Goodbye Obamas... 
We Will Miss You...



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Beautiful  Photos 
of the  Obamas...
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A post from my oldest daughter 
sent to her friends... She was 27 
when Barack took office in 2008:

I remember 2008 like it was yesterday. I came home at 10:00 p.m. from my graduate class (test prep) to see my roommates sitting on the couch, waiting on me before we turned on the TV, to see if Obama had won the Iowa caucus. 

We turned on the TV and saw that he had won, so we started jumping up and down, screaming, shouting, and crying....WE KNEW he had a chance! The day I started campaigning for Obama... (If you think I am annoying you now, you should have known me then. Ha) 

To President Obama -- I've enjoyed your compassion, intelligence, humor, calm demeanor, cool leadership, down to earth personality, beautiful family, and your strength in the face of pure evil and meanness. You and your family are what we ALL aspire for ourselves and our families. 

There's not too many times you'd catch me crying but I'm going to really miss you and what you represented for so many of us. Thank you for your service. We love you and we wish you well and I hope you stay active in helping those of us that want to continue in the fight for this country to succeed. #FarewellObama #BestPresidentEver #IllAlwaysLoveYou #MyPresidentAlways #YesWeDid

Obama's parting words: 'We're going to be OK'
Obama's parting words: 'We're going to be OK'

Obama-Biden 'bromance' ends in tears - BBC News
Obama-Biden 'bromance' ends in tears 

Obama Gets Emotional Thanking Michelle Obama at Farewell Speech/ Address Chicago 01/10/2017
Obama Gets Emotional Thanking Michelle Obama at Farewell Speech/ Address Chicago 01/10/2017

Michelle Obama's Emotional Final Message To America
Michelle Obama's Emotional Final Message To America

Obamas & Bidens Wave Goodbye To Crowd At Farewell Address In Chicago
Obamas & Bidens Wave Goodbye To Crowd At Farewell Address In Chicago


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....Cathy Harris