a picnic snack for afterward. Dogs welcome.

    Save the Date: Last hike of the season, Oct. 21.

  • Silent Ministries
  • Did you know that each week there are people at Epiphany who quietly do important work that helps maintain our life together and our sacred space? Periodically, we'll recognize these faithful servants among us and give them our deepest thanks!

    Evan McCarthy
    In the quiet of the Friday evening hours each week, Evan stops by Epiphany to thoroughly vacuum and clean the sanctuary and entrance areas. He keeps our space looking tidy and welcoming for worship on Sundays and holidays. This weekly offering of time, labor and attention to detail is a tremendous support to our community! Thank you, Evan, and God bless you for your gift of time and talent to us!

  • Upcoming events
  • Susan & Alan Mason's Farewell Coffee Hour- Please join us on Sunday, August 27 during coffee hour, as we bid farewell to the Masons, give thanks for their ministries among us and wish them safe travels to their new home in Maryland.

    Mass on the Grass!! Sunday, September 3, 9:30 a.m. To celebrate the end of the summer schedule, we'll worship on our back lawn. Bring your lawn chairs, a snack to share or a ball to toss around. We'll enjoy an informal time of worship and fellowship outside for the Labor Day weekend!

    September 10: Welcome Back Sunday!
    8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. - Holy Eucharist
    9:15a.m. - Rev'd Jen's Holy Land Presentations Begin
    (ALL ages welcome, youth & adults)

  • Summer Services
  • Church of the Epiphany

    at 9:30 a.m.

    (July - Labor Day Weekend)

    Community Coffee Hours
    All Summer!

    Everyone is asked to periodically bring something to share (from the grocery store or homemade).
    ****This gesture of hospitality is one thing all of us can do for one another. Thank you for your support!****
    Contact Julie Trudeau at [email protected] if you are interested in learning how to be a host, or stop in the kitchen and observe.

  • Next Sunday
  • The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost:
    Sunday, August 27, 2017

    9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist

    Sermon: The Reverend Jennifer Zogg

    Farewell Coffee Hour for Susan & Alan Mason

    Scripture readings:
    Isaiah 51:1-6
    Psalm 138
    Romans 12:1-8
    Matthew 16:13-20

    Read these lessons

    Liturgical Ministers for next Sunday:

    9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
    Altar Servers-John Turner, Lyla Halkyard & Nastara Allen
    Lector-Phil Campbell
    Ushers-Neal Harrington & Judy Phillips
    Greeters-Sydney & Patrick Trudeau
    Healing Prayer Team-Janice johnson & Virginia Rocha
    Nursery-Paige Burton & Caitlyn Booher
    Coffee Hour-Carol & Richard Marsland & Denise Messier
    Altar Guild-Cal Loven
    Counters-Vivian Johnson & Edie Menard
    Lawn Mower-Kristen Dee

    :: (401) 434-5012