
Dallas Emmaus Community Newsletter 
January 6, 2017
Training and New Year Gathering
New Websites!
Upcoming Walks
Rest in Peace
Time to Sponsor
Team Sport
Happy New Year
Looking for a Reunion Group?
T-shirts available
4th Day Help Needed!
 Upcoming Emmaus Events

Dallas Women's #266
02/23-26, 2017 
Sabine Creek Ranch

Chrysalis Flights
January 14-16, 2017
University Park UMC

Annual Community Training and New Year Gathering
January 28, 2017
Lake Highlands UMC 
Dallas Men's #267
04/20-23, 2017 
Sabine Creek Ranch  


The DEC 2017

 are available! 


Kairos of Texas
    Outside Calendar     



If you know  any woman who  would benefit from 
Kairos Outside,
 please visit KONT  
and visit  the Guest tab for the reservation form.

Join Our Mailing List


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Saturday, January 28, 2017 
3:00 pm to 7:00 pm 
 Annual Community Training and New Year Gathering 
Lake Highlands UMC  
9015 Plano Rd, Dallas, TX 75238
Training sessions will include:
How to Write a
Talk/How to Present a Talk
4th Day
Using IMS and Easy Worship
How to MC for Candlelights

Training sessions begin - 3pm  
Gathering and Pot Luck Dinner - 5-6pm  
Worship and Communion - 6-7pm
  For dinner, bring a main dish, side dish, dessert,
or drink to share. Paper goods will be provided.
Come and learn how to be more involved in our Emmaus
community or just visit with friends and enjoy worship.

Have you seen the new websites?

Emmaus and Chrysalis websites have been updated. This was a group effort from design, implementation, and review.
Check it out on your mobile devices too. Click on for the menu on small screen devices.  We welcome your feedback. 
You can send an email to  webmaster@dallasemmaus.org or fill in the 'Contact Us' form on the webpage.
Jeri Crowley                                                            Kenna Davidson
Walk #212, Table of Sarah                          Walk #53, Table of Peter
DEC Webmaster                                         DEC Church Connection
                                                                             & Chrysalis Liason


Dallas #266 Women
02/23-26, 2017
Sabine Creek Ranch

Dallas #267 Men   
04/20-23, 2017  
Mt. Lebanon

Pilgrims spots are available on both Walks - sign up today!

Applications can be downloaded by clicking here. 

Click here to view Walk Rosters

The Community is encouraged to attend the following events:

which starts at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday.
Candlelight begins at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Closing will start around 4:00 p.m. on Sunday.
Please be careful not to arrive earlier than 7:15 p.m. if just attending the Candlelight services on Saturday.
The online Prayer Vigil  supplements (but does not replace) the paper Prayer Vigil passed around at Candlelights and other DEC events for signature. Both Prayer Vigils are posted during Walks for Pilgrims to see who has been praying for them.    

The Prayer Vigils are now available online for the 2017 Walks. Please click go to the Walk Roster and click on the Prayer Vigil to add your name and pray for the Pilgrims!
Please prayerfully consider if you are being called to sponsor  
a friend or member of your congregation.

"The aim of sponsorship is to build up the body of Christ."
 from The Upper Room online 


In 2016, several of our Dallas Emmaus Community members passed away and went on to glory.  We wish to honor them now and ask that you say a prayer for their families as you read their names.

Deborah Dennis - July 18, 2016 
Victoria 'Vicki' Shepard -  October 19, 2016 
Nelwyn Shows - December 15, 2016 
Laura Smith Otwell - October 14, 2016

A Message From the Board
Time to Sponsor
Have you ever had a good friend, someone who made a real difference in your life, someone you were proud to call your friend? I have, and I have to confess that more than once in my life, I have lost contact with a friend like that. Sure I can claim that life got busy, that we grew apart, that time and location made it difficult to stay in touch. But all of those are just excuses, aren't they?
Well, this is how I feel about the Walk to Emmaus sometimes. You are reading this newsletter because the Walk to Emmaus made a difference in your life. Like me, that time and the people you shared it with will always hold a special place in your heart. My Walk almost 21 years ago continues to influence my walk with Christ to this day. So why don't you and I talk about what the Walk means to us with our friends, family, church members, co-workers, customers, vendors, acquaintances, and anyone who will listen? And why do we now struggle getting the minimum number of Pilgrims necessary to hold 5 Walks per year when we used to have 8-10 almost full Walks a few years ago?
We all know that the Emmaus experience is not a necessary part of anyone's Christian journey, and that it is not for everyone. But because of what it means to us, we are and should be it's greatest ambassadors.   This doesn't mean that we should go into SALES mode, or stand on the street corner and shout to passing cars about Emmaus. But what it could mean is making an intentional effort to share what Christ has done in your life through your Emmaus experience.
When was the last time you sponsored a Pilgrim? I confess that it has been almost 2 years for me. How many opportunities have I missed in that time to share the Emmaus experience and what it means to me with someone? Sponsorship is one of the most important ways that the Emmaus community can support Emmaus, our individual Pilgrims, and new leaders for our local churches.
A lot of people write about New Year's Resolutions in January. That is not what this is about. But if you did want to resolve that right now you will get out a piece of paper, and write down the names of 5-10 people in your life who might benefit from this 72 hour journey, that would be an awesome way to start the new year. Now take that piece of paper and use a magnet to affix it to the front of your refrigerator. Begin praying about which one of these people you will talk to first about the Walk. Give yourself a rough time frame for making contact. It can be something as simple as, "It has been a while since we have talked. Let's get together." Don't get discouraged. It won't be the right time for everyone you speak with. But know that if you make that connection with just 1 person, and they decide to take a Walk, God will bless their time. And you will be blessed as well!

