Important Deadline Reminders

  • All 2016 Tithe Monies must be received by TOMORROW.
  • Deadline for church statistics is January 20th.

University UMC's Know, Grow, Show Community Garden
by Amelia Hunt 
      One day last spring a woman from our neighborhood was walking her dog, she saw us working in the garden and stopped to talk to us. As she continued talking she revealed that her mother lives just two houses away and is about 90 years old. She was having a lot of health issues during the winter. She had noticed our sign saying "Come and enjoy the Community Garden! We want to help our neighborhood, so pick produce as you need, but please be kind to our plants." So, she and her sister decided to check it out to see if there was anything there that their mother could eat. She said that she found spinach and swiss chard. They brought the leafy greens back and cooked them down to a consistency that their mother could eat and she ended up loving it. So, all winter long they kept cutting back the swiss chard and spinach, cooking it for their mother aiding her in the nutrition she needed. She was so grateful.
     The Know, Grow, Show Community Garden is a resource to our neighborhood and even our community. Our goal is to meet nutritional, relational, and spiritual needs with our 3 phases: the growing garden, the Gathering Place, and a Prayer Garden (coming fall 2017). Our prayer for this garden is to grow and be helpful to more than just our church, but to our little corner of the world. God is using this garden in ways unseen most of the time, so we must have faith He uses this garden to feed His children and that He continues to use His church to show His love and peace to our community.
For more information call University UMC: 575.522.8220 or email Amelia Hunt, Coordinator of Lay Ministries:

March 3 - 5, 2017
ROC & CCYM @ Sacramento
Separate Programs but Meals & Youth Group Time Together.
More info coming soon!
Sacramento Website 

January 11 - Human Trafficking Awareness Day
United Methodist Women stands against the exploitation of those forced to submit to civil injustice as a result of their basic needs or position in society. As many as 30 million people internationally have fallen victim to human trafficking, and the epidemic has become the second largest criminal activity behind the sale of illegal arms. As advocates for social justice, United Methodist Women will continue to work for the rights of those exploited by this cruel trade and end this all-too-prevalent form of modern-day slavery.
Click here for UMW Human Trafficking Awareness Resources

Super Bowl February 5 - Let's Box 'em Up and Stack 'em Up Campaign 
     In football, the phrase "stack the box" is used when the defense puts its players in a rectangular formation ("in the box") to stop the offensive team's rush in its tracks. Traffickers run a game on the vulnerable and we aim to stack the box against them, to intercept their game and to box 'em up for prosecution.
     This annual awareness campaign gets real results. Last year a woman e-mailed the national office who had helped a trafficking survivor; at first she didn't know what to do, then she remembered that United Methodist Women has resources for prevention, protection and prosecution which she would not have known without our #umwumbrellas campaign. So put away your umbrellas and...
Let's Box 'Em Up!
      Stacking the boxes will symbolize United Methodist Women intercepting the traffickers who bind the vulnerable within boxes of imprisonment. Our boxes will also embody our commitment to be in communion with survivors of trafficking.
Join our virtual barricade of boxes:
      Open boxes, closed boxes, and tied boxes! All kinds of boxes can be held, decorated, stacked, left open or sealed. Stack up your boxes with others or simply hold a box yourself, but let's box 'em up!

Bishop Bledsoe & NM Conference Reps Travel Across the Conference

Bishop Bledsoe will be visiting towns across the Conference on a spring itineration. Joining him will be the DS of location, CF&A representative, Insurance/Benefits representative, Randall Partin, Provost, Sid Strebeck, Conference Lay Leader and others.  

The United Methodist Church is facing change and challenge from within.  Simultaneously, we have the opportunity to bring light and grace to an uncertain world without.  The Bishop felt compelled to travel throughout the NM & NWTX Conferences to provide an update and address questions and concerns.  At a time when our differences tend to be more prominent, this will be an opportunity to talk and focus on what binds us together.  Please choose a time and location that is most convenient and join us for a time of sharing.  The Conference wants to hear from you!  Questions?  Contact Randall Partin at (505)255-8786 or

Click here for the details 

Don't forget to sign up for the Messy Church!
Workshop on February 11th at St. John's UMC, ABQ.
Click for more info & to register 

Upcoming Events

Jan. 10 - All 2016 Tithe Monies must be received by Conf Treasurer
Jan. 20 - Church stats deadline
Jan. 27-29 - FUMC-Bloomfield Lay Servant School 
Feb. 5-8 - Mid-Year Clergy Retreat - Sacramento
March 3-5 - ROC & CCYM - Sacramento
March 26 - Mountainside UMC's 50th Anniversary - Bishop Preaching
April 9-15 - NM Conference Pray Our Way Forward Week 

Important Deadlines
January 10 - 2016 Tithe Money Due
January 20 - 2016 Statistics Due

Bishop's Itineration Schedule 
January 21 - FUMC-Roswell - 2:00 pm  
January 28 - FUMC-Perryton - 2:00 pm 
February 4 - St. Paul's-Abilene - 10:00 am 
February 19 - Center Street-Tucumcari - 3:00 pm
March 4 - FUMC-Childress - 10:00 am
March 5 - St. Stephen's-Amarillo - 2:30 pm 
March 11 - El Paso - Trinity-First - 2:00 pm 
March 18 - FUMC-Odessa - 10:00 am 
March 19 - FUMC-Lamesa - 3:00 pm 
March 25 - ABQ - St. John's - 2:00 pm
April 2 - Lubbock - FUMC - 2:00 pm
April 8 - Plainview - FUMC - 10:00 am 
May 13 - FUMC-Farmington - 10:00 am

Annual Conference - May 31 - June 2, 2017
Click here for the Conference Calendar

Conference Calendar
UMC website


New Mexico Annual Conference  

11816 Lomas Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87112

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Receptionist Hours: 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.

(800) 678-8786 toll free; (505) 255-8786; (505) 265-6184 fax

 Click here to view our staff listing  



Please send photos, articles, events, etc. to Alli Costello, Communications Director at  Send classified ads to