Empowerment from Source Point Training | January 23, 2017
Welcome to the third segment in our 5-part series on coaching trends and how to create a coaching culture in your organization.  If you missed Parts 1 and 2 - you can access them here:  Part 1     Part 2

This series includes the philosophy and coaching experience of Barbara Fagan, President of Source Point Training, and a recent survey conducted by the International Coach Federation just released in October 2016.  We hope you enjoy these insights and applications on how you can include coaching as a way of contributing to people and teams within your organization.  

Creating a coaching culture where managers/leaders actively coach their teams can create  positive change for both the organization and the employees; with the latter also having the  added benefit of impacting both the personal and professional areas of their lives. Coaches understand that when you are coaching someone in one area - say improved time management - that there will also be improvements on time management at home. Or coaching an employee to have a difficult conversation with a co-worker through improved listing and communication skills will likewise benefit all of their relationships.
We also know that individuals and teams that perform at higher levels, more effectively and efficiently, translates to improved bottom line financial results. Research continues to provide evidence that coaching works and creating a coaching culture promotes attraction and attainment of top talent at all levels.
And . . . a coaching culture's ROI is only as good as the competency of those using the coaching skills. Coaching employees effectively requires coach-specific skills and ongoing practice/usage of those skills. In his book, Journal of Change Management, A. M. Grant shares, "I t takes between three and six months to become comfortable with using coaching skills in the workplace." And of course, that's with a solid training that sets managers up with the skills and a plan of action for those 3-6 months of practice and implementation.
According to the recent ICF/HCI survey Building a Coaching Culture with Managers and Leaders, "The training of managers/leaders using coaching skills is a very important part of building a coaching culture; 87% of respondents with strong coaching cultures report their current training has been instrumental in building a coaching culture."

Most managers/leaders who receive coach-specific training do so through their HR/L&D Departments or through internal coach practitioners as reflected below.
This makes it critical that those in the HR/L&D Departments receive formal, accredited/ approved coach-specific training so that they are fully prepared to deliver a solid foundation of coach training to managers/leaders and provide ongoing support, mentoring, and follow up training. This is the foundation for developing and sustaining a strong coaching culture with an organization.
Source Point Training offers organizations a full ICF Approved / AC Accredited coach-specific coach certification program as well as a curriculum for HR/L&D teams to then deliver independently within their organizations.  
To learn more about this opportunity, please give me a call today at 800-217-5660 ext. 101 or feel free to email me at  [email protected] .

Our best to you,
Barbara and everyone at Source Point Training

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