December 2016

We haul all kind of commodities through the North American region


Mexico is one of the most important markets in the world for the German automotive group BMW, so the company endorsed its commitment to continue its investments in the country and reiterated the opening of its new plant in San Luis Potosí in 2019

President and CEO for BMW Group Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean, Alexander W. Wehr, said that "at the end of the day, in an environment affected by the exchange rate, by any Free Trade Agreement, Adjustment, but the road is ahead and focused on Mexico...


Despite the controversy that has arisen in recent months for the double towing, removing them from traffic would imply a 26% increase in transportation costs, according to the Mexican Institute of Competitiveness (Imco).

The discussion remains open and the proposals for and against its continuity are still being reviewed by Congress and the Secretariat of Communications and Transport... 


The federal government promised that the New Mexico City International Airport will begin operations on October 20, 2020. The target could be short given the new bidding scheme and delays in awarding the contracts



According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the dates may be at risk on account the schedule of works tender... 


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During the 49 weeks to December 10, Mexican railways reported a traffic of 1,319,448 wagons and intermodal units to the United States, representing a decrease of 2.1% compared to the previous year.
Mexican trains had a 4% share of total traffic registered by the American Railways Association (AAR), which resulted in an accumulated 32,327,661 wagons and intermodal units, which at the same time ended in a fall of 5.2% over 2015...

Faced with the economic volatility faced by exogenous factors such as global growth as well as Donald Trump's victory in the United States elections, the development of industrial parks will be maintained by the advantages offered in Mexico, said Pablo Charvel Orozco, Mexican President on Association of Industrial Parks (AMPIP)
This sector is facing moments of uncertainty, however, the investments that are made in this sector are not in the short term, said Charvel...



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Some interesting facts about NAFTA and the U.S. - Mexico

 U.S. goods and services trade with Mexico totaled an estimated $583.6 billion in 2015. Exports were $267.2 billion; imports were $316.4 billion. Mexico is currently US 3rd largest goods trading partner with $531 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2015. Goods exports totaled $236 billion; goods imports totaled $295 billion


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Did you know about History of the piñata in Mexico?


Traditionally, piñatas are filled with both candies and fruits. Around Christmas in Mexico, wrapped candies, peanuts, guavas, oranges, jicamas(a sweet root vegetable), sugar cane, and tejocotes (a kind of crab apple) stuff piñatas. Some types of piñatas called traps, are stuffed with flour, confetti or 'flowery water'. Any child without a treat after the goodies are gathered from the ground is given a little basket full of special candy. These colaciónes are kept on hand to avoid hurt feelings and tears. The rest of the treats are passed around to everyone before the party is over.



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