Jim German   
Walk #66, Table of Matthew
Men's Team Selection Chair 

From the Community Lay Director
Sponsorship is a Team Sport
Emmaus leaders are often called upon to introduce The Walk to Emmaus and to describe some of its features. I want to focus on one aspect : The purpose of Emmaus is to renew the church as the body of the risen Christ in the world through the renewal of Christians as faithful and committed disciples of Jesus Christ. Persons whose spiritual lives are renewed and strengthened through Emmaus are called to share within their community the grace they receive. They become leavening influences in their local churches.
There it is. Did you catch it? They become leavening influences in their local churches. Emmaus makes partners of laity and clergy in ministry. Emmaus is for active Christians and members of churches whose own renewal will mean new energy, commitment, and vision in the church and everyday environments for Christ's sake. Emmaus creates leaders. Our churches and our clergy need leaders. We share a common goal.
Yes, this is another article about sponsorship. Sponsorship is the first act of agape on an Emmaus weekend. But, I want to look at how sponsorship works in our churches. All of our pastors and churches would be well served by identifying the following:
          1) dependable church members who are the backbone of the
2) less active members who need their awareness of grace
     rekindled and their commitments renewed
         3) Christians who are hungry for "something more' and who
             want to grow spiritually.
If pews are filled with these members motivated by a strong message grounded in the theology of grace, all of our churches would see growth and a spiritual revival.
This month marks my seventh month as the Chair of the Dallas Emmaus Board. I have been in constant communication with many of you, other communities, and the Upper Room. Time and time again, the strongest and growing Emmaus communities are ones where sponsorship is a partnership of the pews and the pulpit. In fact, several communities celebrate Emmaus Sundays. You and I may know this as laity Sunday where the laity give the clergy a day off. Different from laity Sunday, Emmaus Sundays involve a worship service that engages Emmaus laity speaking of their Emmaus experience, a strong message from the pulpit of spiritual growth and leadership wrapped in a worship service focused on grace.
The Dallas Emmaus Community is supported by over 600 hundred churches, and another church was added with the completion of Women's Walk 265 in November. I fully expect to see the pilgrims from this church in leadership positions in their church very soon. Additionally, it never ceases to amaze me the testimony and spiritual renewal of the clergy that attend a walk as Pilgrims. Can we combine the strength of our Fourth Days?
In short, we need to encourage our clergy in the sponsorship process with strong support from the pulpit, and clergy should expect us to support intentional sponsorship from the pews. Combine this team approach to sponsorship with a strong fourth day movement that is Emmaus, and the Holy Spirit will breathe new life into our churches and renew the body of Christ.
Happy New Year!
 Keith Chapman    
 Walk #184, Table of James
 Community Lay Director  


Resolve to make 2017 the best year ever for our Dallas Emmaus Community.  Pray, serve, and sponsor and watch God change the world one pilgrim at a time.

De Colores! 

   Looking for a Reunion Group?

D id you know that you can attend any Tuesday Follow-up and find a Reunion Group?
Walk Follow-ups happen on the Tuesday following every walk and include both sharing time for the recent pilgrims and a time for them to try and form Reunion Groups.  I f you are in need of a Reunion group, this would be a great place to start looking.  If you're interested in attending a Follow-up meeting, send an email to the Lay Director or Head TA of the walk for the meeting location.  This information can be found on the Dallas Emmaus website  at DallasEmmaus.org 

Available for sale at Dallas Emmaus Community Gatherings
and Candlelights 





Successful Sponsorship

Are you interested in sponsoring a Pilgrim on an upcoming Walk? Be sure to check out the "Successful Sponsorship" video that was recently posted on YouTube. Whether you are a first-time sponsor or a seasoned veteran, you're sure to pick up some great tips to help your Pilgrims have the best sponsorship experience possible. To view the video, click here

4th Day Help Needed!   
Working on a Fourth Day Team is a rewarding way to participate in the Emmaus weekend as as the hands and feet of Christ, and the easiest way to stay connected with the Community.  To sign up, view the Walk Schedule to get in touch with the 4th Day Director for the walk you want to serve on.   

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DEC is on FB 


Next time you are on Facebook, search the Dallas Emmaus Community, then select the "Like" button to be updated on the latest news and events including Candlelights, potlucks, prayer requests and more.  "Share" or "Suggest" the page to your friends so they can stay easily connected to the Dallas Emmaus Community too.  As of Dec. 2014 there are 588 likes!


IMPORTANT TO NOTE: You do not have to be on Facebook to see what's going on...  click here to see what's it is all about.  Email Melinda O'Brien with any questions. 


You can easily donate money to the Dallas Emmaus Community at any time by clicking  here. PayPal is a secured donations system which directly deposits all funds into the Dallas Emmaus Community account.  This is a great way to make payment for a pilgrim you are sponsoring or to keep the cost affordable for others who may not otherwise have means to sponsor a friend or loved one. 

KAIROS of Texas


Looking for an opportunity to serve in a powerful ministry?  Visit Kairos of Texas online to find out about the units and areas of ministiries near you. 


Kairos is a prison ministry whose success is dependent on the community of faith support in providing agape such as prayer chain signatures, cookies, and financial donations.  If you are interested in knowing more about how you can participate, or to find out how to attend a Kairos closing, email the editors for information.


"... whatever you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me."
~ Matthew 24:40

Contact Information
Dallas Emmaus Community