Issue #23    January 2017
Happy New Year! We are excited about everything God is doing here at Mountain Park UMC, and we want to take a moment to invite you to connect further with us in this new year. We are seeking to grow stronger in our relationships with God and in our relationships with each other!
Upcoming Events:

New Ministry Opportunities for 3rd - 5th Graders!

We began a new ministry specifically for our 3rd - 5th grade students during Advent, starting with a new Acolyte program. Starting on January 22, we will be expanding this new ministry. Once per month (the fourth Sunday of each month), we will have a gathering after worship for fellowship, food, and discipleship. For those who would like to connect to the Acolyte part of this ministry but were not able to attend the training in November, training will be available on January 22, followed by a short Bible study and game time. We would like all students in this age group to attend, even if they do not wish to participate in the Acolyte program at this time. Parents are invited to join us for lunch at this first meeting so they can see what all we will be doing!

Another opportunity for these students to serve in ministry is in Worship in the Park. We are looking for Assistant Park Rangers to help out each week, and we are looking for actors and actresses for skits that will take place most weeks. A sign-up sheet will be available at this first meeting for those avenues of ministry, as well as the Acolyte schedule.

Parents' Day Out

Every couple needs time just for themselves! And when better to take a couple of hours away together than right around Valentine's Day? That's why we are hosting a Parents' Day Out on Sunday, February 12, immediately following the worship service until 2:30. This is by reservation only, so you will need to sign up in advance! You may do that by clicking here. Registration begins today and will end Wednesday, February 1.
Service Spotlight
Seeking all ages who have inner thespians! Our Worship in the Park curriculum has skits that go along with our lesson each week, and we need great volunteers who would like to be actors for these skits! There are also opportunities occasionally for set building or prop creating (like making things you would see around a tomb for the Easter lesson, etc.), if that is your forte! If you would be willing to help us out in this new area of worship, please reply to this email. Thanks!
Save the Date!
Friday, March 24 - Sunday, March 26: Indoor Camp-In for grades 2 - 5. This will be in lieu of a spring retreat off-campus. More details will be coming soon, so stay tuned!