Fall Quarterly Newsletter
The 11-week fall term begins the week of September 18. We still have openings in some classes. Call to sign up. 503.223.8157

Continuing Ed for Yoga Teachers & Teachers in Training
These are the dates and topics for the fall:
October 8, 2017 
Preparing Students for Backbends with Julie G.
November 5, 2017
Teaching Yoga to Beginners with Hope F.
December 10, 2017
Getting Your Students Safely Into Inversions with Laila D.
Scroll down for more info. 
October 21-22, 2017
St. Paul, MN
St. Paul Yoga Center
Muscle Imbalances: Back Pain

November 18-19, 2017 
Berkeley, CA
The Yoga Room
Asana & Anatomy
A Note from Julie Gudmestad
Welcome back to fall term! As you settle into fall routines, we hope you are savoring happy summer memories. We would love to hear about your yoga adventures, and of course would be happy to post your photos on our "Yoga on Vacation" bulletin board in the stairwell at the studio.

triangle at crater lake
I'm sharing here a couple of photos from our trip to Crater Lake in June. There's Triangle Pose, in view of the lake: how many triangles can you see in the picture? Besides all the triangles we can see in nature, many yoga poses are named after animals: dolphin, heron, frog, turtle and camel. In the plant world, poses are named for lotus and tree. When I see a stand of straight-trunked trees, like pines, I often think of a room full of students standing tall in Tadasana, which is sometimes called Palm Tree.

Let us not forget dog pose, including downward-facing and upward-facing variations. Our canine friends usually inspire us with one or both every day. However, my cat thinks the poses are misnamed, as she practices them herself every day and loves to join me on my mat. Our cats and dogs do their best to help us remember the maxim: Another day, another dog pose.

As always, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to contact us.

Julie Gudmestad 
Yoga Tip

Downward Facing Dog

As you can see in the photo, I found a nice spot to do a Dog at Crater Lake. Even if you can't find a stone wall, Dog Pose is easy to do outside. Remember that your hands can be higher than your feet, so you could place your hands on a picnic table bench, fallen tree trunk, or car bumper, and do the pose even with your shoes or hiking boots on.

down dog crater lake
Just as this picture illustrates, the lines from hand to hip, and heel to hip are meant to be straight. Many students have a rounded back in this pose, which unfortunately shortens the front body, and compresses the diaphragm and internal organs. The rounded back may be due to tight hamstrings, but it can also be caused by placing the hands too close to the feet. While it usually takes months to improve hamstring flexibility, it takes only a moment to check the hand-foot distance.

To find the correct distance, simply come forward into plank pose, and make sure the wrists are directly under the shoulders. Keep that hand-foot distance, and push back again into dog. With this generous distance, you'll be more likely to form the straight line from hand to hip, lengthening the spine and opening the abdomen. It will be a light and spacious pose, tempting you to come back again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. You may find that your cat or dog wants to join you on your mat, where they enjoy the good vibes emanating from your pose.

Continuing Education

For all of you that are yoga teachers or are currently in a yoga teacher training program, we are offering the following continuing education classes this fall.

October 8, 2017
Preparing Students for Backbends with Julie Gudmestad, PT
November 5, 2017
Teaching Yoga to Beginners with Hope Fyfield, PT
December 10, 2017
Getting Your Students Safely Into Inversions with Laila Deardorff, PT.

The classes will be held on Sundays from 3:00 - 6:00 pm. They are eligible for CE credit with the Yoga Alliance.

We are still working on details, so keep an eye on our website for specifics and registration. If you aren't yet on our CE email list please send an email to [email protected] and we will put you on the list.

Welcome Our New Teachers

We are excited to announce we have added two new teachers to our Gudmestad community. You may have met Lori Raydo and Glenn Montgomery as they assisted during classes this summer.

Lori Raydo
Lori and Glenn have been working all summer as assistants to our teachers while preparing to teach their own classes this fall term.

Lori comes to us with impressive teaching experience beyond the yoga studio. Her background is in performing and visual arts, as well as mindfulness.

Glenn Montgomery
Glenn has been a student at Gudmestad Yoga since 2012 and is a recent graduate of the Lundberg Yoga Teacher Training offered at Gudmestad Yoga. He brings a wealth of knowledge from his background of martial arts, meditation and mindfulness in addition to his yoga experience.

Please join us in welcoming both Glenn and Lori to the Gudmestad Yoga teaching team.

The fall is fast approaching. We can feel it now as the days begin to shorten. The excitement of the eclipse is past, but is still resonating with us. We all have a new appreciation for life now, right? Well, maybe we still need our yoga practice and community to keep that appreciation in our sights.

Hope to see you soon!

Janice Gega
Gudmestad Yoga