January 2017
January Birthdays
William Allen (1/2)
Nicole Newhouse (1/12)
Cathi Sander (1/24)
Diane Asbill (1/2)
Trevor Newhouse (1/12)
Tom Sudderth (1/27)
Brenda Stiles (1/3)
Debbie Cowan (1/14)
Henry Tennant (1/29)
Christmas Cards
Pick up your Christmas cards. Please check the alphabetized boxes in the church hallway for cards addressed to you and your family. The boxes will be available for the next few weeks.
Out to lunch sign
Cornerstone Singles
Sunday, January 8
The Cornerstone Singles will meet for their 2nd Sunday lunch following worship on Sun, Jan 8th at Tobacco Road Cafe. All are welcome to attend. Contact Susan for more information.
snowcovered car
Inclement Weather Reminder
In the event of bad weather, church activities may be cancelled. If cancelling is necessary, we will contact WRAL TV5 and WCHL 97.9/1360 AM radio to be included in their list of closings. We will also try to send out a churchwide email.
Opportunities for Ministry
Canned Food
Food Pantry Donations Needed
Help feed people in our community by contributing to the Yates Association food pantry. From now through February we will be collecting for the pantry. A list of needed items is on the round table in the hallway. Place your donations on or near the table.
Prayer Circle
Some of us are gathering to pray for the Holy Spirit's presence and power in HillSong Church. Join us on Sundays at 11:30am in Room 108 and Wednesdays at 6:30pm in Room 106.
God gave HillSong this passage as a promise:
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.  -- Isaiah 55:12
As we pray we want to: 
Seek His face - Psalm 27:8
Wait on the LORD - Psalm 27:14
Voice of God - from Pastor Rob
Magnified Bible Verse
        When I looked at this weekend's weather report and saw a forecast of possible snow Saturday night, my first thought was, "Come on God, seriously ?" I mean, God knows it's the night before we - His Church - worships. Why wouldn't God do a little divine intervention and hold the snow off a bit, so there's no possibility of missing church?
        Yes, that was my first thought. No, I don't think God micromanages the weather. I think God created the world and the universe in such a way that there are systems. The weather is part of a larger system, a system not at all concerned about whether or not snow will cancel school or church, or rain will cancel a big baseball game. Do I believe God intervenes within natural order of things, within the natural functioning of weather and waves and animals and plants? Yes, I do believe God steps into the physical world.
        Here's the maddening thing. God does it on God's timetable for God's purposes. We may have reasons that we want God to act in this way or that way. And God loves us. But, God trusts his own thinking more than ours. So, God will allow it to snow or not, but whatever God does, intervene or not, God acts according to God's own counsel. We can't predict God's actions and often we don't know the reason for them.     Read more
November Numbers
Nov 2016 Financial Snapshot
For more detail on the amounts in the Financial Snapshot, see the November 2016 Financial Statement. Copies are available at the back of the Worship Center on the Information Table.