Ordinary Time, a Time for Growth
Dear Friends and Parishioners,
We have returned to Ordinary Time.  The Sundays and week days of Ordinary Time take us through the life of Christ.  Because the term ordinary in English most often means something that's not special or distinctive, some may think that Ordinary Time refers to parts of the calendar of the Catholic Church that are unimportant.  Yet Ordinary Time is far from unimportant or uninteresting.
Ordinary Time is called "ordinary" not because it is common but simply because the weeks of Ordinary Time are numbered.  The Latin word ordinalis , which refers to numbers in a series, stems from the Latin word ordo , from which we get the English word order .  Thus, the numbered weeks of Ordinary Time in fact represent the ordered life of the church - the period in which Christ walks among us.
Ordinary Time is a time for growth and maturation in the Christian life.  Make Sunday Mass a part of your spirituality and let it express itself in our parish outreach and advocacy ministries.  As you know, all are always welcome at Christ Our Hope Church.  Invite your family and friends.  We are an evangelizing parish, or in the words of Pope Francis, "missionary disciples."
Yours in Christ Our Hope,

Father Paul Signature

Father Paul Magnano

Archbishop John Carroll's Prayer for Government
Composed for the Inauguration of George Washington

Almighty and eternal God, 
you have revealed your glory to all nations.
God of power and might, wisdom and justice,
through you authority is rightly administered,
laws are enacted, and judgment is decreed.

Assist with your spirit of counsel and fortitude
the President of these United States,
that his administration may be conducted in righteousness, 
and be eminently useful to your people over whom he presides.
May he encourage due respect for virtue and religion.
May he execute the laws with justice and mercy.
May he seek to restrain crime, vice, and immorality.

We likewise commend to your unbounded mercy all citizens of the United States,
that we be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of your holy law.
May we be preserved in union and that peace which the world cannot give;
and, after enjoying the blessings of this life,
be admitted to those which are eternal.
We pray to you, who are Lord and God,
for ever and ever. Amen.

Ministry Enrichment Gathering
Liturgy is a rich celebration composed of music, spoken word, silence, symbols, signs, postures, gestures, and ritual actions.  Each of these elements serves to open our hearts, minds, and bodies to the presence of God.  The Archdiocese of Seattle invites y ou to join other liturgical ministers and catechists for an opportunity to gather for prayer, training, and formation.  
The gathering takes place at St. Joseph Church on Capitol Hill on Saturday, February 11, from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm.  Christ Our Hope is a co-sponsor.  It is intended as a renewal for those already engaged in liturgical ministries, but also as a renewal for all members of the parish.  

Women's Wellness Center

We are collecting items for the Women's Wellness Center. Thanks to your ongoing support, in 2016 WWC met the needs of 894 unduplicated homeless women, assessed 43 women for housing and helped 19 women reach their housing needs. Items may be dropped off in donation basket or in the Pastoral Center.

Current Needs: 
Sanitary Products
Underwear (mixed to large sizes)
Rubbing Alcohol
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hand Sanitizer (2 liter)
Cough Drops
Hand warmers
Feet warmers
Give Online
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