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From the Message on Sunday

Today we are wondering and asking questions about Fishing for People. We know that the best fishermen often have expensive rods and reels and lures. But these are only tools. If those tools don't help them catch fish, they're worthless. I wonder what tools we should use to "catch" people for Jesus?  I wonder what tools we have in our tackle boxes that can help us to be fishers of people?

En Agape',
Rev. Michael Weeks

Next Sunday 

This Week's Calendar
Monday: Newsletter article deadline
Tuesday: Meals on Wheels - Eileen Breen
Wednesday:  Choir - 7 p.m.
Saturday: Girl Scouts - 9 am to 3 pm
Sunday: Children's Choir- 9:45 a.m.
Elder/Diaconate Training and Meal - 5 to 7 pm

Cancelled due to snow. 
Rescheduled for January 29th at 5 pm.

meals on wheels
The 2017 Meals on Wheels driver sign up sheet
is posted on the Disciples Women bulletin board.

~Cori Patton (daughter of Julie Moore; hospitalized in PA) 
~Carolyn Putnam (hand surgery Feb .1)
~Nancy Sullivan (friend of Carol Kurz; weakness and tremors causing falls)
~Sandra Loving (pneumonia)
~Carolyn Nash (CT scans this week and oncologist next week)
~Dianne Jones (seeking funding for medication)
~Betty Pierce (upcoming surgery Feb 2; heart valve replacement)
~Vicky Cairns (mother of Jessica Colbert traveling in New Zealand)
~Marilyn Heishman (friend of Dianne Jones)
~Bob Henderson (husband of Barbara Henderson)
~John Haines (recovering from knee replacement surgery at home)
~Jim Mehart (friend of the Ostranders)
~Tyler Stephens (nephew of Torrie Goodman)
~Vaughn Schmitt (family friend of the Weeks') 
~Polly Vaughan, Beverly Vaughan
~Bob Raiford (father of Michelle Weeks)
~Nancy Hooper (sister of Brooken Loving)
~Dickie Tomlin (brother-in-law of Buddy Fowler; lymphoma)
~Charlie Hunt (friend of Judy Pierce; leukemia treatments)
~Sheryl Snellings (friend of Dianne Jones)
~Jakob Hellermann (back issues)
~MaryLee Jones (chronic clotting problem in right leg)
~Brooken Loving (suffering from severe psoriasis)
~ Faisal Saeed (coworker of Cathy Tillman) 
~Norma Jennings 
~Shot Mangum (brother of Judy Pierce) 
~Jo Richardson
~Ann Graham (sister of Don Kersey)
~Jack McGuire (uncle of Michelle Weeks)
All military personnel, first responders and their families
Unspoken prayer concerns

~Kristin and Annabelle Weber; Julie Peterman's sister-in-law and newest niece, are doing well after a difficult child birth
~Helen and Don Kersey leaving on Wednesday for Australia for their granddaughter's wedding and staying for one month (Pray for safe travel)

We will see you Sunday!
Slash Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
11353 Mt. Hermon Rd. | Ashland, VA  23005 | 804.798.4520 

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