ACPE's weekly digest to keep you connected, better informed, and well-resourced for the week ahead.
January 2, 2017
monday briefing header
Trace Informal
ACPE's Monday Briefing is a weekly digest from ACPE Executive Director Trace Haythorn
Each week you will receive related articles and updates on ACPE transitions. Also included are helpful links to keep you connected, better informed, and well-resourced for the week ahead.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year! While we know many of you won't return to work until tomorrow, we wanted to offer a word of thanks to those of you who have reported throughout the holidays, meeting people in their most vulnerable moments and providing them with the kind of exceptional spiritual care that is the hallmark of ACPE. May this new year bring you and yours great joy, abundant hope, and the kind of peace that transforms what we have known.
Coming this Month
The Redesign Implementation Team will meet face-to-face for the first time Jan. 23-25 at the national office. The Accreditation Work Group and Certification Reform Implementation Team are both continuing their regular video calls as well. We will keep you posted as we learn more!
A Poem for Reflection
And of course, there is so much that will happen in the new year - if not to me, to you; if not to us, to them; if not here, there. And then again, it may not. With that recognition, I offer the following:
"Afraid So" by Jeanne Marie Beaumont

Is it starting to rain?
Did the check bounce?
Are we out of coffee?
Is this going to hurt?
Could you lose your job?
Did the glass break?
Was the baggage misrouted?
Will this go on my record?
Are you missing much money?
Was anyone injured?
Is the traffic heavy?
Do I have to remove my clothes?
Will it leave a scar?
Must you go?
Will this be in the papers?
Is my time up already?
Are we seeing the understudy?
Will it affect my eyesight?
Did all the books burn?
Are you still smoking?
Is the bone broken?
Will I have to put him to sleep?
Was the car totaled?
Am I responsible for these charges?
Are you contagious?
Will we have to wait long?
Is the runway icy?
Was the gun loaded?
Could this cause side effects?
Do you know who betrayed you?
Is the wound infected?
Are we lost?
Will it get any worse?
Just for fun
Looking for a light way to say goodbye to 2016 and welcome 2017? Try this simple game - printable cards included for free! The New Year's Game
This Week on the Calendar
Wednesday, January 4
* Ghambar Maidyarem ends - Zoroastrianism
A celebration for the creation of animals, and a time for the equitable sharing of food with all.

Thursday, January 5
* Birthday of Guru Gobind Singh Ji - Sikhism
A celebration in honor of the tenth and final Sikh master [1666 - 1708 C.E.], who created the Brotherhood of the Pure (Khalsa) and who declared the scriptures (Adi Granth) to be the guru for all Sikhs from that time onward. This date is used by adherents of the Nanakshahi tradition.

Friday, January 6
* Epiphany - Christianity (Western and some Eastern churches)
Marking the traditional date of the visitation of the Magi to meet the infant Jesus and the end of the twelve days of Christmas, also known as Día de los Reyes (Day of the Kings). In Armenian Christian churches, this date is celebrated as the Feast of the Nativity. Most Western churches celebrate this feast as Epiphany, which comes from the Latin word meaning "manifestation"; in Ethiopian Orthodox churches it is known as Timkat and is celebrated on January 19th.

* Feast of the Theophany - Christianity (some Eastern churches)
In some Eastern churches, this feast is associated with the baptism of Jesus by John and Jesus' first recorded miracle in the Gospels, where he changed water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana. This celebration begins at sundown on the previous day. In Eastern churches using the Julian calendar, this feast occurs on January 19th.

Saturday, January 7
* Christmas - Christianity (some Eastern churches)
The celebration of Jesus' birth begins at sundown on this day, according to the Julian calendar used in some Orthodox churches.

Monday, January 9
* Seijin-no-hi - Shintō
Coming-of-Age Day, a Japanese national holiday in which families travel to shrines and announce to the gods that their children have reached adulthood. Prayers are offered for the children's wellbeing and lifelong health.
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